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Tn. D. Santoso Narpati
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Nomor ponsel Tn. D. Santoso Narpati di Surabaya
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Patchouly Oil (Minyak Nilam)[26 May. 2009, 5:42:42]
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Kemas & PengirimanDrum
Negara AsalIndonesia
Description: Patchouli is a very fragrant herb with soft oval leaves and square stems. It grows from 2 to 3 feet in height and provides an unusual odor that is nonetheless characteristic of patchouli when the leaves are rubbed. The color of the Patchouli oil is affected by the distillation machine. If distillation is done in Stainless steel then the color will be light, hence if done in Iron then the color will be darker.

Color: Deep Golden Brown

Common Uses: Patchouli is recognized by aromatherapists as being effective for combating nervous disorders, helping with dandruff, sores, acne, skin irritations and acne. The specific properties include use as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic, antimicrobal, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antitoxic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, nerving, prophylactic, stimulating and tonic agent. In the perfumery industry, it is interesting to note that Patchouli improves with age, and that the aged product is what is preferred over freshly harvested. In aromatherapy, Patchouli is an excellent fixative that can help extend other, more expensive oils.

Technical Data :
1. Appearance : Light yellow to dark brown liquid, darkens and thickens
with age and exposure. Having a penetrating campho-
raceous odour.
2. Specific Gravity (20°C) : 0.943 - 0.983
3. Refractive Index (20°C) : 1.504 - 1.514
4. Acid Number : Max. 8
5. Ester Number : Max. 10
6. Patchoully Alcohol Content (%) : Min. 30
7. Gurjun Balsam Oil : Negative
8. Solubility in 90% ethanol (v/v) : 1 : 10 clear
9. Fatty Oil : Negative
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