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    Kimia analys ( Pro-analys) AR

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    Menyediakan kebutuhan Bahan-Bahan Kimia/ Chemicals PA ( pro analys) / 500ml/ liter/ kg.

    515 Hydrogen Peroxide 30 % Medical Extra Pure DAB 108597. 1 L
    516 Hydrogen Peroxide 35 % Extra Pure 108600. 1 L
    517 Hydrogen peroxide 30% ( stabilized) for synthesis 822287. 1 L
    518 8-Hydroquinoline GR 107098.50 g
    519 Hydroquinone for Synthesis 822333. 250 g
    520 Hydroquinone for Synthesis 822333. 1 kg
    521 2-Hydrobenzaldehyde for Synthesis 800640. 1 L
    522 4-Hydrobenzaldehyde for Synthesis 804536. 100 g
    523 Hydroxylammonium Chloride GR 104616. 250 g
    524 Hydroxylammonium Chloride GR 104616.1 kg
    525 Hydroxylammonium Sulfate GR 104617. 500 g
    526 Hydroxynaphthol Blue Metal Indicator 104593. 25 g
    527 Hypophosphorus Acid About 50 % GR 104633. 100 ml
    528 ICP-multi-element Standard Sol. IV 111355.100 ml
    529 ICP-multi-element Standard Sol. VI for ICP-MS 110580. 100 ml
    530 Imidazole Buffer Substance 104716. 50 g
    531 Imidazole Buffer Substance 104716. 250 g
    532 Immersion Oil for Microscopy 104699. 100 ml
    533 Immersion Oil for Microscopy 104699. 500 ml
    534 Indicator Buffer Tablets 108430. 500 tab
    535 Indicator Buffer Tablets 108430. 1000 tab
    536 Indicator Solution pH 0-5 109177. 100 ml
    537 Indicator Solution pH 9, 0 - 13, 0 109176. 100 ml
    538 Indigo Carmine GR 104724. 25 g
    539 Indigocarmine for Microscopy 104741. 25 g
    540 Indole GR 104730. 10 g
    541 Indole-3-Acetic Acid ( LAB) 100353. 10 g
    542 Indole-3-Acetic Acid ( LAB) 100353. 100 g
    543 Indole-3-Butyric Acid ( LAB) 100354. 5 g
    544 Indole-3-Butyric Acid ( LAB) 100354. 100 g
    545 myo-Inositol for Biochemistry 104507. 50 g
    546 myo-Inositol for Biochemistry 104507. 250 g
    547 Iodine Monobromide for Synthesis 820738. 100 g
    548 Iodine Monochloride for Synthesis 804771. 100 g
    549 Iodine Resublimed GR 104761. 100 g
    550 Iodine Resublimed GR 104761. 500 g
    551 Iodine Trichloride for Synthesis 804772. 25 g
    552 Iodine Trichloride for Synthesis 804772. 100 g
    553 0.1 N Iodine Solution 0.05 mol/ l Titrisol 109910. 1 pack
    554 0.2 N Iodine Solution acc. to Hanus 109164. 1 L
    555 0.2 N Iodine Solution acc. To Wijs 109163.1 L
    556 0.2 N Iodine Solution acc. To Wijs 109163. 2.5 L
    557 Iron Reduced GR 103819. 100 g
    558 Iron Reduced GR 103819. 500 g
    559 Iron ( II) Chloride GR 103861. 250 g
    560 Iron ( III) Chloride GR 103943. 250 g
    561 Iron ( III) chloride GR 103943. 1 kg
    562 Iron ( III) Chloride Solution ( 10 % Fe) GR 105512. 250 ml
    563 Iron ( II) Ethylenediammonium Sulfate Vol. Std. 102402.80 g
    564 Iron ( III) Nitrate GR 103883. 250 g
    565 Iron ( III) Oxide GR 103924.100 g
    566 Iron ( III) Oxide GR 103924. 250 g
    567 Iron ( II) Sulfate 7-hydrate GR 103965.500 g
