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Fogging Machine 021-70748483, 081380327507
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Ibu Grace
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Tanggal Bergabung: 24 May. 2023 Terakhir Diperbarui: 6 Feb. 2012

Jual: MAXI PRO 2P ULV , MAXI PRO 2P ( Piston Engine ULV) :
MAXI PRO 2P ULV , MAXI PRO 2P ( Piston Engine ULV) :
MAXI PRO 2P ULV , MAXI PRO 2P ( Piston Engine ULV) :
Type Alat Penyemprot ULV
Mesin penggerak 2 Silinder Aluminium, 4 Strokes, 18 Hp, premium dengan
electric starter
Blower Terhubung langsung dengan mesin penggerak, type positive
displacement rotary, dengan kuat hembusan 8, 5 m3/ menit
tekanan 8 psi
Sistem nozzle 2 buah tipe Boom, masing-masing dapat diputar 360o
turun naik ( Azimuth) dan 360o kiri-kanan ( Horizontal)
Sistem formulasi Tangki bertekanan dengan petunjuk dan pengaturan aliran
formulasi dari 0-1480 mililiter/ menit
Tangki formulasi Stainless steel 40 liter
Tangki bahan bakar Polietilen 30 liter
Ukuran partikel Memenuhi ketentuan insektisida yang umum digunakan
Dengan 90% atau lebih berukuran dibawah 20 mikron
Berat kosong 185 kg....
Berat tangki terisi penuh 262 kg
Ukuran ( 111, 8 x 94 x 76) cm
Rangka ( 96, 5 x 76, 2) cm
Volume 1, 21 m3
Berat kotor 245 kg
Rekomendasi WHO
Packing ( 122 x 100, 4 x 94) cm
.The Maxi Pro 2P is another innovation from The Curtis Dyna-Fog' s engineering staff that responds to the needs of any insect and vector control program. Its reliable performance will provide years of continued use to any mosquito abatement district requiring the best equipment available.

The Maxi Pro 2P has a simple but accurate chemical metering control system that assures a high standard of efficiency with a minimum of effort.

Standard Features

* A more powerful 18 h.p., air-cooled, twin-cylinder engine that includes a charging system and electrical starting.
* Air pressure gauge for monitoring nozzle air pressure.
* Air pressure gauge for monitoring formulation tank pressure.
* A completely directionally adjustable nozzle boom that allows complete freedom of spray direction.
* Direct drive blower eliminates the need for belts.
* Quieter operation due to large effective blower filter/ silencer.
* Shock absorbing pads that help cut damaging vibration to an absolute minimum.
* Stainless steel, flow meter, no chemical flows through the vehicle cab.
* No special wiring needed for hook up.
* Welded tubular-steel frame.
* Remote formulation on/ off control.
* Electric stainless steel solenoid valve.
* Digital hour-tachometer.
* Limited one year warranty.
Negara Asal:Indonesia
Cara Pembayaran:Tunai
Kemas & Pengiriman:Standard

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