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If you are looking for a large capacity mixer stand, the KitchenAid Artisan Stand may be the perfect mixer stand for you since it can hold up to 5 quarts of butter, cookie dough, whipping cream and more. With up to 325 watts of power, it can make your baking and cooking much easier than attempting to mix by hand.

The KitchenAid Artisan mixer beater spins in a clockwise motion but the shaft portion spins counter-clockwise. What this means is the beater moves at 67 different points inside the bowl, meaning your ingredients are better mixed and blends everything uniformly.

In addition, the stainless steel bowl locks into the base, so you do not have to worry that is will move even on its highest setting. The unit stands at 15 inches and takes about a foot of counter space. When you need a strong and solid mixer, KitchenAid has made a true winner with this model.

The mixer does have optional attachments, such as a citrus juicer, grinder, slicer, and shredder.


If you do a lot of mixing while cooking, you will love the features the unit has, these include:

325 watts of mixing power
10 speeds
5 quart stainless steel mixing bowl
Tilt-back positioning so you can access the mixer with ease
It has a one piece pouring shield with a chute that makes it easier to add ingredients
Included with the mixer are a flat beater, wire whip, and a dough hook
Comes in various colors to match your other kitchen appliances
Weighs just 22 pounds, making it sturdy enough to not move while mixing but light enough to move from
counter to counter when needed
Comes with a 1 year warranty

Rp 4.850.000 *

* Harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu
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