    568 Iron ( II) Sulfate 7-hydrate GR 103965. 1 kg
    569 Iron ( II) Sulfide Fused Sticks 103956. 1 kg
    570 Isoamyl Acetate Extra Pure 101231. 1 L
    571 Isoamyl Alcohol GR 100979. 1 L
    572 Isoamyl Alcohol GR 100979. 2, 5 L
    573 Isobutanol GR 100984. 1 L
    574 Isobutanol GR 100984. 2, 5 L
    575 Isobutyl Methyl Ketone for Extraction Analisis 106146. 1 L
    576 Isobutyl Methyl Ketone for Extraction Analisis 106146. 2, 5 L
    577 Isobutyric Acid for Synthesis 800472. 1 L
    578 L-Isoleucine for Biochemistry 105362.25 g
    579 Isooctane GR 104727. 1 L
    580 Isooctane GR 104727. 2, 5 L
    581 KF Apura combisolvent methanol free solvent 188008. 1 L
    582 KF apura solvent for the two component titration 188015. 1 L
    583 KF apura solvent for the two component titration 188015. 2.5 L
    584 KF apura titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/ ml 188010. 1 L
    585 KF apura titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/ ml 188010. 2.5 L
    586 KF apura combititrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/ ml 188005. 1 L
    587 KF apura combicoulomat frit for cells with diaphragm 109255.500 ml
    588 KF apura combicoulomat fritless for cells with and without diaphragm 109257. 500 ml
    589 Karl Fischer Solution with Pyridine Methanol-Free in a 109248.1000 1 L
    590 single solution 109248.2500 2, 5 L
    591 Karl Fischer Solution A with Pyridine 109246.1000 1 L
    592 Karl Fischer Solution B Pyridine - free 109247.1000 1 L
    593 Kjeldahl Tablets for Wieninger Method 110958.0250 250 tab
    594 Lactic Acid About 90 % Extra Pure DAB 100366.2500 2, 5 L
    595 Lactophenol Blue Solution 113741.0100 100 ml
    596 Lactose for biochemistry 107660.0250 250 g
    597 Lactose for biochemistry 107660.1000 1 kg
    598 Lanthanum ( III) Chloride ( Lab) 112219.0100 100 g
    599 Lanthanum ( III) Chloride ( Lab) 112219.0250 250 g
    600 Lanthanum Nitrate GR 105326.0100 100 g
    601 Lanthanum ( III) Oxide for AAS 110982.0025 25 g
    602 Lanthanum ( III) Oxide ( Lab) 112220.0100 100 g
    603 Lead ( II) Acetate GR 107375.0250 250 g
    604 Lead ( II) Acetate GR 107375.1000 1 kg
    605 Lead ( II) Acetate Paper 109511.0001 1 pack
    606 Lead ( II) Carbonate GR 107381.0250 250 g
    607 Lead ( II) Chloride Anhydrous for Synthesis 807383.0500 500 g
    608 Lead Foil GR 107365.0500 500 g
    609 Lead Granular GR 107362.0250 250 g
    610 Lead ( II) Hydroxide Acetate Anhydrous 107414.1000 1 kg
    611 Lead ( II) Nitrate GR 107398.0100 100 g
    612 Lead ( II) Nitrate GR 107398.1000 1 kg
    613 Lead ( II) Oxide GR 107401.0250 250 g
    614 Lead ( II) Oxide GR 107401.1000 1 kg
    615 Lead ( IV) Oxide GR 107407.0250 250 g
    616 Light Green SF Yellowish for Microscopy 115941.0025 25 g
    617 Lithium Aluminium Hydride for Synthesis 805661.0010 10 g
    618 Lithium Carbonate GR 105680.0250 250 g
    619 Lithium Chloride GR 105679.0100 100 g
    620 Lithium Chloride GR 105679.0250 250 g
