Penawaran Dagang - Propinsi Central Israel - Seluruh Dunia - Semua Hari - RSS - Lokapasar Utama Perdagangan Indonesia - Ekspor Impor - Produk, Suplier, PermintaanidWed, 05 Mar 2025 06:09:13 +0700Indotrade.idJual: License for whisky worldwide ( Excluding Spain) [Nathania, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="License for whisky worldwide ( Excluding Spain)" id=""></a>SALVADOR BRAND is seeking Licensees for Salvador Dali' s famous art works, " El Triomf I el Rodoli de la Gala I en Dali" , created by the Spanish artist in 1961. The License includes manufacturing..../SalvadorBrand/2944287/license-for-whisky-worldwide-excluding-spain.htmSALVADOR BRAND20111021174942: [Or-Yehuda, Central Israel, Israel]/Elpam_Electronics/5016104/Elpam Electronics Ltd.20140616094818: [beerot, Central Israel, Israel]/co-eng/4424728/co-eng.ltd20130820072011Jual: Supply of Portland cement to end buyers [rosh aayin, Central Israel, Israel]As acting in Funding We can Supply Portland cement from one of our clients & producers in china, Can meet any demand as long you are the real buyers, please do contact and send us your requested ..../GAONEI-ITRADE/4101452/supply-of-portland-cement-to-end-buyers.htmbar investments20130317190630Katalog Produk: russian bulk hair [raanana, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="russian bulk hair" id=""></a>russian virgin hair , 100% remy hair ! ! ! best qualiti also for wigs ! ! warrant the qualiti of the goods !/bulkhairltd/3718451/russian-bulk-hair.htmbulk hair .ltd20120920145907: [Lod, Central Israel, Israel]/BeniFreelancer/2251744/BeniFreelancer Co.20101118001324Katalog Produk: Eisenberg Group - Shirat Hayam [Moshav Pdaia, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Eisenberg Group - Shirat Hayam" id=""></a>http: / / shirat-hayam/ http: / / hayam-project/ http: / / hayam-zicron/ http: / / group- shir/ ..../EisenbergGroup/2652487/eisenberg-group-shirat-hayam.htmEisenberg Group20110602104459Katalog Produk: TI IC P/ N: MAX232DR [Petach Tikva, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="TI IC P/ N: MAX232DR" id=""></a>TI ( Texas Instruments) IC For Sale! P/ N: MAX232DR, SMD DC: 2004 Qt' y: 2, 175pcs DC: 2005 Qt' y: 10, 000pcs Total: 12, 175pcs In Stock./EvenSuppliesLtd/2597822/ti-ic-p-n-max232dr.htmEven Supplies Ltd20110508145356Katalog Produk: INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY [BATYAM, Central Israel, Israel]WE SUPPLY SUPPORTS, NOZZLES, SCREENS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE FURNANCES FOR OIL RIFINERY AND HEAT TREATMENT PLANTS, CASTINGS FOR CEMENT PLANTS, CASTINGS FOR ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS, VALVES AND PUMPS, ..../OSAGIE-ENTERPRISES/937744/industrial-supply.htmOSAGIE-ENTERPRISES20080825191628Jual: Israeli pharmaceuticals [Ramat Gan, Central Israel, Israel]International company Garan S.K. Ltd is a leading exporter of Israeli pharmaceuticals. We export a wide range of pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmaceuticals in bulk and finished forms. Our products..../GaranSK/724216/israeli-pharmaceuticals.htmGaran S.K. Ltd20080328104016Jual: Holy Land unique souvenir [Tel Aviv, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Holy Land unique souvenir" id=""></a>All company products have undergone testing to prove their authenticity. All company products are packed and sealed under the supervision of an attorney and with special markers and serial numbers..../HolyLandltd/403802/holy-land-unique-souvenir.htmHoly Land ltd20070206153322Jual: [tel aviv, Central Israel, Israel]/sugartrademarket/389321/sugar stock trade20070109104853Jual: 27" LCD TV - ( CMO Panel) - Own Brand - Brand New [Raanana, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="27" LCD TV - ( CMO Panel) - Own Brand - Brand New" id=""></a>Brand New CMO Panel LVDS ( single pixel) 27� � � ( 16: 9) H 0.1460 x V 0.4365mm 1280 x 1024 1000/ 1 550cd/ 0 ( -88/ + 88) ( H) , ( -88/ + 88) ( V) 45KHz-50KHz 47-63hz 1366 horiz by 768 vert pixels RGB stripe..../Superstone/239883/27-lcd-tv-cmo-panel-own-brand-brand-new.htmIMEX ( International Merchandise Exchange)20060201152817Jual: Donkey [Rishon Le-Zion, Central Israel, Israel]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Donkey" id=""></a>Donkey is a fun game of mind and chance. It is also a great way of practicing letter sounds and rhymes. Players enjoy the thrill of this classic game, while improving reading and matching skills. The..../TalentGames/127761/donkey.htmTalent Games20050326205828Beli: vessel chartering [Mevasseret Zion, Central Israel, Israel]We have 2 annual contracts of shipping iNdonesian Steam Coal from South Kalimanten to China/ Shanghai and Romania/ Constanza. Total 60, 000 MT x 12 x 2/NBAEnterprises/113754/vessel-chartering.htmNBA Enterprises20050205052636