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    Kami adalah marketing ( Call: 0888 413 5600) Gramedia Direct Selling Tahun 2009 yang menyediakan buku-buku encyclopedia dan referensi resmi. Berikut nama-nama buku Encyclopedia & Rerefensi berikut catalog & daftar harganya.

    1.Britannica Discovery 12 Vol 2007
    2.Britannica Learning Library 6 Vol 2003
    3.Children Right& Social Wrong 3 Vol 2001
    4.Encyclopedia Britannica 32 Vol 2007 + I Vol Annual
    5.Encyclopedia Ethnography Middle East& Century Asia 3 Vol 2005
    6.Encyclopedia of Children& Development 8 Vol 1997
    7.Encyclopedia of Nobel Laureates Physics 2 Vol 2002
    8.Encyclopedia of Nobel Laureates Physics 2 Vol 2002
    9.Encyclopedia of The Word Biography 10 Vol 2004
    10.Encyclopedia of Mammals 3 Vol 2001
    11.Fortune: Illustrated Children 10 Vol 2004
    12.Great Book of Heirlom 60 Vol 2003
    13.Illustrated Library of World Knowledge 4 Vol 2002
    14.My First Britannica 13 Vol 2004
    15.Oxford Children Encyclopedia 9 Vol 2002
    16.Visual Ilmu Pengetahuan Populer 6 Vol + 6 CD 2009
    17.Visual Dictionary with Definitions 1 Vol 2007

    1. New Trainers Toolkit 4 Vol 2004
    2. Complete New Training Library 12 Vol 2002
    3. Education in The New Millenium 4 Vol 2003
    4. Encyclopedia of Education & Development 2 Vol 2002
    5. Encyclopedia of History of Educational 4 Vol 2000
    6. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Development 9 Vol 2004
    7. Encyclopedia of Leaders & Stateperson 1 Vol 2005
    8. Encyclopedia of Management Training 2 Vol 2001
    9. Encyclopedia of Practical Management Training 20 Vol 5005
    10. Encyclopedia of Technical Education 4 Vol 2006
    11. Encyclopedia Training & Performance Management 11 Vol 2005
    12. Encyclopedia of Management 7 Vol 1999
    13. Encyclopedia of Teaching Methods 2 Vol 2006
    14. Handbook of Financial 2 Vol 2003
    15. HRD Edisi Indonesia 10 Vol 2003
    16. HRD Training & Development 6 Vol 1999
    17. Human Resource Development 2 Vol 1999
    18. Improving Quality of Educational Research 2 Vol 2002
    19. International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 12 Vol 2003
    20. Key to Personal Effectiveness 7 Vol 2001
    21. Seri Sumber Daya Manusia 7 Vol 2001
    22. The Art of HRD 9 Vol 2001
    23. The Art of Training & Development 9 Vol ed.Indonesia 2004
    24. The Art of Training & Development in Management 6 Vol 2002
    25. The Complete Guide to Learning & Assassment 3 Vol 2004
    26. The Complete Training Encyclopedia 4 Vol 2002
    27. World Education Encyclopedia 3 Vol 2002

    1. A Refresher Course in Practical Management 10 Vol 2000
    2. Art of Markrting 9 Vol 2001
    3. Asian Accounting Handbook 1 Vol 2005
    4. Business Management & Globalisation 4 Vol 2002
    5. Eco Informatics 5 Vol 2002
    6. Encyclopedia of Green Business Management 5 Vol 2006
    7. Encyclopedia of Management for 21st Century 10 Vol 2000
    8. Encyclopedia of Practical Management 14 Vol 2000
    9. Encyclopedia of Project Management 2 Vol 1999
    10. Encyclopedia of Strategic Management 5 Vol 2002
    11. Encyclopedia of Educational Research 3 Vol 2002
    12. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Economics 3 Vol 2001
    13. Encyclopedia of Business & Finance 2 Vol 2001
    14. Global Business Library 24 Vol 2000
    15. Handbook of Business Management 3 Vol 2002
    16. Marketing Promotion Series 8 Vol 2005
    17. Morrisey dan Perencanaan 3 Vol 1997
    18. International Encycl, of profesional Management 7 Vol 1998
    19. International Encyclopedia og Marketing 5 Vol 1998
    20. The Art & Science of Finacial Management 7 Vol 1999
    21. Tractical Strategic for Teacher, Lecturer 4 Vol 2004
    22. The Manager' s Toolkit Series 4 Vol 2005
    23. The Management Series Paket I & II, 8 Vol 2000
    24. The Art of Strategic Management 9 Vol 2004
    25. The New Finance Library 8 Vol 2005
    26. The Encyclopedia of Strategic Marketing 10 Vol 2005

