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Villa Mutiara Gading Blok F5/9A
Bekasi 17215, Jawa Barat

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Hotel Intelligent Control System
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Negara AsalIndonesia
Hotel Intelligent Control System, Guest Room Control Managemnt System

Hotel Intelligent Control System Description
System composing
1.Hardware: guest room controller, intelligent door lock, card distributor, intelligent safe, room card, identity recognitioner, five to one indication panel, collection control panel, service panel, emergency call equipment, A/ C temperature controller, door magnetism switch , dispersive rebound switch, infrared spy, music doorbell, floor PBX and main PBX
2.Software: guest room center management software, card distribution software of intelligent door lock

System functions sum-up
1. Long-distance control function
2. Humanity light setting function and intelligent A/ C management function
3. Identity recognition function
4.Shadowless type service function
5. Infrared detection function
6. Security function
7.History records inquiry
8.Data share function
9. Increment function

System benefit

ONE, Energy saving Guest control system realizes energy saving through following two points:
1, intelligent identity recognitioner ---guest room takes electricity by recognitioner, no other than system allowed, effective card can take electricity, other company' s card and the slip of paper cannot take the electricity.

2, Infrared detector ---lights and exhaust fan in bathroom realized by detector, make lights and exhaust fan to be used reasonably, achieved they are opened when somebody is in, otherwise, time delay close automatically. Remark: The traditional hotel uses infrared electricity-getting switch or the mechanical type electricity-getting switch to take electricity. The bathroom lights and exhaust fan are controlled by using strong electric switch, usually, guest lets them whole evening to be opened---The electrical energy wastes in vain, brings unnecessary economic loss to the hotel.

Air conditioning energy saving---a. In daytime, guest take out card and leave room, the air conditioning enters into energy saving status automatically. ( air machine provides wind, and electromagnetism valve closed) b. In the night, gust set a too low temperature ( like 18 degree) , the system can adjust/ increase room temperature degree through front desk to prevent cold from guest, and save air conditioning energy. To adopt the intelligent guest control system to carry out above things, to achieve the goal for the hotel of energy saving. According to the preliminary statistics one day may save 1-2 kwh electricity per room, by 1 .00Yuan/ kwh calculating, a guest room one day may save 2 Yuan, Living rate according to 80% calculates to a hotel 300 rooms, the system may save at least 300* 2* 365* 80% = 175, 200 yuan for the hotel per year.

TWO, Security The system is under networking, the door lock and the safeâ s open and close records are real-time online monitoring, if happens unusual situation, system will give an auto-alarm, to remind service personnel to carry on secure service for the guest ( to remind guest to pay attention to safety) .

THREE, Service promotion The traditional hotel room service only has â do not disturbâ , â make up roomâ and â doorbellâ function, But this system room service includes: â Do not disturbâ , â make up roomâ , â service callâ , â check outâ , â wait a jiffyâ , â emergency callâ , â doorbellâ function, and the â hide serviceâ function, make the hotel room service function promote largely, give guest shadowless services

FOUR, Strengthen management the system is under network---convenient for hotel to unify management, the administrative person can real-time know service personnel and maintenance man place and their work progress, is advantageous for the administrative personnel to organize service personnel well to carry on the service promptly for the guest---Punctual, accurate unmistakable, to avoid management loophole, and promote the hotel grade of service quality and level.

FIVE, Comments the star to add grade The system has above advanced functions, can bring actual benefit for the hotel, to speed hotel management to make great strides forward towards the computer system management, will bring the benefit for the future star comment ---add grade

SIX, After service The traditional hotel guest room electric appliance equipments ( door lock, safe, electricity getting switch panel, outside door indication plate, switch plate and so on) are purchased from different suppliers, when meets problems, the supplies wrangle mutually, said it is otherâ s problem, cannot obtain the prompt solution, suffers injury to hotel itself. But if only one supplier, the question well solves: only send 1 or 2 engineers to solve all questions, provides the guarantee of after service for the hotel.

SEVEN, Investment return The system only need to add a guest room controller and several net wires on the hotel guest room original hardware foundation to realize networking through network platform, the hotel mainly increase a guest room controller investment, but return of capital investment only needs 1 year possibly. ( see energy saving part description: the system may save at least 300* 2* 365* 80% = 175, 200 yuan for the hotel per year) . After that, the hotel will come into the time of creating income, it is quite easy, quick and effective for hotel to take back investment.
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