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    Scriber electronic scriber Cs110 and CS55, Hub Kelly, 021-9123 6509

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    Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
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    Scriber, Electronic Scriber CS110 and CS55

    • Lettering complying with the standards with text height of 1 to 30mm in 0.1mm steps and selectable writing angles • Multi-line text left-aligned, right – aligned or centred, justified text or text arround a circle • Typeface variations • Tables • Dimensioning and framing • Circles and symbols • Permanent memory with 99 addresses • Reverse positioning of max. 40 characters, tabulator with 40 startpoints • Constant pitch for tables • Mirror image writing, variable spacing, variable expansion and condensing of lettering • Direction of writing selectable in 90 degree steps, letter slant in 1 degree steps wilthin + / - 45 degrees • Text along arcs • Pen speeds selectable in steps between 0.5 to 12 cm per seconds.
    This compact unit shows through the exact in the viewline available display every single step on the way to a perfect looking lettering and symbols complying with the standards. The performance is acc. to the features of the CS 55 Top enhanced with 10 internal typefaces together with integrated symbols individual selectable, according to the customer needs.

    Specifications: Dimensions: 378 x 168 x 48 mm. Weight: 1.35 kg. Pen range: x-axis, 190mm; y-axis, 45mm. Resolution: 0.01mm. Pen speed: 0.5, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.0 cm/ sec. Display: 36 characters plus cursor and status. Power consumption: 40w.

    In general, the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top, the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top architecture and the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top surveying can be upgraded with the key module to the features of the NC-Scriber CS 110. Further on with the next upgrade module, the features of the NC-Scriber CS 110 Plus can be adchieved

    Hub :
    HP. ( 021) 9123 6509

    Email / YM : kelly_batavia@

    WEB :

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