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Sony DVP-FX810 Portable Dvd with Screen[16 Sep. 2008, 21:35:07]
HargaCek Harga Terbaru di
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Negara AsalJepang

Providing mobile entertainment, Sony’s Portable DVD players are the perfect companion if you are on a business trip
or on a holiday jaunt. Designed to be compact and rugged, our portable DVD players are packed with many features
to ensure your viewing experience is nothing short of ideal. With several viewing options, multiple features and
widescreen LCD Monitor that delivers vibrant images, it’s your must-have entertainment device whenever you are
traveling long-distance.

Watch your favorite DVDs anytime you want with the Sony's DVP-FX810 portable DVD player. Boasting a swivel
screen and rugged design, this device is perfect for people on the go !


• 8-inch Wide Screen LCD Monitor
• 6 hours Battery Life
• DivX Playback
• Stylish Laptop Design - 180º Swivel Screen
• Built-in Stereo Speaker
• Anti-Shock Function
• MP3 & JPEG Playback
• Kodak Picture CD Playback
• Car Battery Adaptor
• Multi Format DVD/CD Disc Playback
• Headphone Jack x 2

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