    621 Lithium Hydroxide About 96 % LiOH ( Lab) 105691.0100 100g
    622 Lithium Nitrate ( Lab) 112230.0250 250 g
    623 di-Lithium Oxalate for Synthesis 822085.0100 100 g
    624 Lithium Sulfate Monohydrate GR 105694.0250 250 g
    625 di-Lithium Tetraborate GR 105699.0100 100 g
    626 di-Lithium Tetraborate GR 105699.1000 1 kg
    627 Litmus paper Blue 109486.0001 1 pack
    628 Litmus Paper Neutral 109518.0001 1 pack
    629 Litmus paper Red 109489.0001 1 pack
    630 L-Leucine for Biochemistry 105360.0025 25 g
    631 L-Leucine for Biochemistry 105360.0250 250 g
    632 L-Lysine Monohydrochloride for Biochemistry 105700.0100 100 g
    633 Loffler' s Methylene Blue Solution for Microscopy 101287.0500 500 ml
    634 Lugol' s Solution Dilute for Microscopy 109261.1000 1 L
    635 Lugol' s Solution Dilute for Microscopy 109261.2500 2.5 L
    636 Magnesium Foil ( 25-g-reel) 105812.0001 1 pack
    637 Magnesium Acetate GR 105819.0250 250 g
    638 Magnesium Acetate GR 105819.1000 1 kg
    639 Magnesium Chloride Extra Pure 105832.5000 5 kg
    640 Magnesium Chloride GR 105833.0250 250 g
    641 Magnesium Chloride GR 105833.1000 1 kg
    642 Magnesium Hydroxide Carbonate GR 105827.0250 250 g
    643 Magnesium Nitrate GR 105853.0500 500 g
    644 Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate Suprapur 105855.0050 50 g
    645 Magnesium Oxide ( Max.0.001 % SO4) GR 105866.0100 100 g
    646 Magnesium Oxide ( Max.0.001 % SO4) GR 105866.0500 500 g
    647 Magnesium Oxide GR 105865.0100 100 g
    648 Magnesium Oxide GR 105865.0500 500 g
    649 Magnesium Oxide heavy Extra Pure DAB 9 105867.1000 1 kg LSS
    650 Magnesium Oxide Light Extra Pure DAB 105862.1000 1 kg LSS
    651 Magnesium Perchlorate Hydrate ( for Drying) GR 105874.0100 100 g
    652 Magnesium Perchlorate Hydrate ( for Drying) GR 105874.0500 500 g
    653 Magnesium Powder 105815.1000 1 kg
    654 Magnesium Sulfate 7-hydrate Extra Pure DAB 105882.2500 2, 5 kg
    655 Magnesium Sulfate 7-hydrate GR 105886.0500 500 g
    656 Magnesium Sulfate 7-hydrate GR 105886.1000 1 kg
    657 Magnesium Titriplex GR 108409.0100 100 g
    658 Malachite Green Oxalate for Microscopy Certistain 115942.0025 25 g
    659 Malachite Green Oxalate for Microscopy Certistain 115942.0100 100 g
    660 Malachite Green Oxalate for Microscopy & Microbiology 101398.0100 100 g
    661 Maleic acid for Synthesis 800380.0500 500 g
    662 Maleic anhydride for Synthsis 800408.0500 500 g
    663 DL-Malic Acid for Biochemistry 100382.0250 250 g
    664 DL-Malic Acid for Biochemistry 100382.1000 1kg
    665 Malonic Acid for Synthesis 800387.0100 100 g
    666 Maltose 1-hydrate Cryst 105911.1000 1kg
    667 Manganese ( II) Chloride 4-Hydrate GR 105927.0100 100 g
    668 Manganese ( II) Chloride 4-Hydrate GR 105927.1000 1 kg
    669 Manganese ( II) Nitrate 4-hydrate GR 105940.0500 500 g
    670 Manganese ( IV) Oxide powdered ( LAB) 105957.1000 1 kg
    671 Manganese Powder ( Lab) 112237.0250 250 g