    1. Asia Government & Politics 4 Vol 1998
    2. Crime, Compliance & Control 1 Vol 2004
    3. Criminal Law 2nd Ed 1 Vol 2000
    4. Critical Beings 1 Vol 2004
    5. Cyber Crimes and Law 2 Vol 2002
    6. Cyber Crimes Notorious Aspects 4 Vol 2001
    7. Dispute Processing & Conflict 1 Vol 2003
    8. Encyclopedia of Cyber Law & Crime 5 Vol 2003
    9. Encyclopedia of International Law 5 Vol 1997
    10. Encyclopedia of Constitutional Law 5 Vol 2003
    11. Environmental Impact Assassement 1 Vol 2002
    12. Environmental Policy: Implement & Inforcement 1 Vol 2002
    13. Encyclopedia of Humanities 2 Vol 2006
    14. International Encyclopedia of Peace Security 7 Vol 1996
    15. Encyclopedia of Modern Political Theory 3 Vol 2005
    16. International Dimension of The Human Right 3 Vol 2006
    17. International Environment Law 15 Vol 1996
    18. Oxford Companion to American Law 14 Vol 2002
    19. Constitutional Law 1 Vol 2000
    20. Corporate Law 2nd Ed 1 Vol 2000
    21. Judicial Dictionary 2nd Ed 1 Vol 2001
    22. La Business Organisational 1 Vol 2005
    23. Legal System of The World 4 Vol 2005
    24. Political System of The World 2 Vol 1999
    25. Political Thinker of The World 2 Vol 2004

    1. Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice, 2ed 4 Vol 2002
    2. Encyclopedia of Crime , Police & Judicial System 14 Vol 2000
    3. Encyclopedia of Espionage Intelegence & Security 3 Vol 2004
    4. Encyclopedia of International Terrorism 1 Vol 1999
    5. Encyclopedia of International Terrorism 5 Vol 2002
    6. Encyclopedia of International Terrorism 4 Vol 2002
    7. Encyclopedia of World Intelegence 3 Vol 2003
    8. Encyclopedia of Great Military Leader & Soldier 1 Vol 2005
    9. The Terrors of Business 3 Vol 2002

    1. Encyclopedia Biography of The Word Economic 3 Vol 2006
    2. Encyclopedia of Asian Culture & Social 8 Vol 1999
    3. Encyclopedia of Population 2 Vol 2003
    4. Illustrated Encyclopedia of People & Culture 6 Vol 1999

    1. Art & Science pf Public Relation 8 Vol 2000
    2. Dynamics of Jurnalism 3 Vol 1997
    3. Encyclopedia Broadcasting TV & Radio 3 Vol 2005
    4. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Jurnalism & Mass Communication 3 Vol 1999
    5. Encyclopedia of Communication Media 4 Vol 2000
    6. Encyclopedia of Enterpreneurship Development 4 Vol 2002
    7. Encyclopedia of Mass Communication in 21 st 5 Vol 2000
    8. Encyclopedia of Multimedia Tehnic & Networking 2 Vol 2005
    9. Encyclopedia of New Media & Education 5 Vol 2000
    10.Encyclopedia of Modern Journalism & Mass Media 10 Vol 2005
    11.Seri Public Relation 7 Vol 2003

    1. 3rd World Sociology 2 Vol 2001
    2. Applied Sommunity Psychology 2 Vol 2005
    3. Biograpical E of The Morld Socio 2 Vol 2005
    4. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Psychology 2 Vol 2001
    5. Encyclopedia of Plant Psychology 3 Vol 2006
    6. Encyclopedia of Psychology 6 Vol 2000
    7. Encyclopedia of Social Psychology 4 Vol 1999
    8. Encyclopedia of Social Research 5 Vol 1997
    9. Encyclopedia of The World Psychologist 4 Vol 2002
    10.Encyclopedia Philosophy of Education 2 Vol 2001
    11.Handbook of Industrial & Organizationl Psychology 4 Vol 2002
    12.International Encyclopedia of Sociology 2 Vol 2000
    13.Macmillan Encyclopedia of Sociology 5 Vol 2000
    14.Macmillan Encyclopedia of Phylosophy 10 Vol 2006

    1. Biodeversity Conservation Environment 2 Vol 2003
    2. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Environment Science & Technology 13 Vol 2002
    3. Encyclopedia of Bioinfotmatic 5 Vol 2005
    4. Encyclopedia of Collected Philopical Thought 4 Vol 2002
    5. Encyclopedia of Computer Science 5 Vol 2004
    6. Encyclopedia of Computer Software Technology 3 Vol 2003
    7. Encyclopedia of Ethic & Logic 10 Vol 2003
    8. Encyclopedia of Petroleum Science & Engineering 9 Vol 2005
    9. Encyclopedia of Science & Technology 5 Vol 2004
    10.Encyclopedia of Textile 5 Vol 2000
    11.Encyclopedia of The History of Science 2 Vol 2002
    12.Encyclopedia Science Tehnology & Ethic 4 Vol 2005
    13.McGrawhill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology 20 Vol 2002
    14.World Of Biology 1 Vol 2001
    15.World Of Physics 2 Vol 2001

