Splitter/ Distributor Kanal Video VGA untuk 4 Monitor / LCD TV.
Ideal untuk Broadcast Video dari 1 unit PC/ Laptop ke 4-unit Monitor /
TV / Projector. Suitable for common LCD Display, PCs Tube Monitor,
LCD TV with VGA input, DLP Projector. Distance up-to 25M
Broadcast Your video Informations :
News headline, Stock prices, airline - train - bus schedules, etc ... to the Public
The video splitter is compatible with 95% of the monitor on the market and enables up-to 64 monitors to share the
information of a host computer simultaneously.
All that needed to operate the system is personal computer with VGA card, cables, a power adaptor and the monitor
These video splitters are boosting devices that duplicate the video signal from any analog monitor source to 4-outputs.
As such, they provide fast, flexible solutions for situations such as:
• Broadcast Your video Informations: News headline, Stock prices, airline - train - bus schedules, etc ... to the Public
• Monitoring harst work environments from safe locations
• Classroom or company training facilities
The monitor splitter go beyond being merely duplicators, however in that they also enhance.
The video signals over long distance broadcasting of up-to 50M. In addition, units can be daisy chained to handle as
many monitors as the installations requires, making them excellent solutions for public broadcast system.
To achieve multiple hi-quality VGA, SVGA, or multisync video signals over long distance, these video splitters are
Your best .
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Email : sales@
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