Komunikasi HT YAESU VX 7R Handy Talky[31 Jan. 2010, 21:51:04]
Yaesu VX-7R is a triple band ( 6M, 2M & 440 MHz) HT with extensive receive coverage, and leading-edge features. The American version even transceivers with 300 mW on the 220 band. Power output on 6 meters, 2 meters and 440 MHz is 5/ 2.5/ 1/ 0.5 watts. It receives the AM and FM broadcast bands, shortwave ( AM) , VHF and UHF TV audio, VHF Air and public service frequencies. This new model features a rugged magnesium case with rubber bumpers and gaskets. It clearly sets the standard in ruggedness, versatility and water resistance. It is actually submersible ( 3 feet for 30 minutes) . There is even an optional submersible speaker mic. The Yaesu display at the Dayton Hamvention 2002 featured the VX7R submerged over 1 meter and powered for over 8 hours!