    1. Encyclopedia of Hotel Tourism & Hospitalilty 6 Vol 2002
    2. Encyclopedia of Tourism in 21st Century 5 Vol 2005

    1. Consumer Reference 6 Vol 1996
    2. Encyclopedia of Aids 2 Vol 2002
    3. Encyclopedia of Aids 7 Vol 2003
    4. Encyclopedia of Hospital administration & Development 2 Vol 2002
    5. Encyclopedia of Public Health 4 Vol 2002
    6. Encyclopedia of World Medicine Plant 5 Vol 2006
    7. Encyclopedia of Genetics 2 Vol 2005
    8. Health Care System & Management 4 Vol 2001
    9. Management of Hospital 4 Vol 2002
    10. Nutrition and Well Being A to Z 2 Vol 2004

    1. Ancient Hindus Society 6 Vol 2002
    2. Biografical Ancyclopedia of Islam 4 Vol 2006
    3. Cansice History of Muslim World 3 Vol 2001
    4. Dictionary of Islam 2 Vol 2004
    5. Encyclopedia Distionary of Christian Antiquetes 9 Vol 2005
    6. Encyclopedia Distionary of Bible 10 Vol 2005
    7. Encyclopedia of Islam & Scientist 4 Vol 2005
    8. Encyclopedia of Muslim Biography 5 Vol 2001
    9. Encyclopedia of Oriental Philosophy & Religion 5 Vol 2005
    10. Encyclopedia of saint & Sages Spirituals 1 Vol 2005
    11. Encyclopedia of Science & Religion 2 Vol 2003
    12. Encyclopedia of Sects & Religipus Doctrines 4 Vol 2005
    13. Encyclopedia of The World Muslims 4 Vol 2002
    14. Encyclopedia of Hindusm 5 Vol 2000
    15. Encyclopedia of Islam & Muslim World 2 Vol 2004
    16. Encyclopedia of Socila Reformation 3 Vol 1997
    17. International encyclopedia of Islam Dynasty 01-15 2002
    18. International encyclopedia of Islam Dynasty 16-30 2002
    19. Master Piece Libarry of Budhism 10 Vol 1996
    20. Oxford Encyclopedia of Reformation 4 Vol 1996
    21. The Oxford Modern Islamic World 4 Vol/ HC 1995
    22. The Oxford Modern Islamic World 4 Vol/ SC 1995 R

    1. Ecology of Polluted Water 2 Vol 2003
    2. Encyclopedia of Agricultural 7 Vol 2005
    3. Encyclopedia of Agricultural Geography 4 Vol 2005
    4. Encyclopedia of Anthropology 9 Vol 2005
    5. Encyclopedia of Ecology 4 Vol 2006
    6. Encyclopedia of Explorers Adventure 1 Vol 2005
    7. Encyclopedia of Founders & Nation Builders 1 Vol 2005
    8. Encyclopedia of World Civilizations 2 Vol 2005
    9. Encyclopedia of World Environement 5 Vol 1999
    10. Encyclopedia of Botany 4 Vol 2005
    11. Handbook of Oceanography 2 Vol 2003
    12. International Energy Resources 4 Vol 2005
    13. Macmillan Environment Ency 1 Vol 1999
    14. Pollution Management 5 Vol 2002
    15. The Nanoscope Eof Nanoscience 6 Vol 2005
    16. The Standart Encyclopedia of Modern Agriculture & Rural 12 Vol 2006
    17. Waste Water Engineering 4 Vol 2006
    18. Water Harvesting Purifications & Distributions 3 Vol 2001
    19. Water Technology Management 2 Vol 2001
    20. Waste Water Treatment Technplogy & Environment 2 Vol 2004

    1. Encyclopedia of Woman as Human Resources 4 Vol 2001
    2. Encyclopedia of Woman Development 20 Vol 2000
    3. Encyclopedia of Woman Who Shape History 1 Vol 2005

    3. HPP-RI TH 2000 S/ D 2006 - 1 VOL
    4. HPP-RI TH 2000 - 4 VOL
    5. HPP-RI TH 2001 - 3 VOL
    6. HPP-RI TH 2002 - 3 VOL
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    10. HPP-RI 00/ 01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 06 - 21 VOL
    11. SURAT EDARAN & ATURAN MA-RI 1951-2005
    13. PERPU PPAT 1951-2004 VOL 1 & 2
    14. PERPU PPAT 1951-2004 - VOL 3
    15. PERPU PERBANKAN 1950-2004 - 2 VOL
    16. PERPU PERBANKAN 1950-2004 - 3 VOL
    18. BLACK' S LAW DICT 8 ED LUX 2004

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