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Anggota Gratis

Katalog Produk

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  • Water Melon

    Water Melon

    25 Euros

    Water melon i like our mother product cos we we started our firm from it, here we supply them very fresh. We do package of 50 melons and sell for 25 Euros.

  • Mangoes


    30 Euros

    As for Mangoes, It` s season is now at hand. We do package of 100 mangoes and sell for 30 Euros. We mostly trade on bio mangoes.

  • Oranges


    35 Euros

    In addition to Pineapples and Mangoes, we also trade on oranges which we do package of 200 and sell for 35 Euros.

  • Pineapples,  Mangoes

    Pineapples, Mangoes

    35 Euros and 30 Euros

    As we earlier explained, we do packaging of 100 Mangoes for 30 Euros and a package of 100 pineapples for 35 Euros. We mostly do our shipments for maximum of 5 working days, to....

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