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Menulis tinjauan


Detektor Kamera Pengintai CCTV - iCam CD-007 Spy Camera Detector
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Alat Pendeteksi / Pelacak Kamera CCTV Kabel / Wireless. iCam CD-007

Sebuah Perangkat sangat efektif, praktis untuk mendeteksi keberadaan kamera tersembunyi.
Aktifkan kotak kompak ini dan mengintip melalui lubang jendela detektor, tampilan untuk melihat refleksi dari iris dari setiap kamera mata-mata / cctv tersembunyi. Identifikasi pelacakan menjadi mudah.

A highly effective, practical device to detect spies or sleazy co-workers. By activating this compact box, simply peer
through the viewing window in order to see a reflection from the iris of any spy cameras enabling easy identification.

With 5 different flashing frequencies of the ultra bright LEDs, you' ll be able to easily and effortlessly locate even the
smallest of spy cameras with a quick sweep of the room.

A simple yet incredibly effective device that might just save your bacon, get one today and eliminate the paranoia that
comes from living in today' s constant surveillance society.


• Powerful spy camera detection device
• Ideal for those who value their privacy and to prevent intrusive filming of your activities
• Lightweight, easy to use and extremely effective

• Find all Wireless or Wired CCD and CMOS Camera
• Built-in super bright LED up-to 110000 CMD bright
• Mini portable size, smaller than cigarette box
• 5 speed mode flashing, easy to operate
• Built-in hi-capacity Li-ion rechargeable battery
• Internal charge circuit and short circuit protection

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