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Embryology Academy for Research & Training

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Embryology Academy for Research & Training
Embryology Academy for Research & Training
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    Advanced course in cryopreservation

    Advanced course in cryopreservation

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    Keterangan :

    Advanced course in cryopreservation

    A “Cryo” oriented course incorporates demo, lectures and limited hands on.

    Deals exhaustively with freezing techniques, instruments and protocols

    related to sperm, oocytes, embryos and blastocysts

    Course Objective:
    This Module aims to provide detailed theoretical & practical knowledge of

    Cryopreservation of sperms & Embryos. Suitable for people well acquainted

    with procedures of IUI/ IVF/ ICSI.

    Methodology of Training:

    Interactive multimedia sessions covering
    Basics of Cryopreservation.
    Cryo media.
    Freezers & their functioning.
    Sperm cryopreservation methods and limitations.
    Embryo cryopreservation methods and limitations.
    Vitrification concept, development, methods and limitations.

    Guided hands on covering:
    LN2 Transfer from & to cryocans.
    Filling of LN2 in to programmable freezer .
    Demo of programming for various samples Loading of cryo straws.
    Labeling of cryo straws.
    Cryopreservation of sperm.
    Storing of cryo straw/ vials in Canister .

    Course duration:
    2 Days

    Course Code Course Fee
    EC05 20,000
    (INR+12.36% Service tax) 500
    (US $+12.36% Service tax)

    Trainees will get:
    Certificate on completion, Course Manual and working lunch during training.

    By MCQ'S & Demo of Skills acquired.

    Embryology Academy for Research & Training
    Telephone: +91 22 2845 7140 / 2845 7059
    Fax: +91 22 2845 6766

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