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Anggota Prioritas Prioritas Indotrade
Tahun ke-17
Denko Wahana Sakti, PT
`````PIC:`` Bambang Suro, Hp: 0818721855; 08118991855; 0811761290; 70761290

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Caster Wheel,  Roda Troley,  trolley,  trolly,  troly,  Roda Castor,  Caster

Harga : Negosiasi

Star ROLLEN, Fallshaw, STGi ukuruan 2 " - 10"
Capacity 20 kg - 3, 000 kg
Wheels Polyurethane, Nylon, Black
Rubber, Grey Rubber, Phenolic Etc.
Stacker Manual Hydroulic,  Staker
Manual Stacker is a tool to lift and arrange items in the system rack, very helpful and can speed up the work with Capacity:
1 ton and 1, 5 ton, high-lift 1, 6m, 2, 5m, and 3m.
Telecospic Boom Lift
Stabdard equipment :
- Can Bus Technology
- Proportional Controls
- Safety Electric Pump
- Over Loading Limited
- Tilt protection
- Tilt Alarm
- Continuous turntable....
Aerial Work Platform
Aerial Work Platform is a very useful tool for indoor work, such as for installing the lights, fix eternite, put up decorations on the walls, clean the glass, to painting, with....
Stacker Electric
With Stacker Electric the job and preparing to take goods in warehouse will be very easy and fast, so as to increase the productivity of work and will certainly provide more....
palet pallet mesh

Harga : negosiasi

mesh pallets for storage of goods. very easy to use and can save storage space
Pic.: Bambang. Hp 0818721855
Aerial work platform
aerial work platforms, work for 2 people, with a height of 6-10 meters, it is very efficient for use in buildings.
Bambangsuro 0818721855
roda castor,  nippon,  caster wheel

Harga : negosiasi

nippon caster wheel castor wheel brands from size 4 ' - 8' , with material from the rubber wheels / rubber and polyurethane.
Bambang Suro 0818721855
Hand Truck Trolley
Troley, Capacity 150kg, 300kg, 400kg and 500kg
Brand Prestar Japan, Nansin
PIC: Bambangsuro 0818721855
Lift Table
Table Lift is a very helpful work, such as taking from the bottom to be placed over the table, with this tool does not have to bend over to pick it up.
Table Lift Capacity 150 Kg....
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