Info Perusahaan
Katalog Produk
Raised Floor
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Bahasa :
Anggota Gratis
PT Eterniti Total Jasa
Katalog Produk
Gambar lebih besar
Raised Floor
Jumlah Pesanan:
Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara Pembayaran
Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai, Cek Bank
Kemas & Pengiriman
square meter (m2)
Negara Asal
Access FLoor is a type of floor used in modern building ( such as if data centers) with a high requirement for servicing to carry cables, wiring, electrical supply, etc.
Dimension of interchangeable panel 600x600x35mm, understructure of adjustable height legs ( pedestal) is dictated by the volume of cables and other services provided beneath, but typically arranged for a clereance of at least 80 mm.
Now, these panels are suitable for a wide range of applications from typical office applications to classroom, libraries, casinos, data centers, universities, etc.
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