    672 Manganese ( II) Sulfate 1-hydrate spray-dried GR 105941.0250 250 g
    673 Manganese ( II) Sulfate 1-hydrate spray-dried USP 105999.1000 1 kg
    674 Manganese ( II) sulfate 4-hydrate pure 102786.1000 1 kg
    675 D( -) Mannitol for Determination of Boric Acid 105983.0250 250 g
    676 D( -) Mannitol for Determination of Boric Acid 105983.1000 1 kg
    677 Marble Granular for Producing CO2 105986.1000 1 kg
    678 Marble Powder for Water Analysis 105977.0500 500 g
    679 May-Grunwald' s Eosin Methylene Blue for Micr. 101352.0025 25 g
    680 May-Grunwald' s Eosin Methylene Blue for Micr. 101352.0100 100 g
    681 May-Grunwald' s Eosin Methylene Blue Sol for Microscopy 101424. 500 ml
    682 Melibiose 1-hydrate for Biochemistry 112240.0005 5 g
    683 2-Mercaptoethanol for Synthesis 805740.0250 250 ml
    684 Mercury GR and for Polarography 104403.0250 250 g
    685 Mercury GR and for Polarography 104403.1000 1 kg
    686 Mercury Extra Pure 104401.0250 250 g
    687 Mercury Extra Pure 104401.1000 1 kg
    688 Mercury ( II) Acetate GR 104410.0050 50 g
    689 Mercury ( II) Acetate GR 104410.0250 250 g
    690 Mercury ( II) Bromide GR 104421.0050 50 g
    691 Mercury ( II) Bromide GR 104421.0250 250 g
    692 Mercury ( I) Chloride GR 104425.0050 50 g
    693 Mercury ( I) Chloride GR 104425.0250 250 g
    694 Mercury ( II) Chloride GR 104419.0050 50 g
    695 Mercury ( II) Chloride GR 104419.0250 250 g
    696 Mercury ( II) Chloride GR 104419.1000 1 kg
    697 Mercury ( II) Iodide Red GR 104428.0050 50 g
    698 Mercury ( II) Iodide Red GR 104428.0250 250 g
    699 Mercury ( I) Nitrate 2-hydrate GR 104437.0050 50 g
    700 Mercury ( I) Nitrate 2-hydrate GR 104437.0250 250 g
    701 Mercury ( II) Nitrate 1-hydrate GR 104439.0050 50 g
    702 Mercury ( II) Nitrate 1-hydrate GR 104439.0250 250 g
    703 Mercury ( II) Oxide Red GR 104466.0050 50 g
    704 Mercury ( II) Oxide Red GR 104466.0250 250 g
    705 Mercury ( II) Sulfate GR 104480.0050 50 g
    706 Mercury ( II) Sulfate GR 104480.0250 250 g
    707 Mercury ( II) Thiocyanate GR 104484.0025 25 g
    708 Mercury ( II) Thiocyanate GR 104484.0100 100 g
    709 Methanesulfonic Acid for Synthesis 806022.0250 250 ml
    710 Methanol GR 106009.1000 1 L
    711 Methanol GR 106009.2500 2, 5 L
    712 Methanol GR 106009.9025 25 L
    713 Methanol Dried GR ( max.0.005 % H2O) 106012.1000 1 L
    714 Methanol Dried GR ( max.0.005 % H2O) 106012.2500 2, 5 L
    715 Methanol Extra Pure 106008.1000 1 L
    716 Methanol Extra Pure 106008.2500 2, 5 L
    717 Methanol for Spectroscopy Uvasol 106002.0500 500 ml
    718 Methanol for Spectroscopy Uvasol 106002.2500 2, 5 L
    719 Methanol Gradient Grade for Chromatography 106007.2500 2, 5 L
    720 Methanol Gradient Grade for Chromatography 106007.4000 4 L
    721 Methanol for Preparative HPLC 113351.2500 2.5 l
    722 Methanol for HPLC 106018.2500 2.5 L
    723 Methanol for HPLC 106018.5000 5 L
    724 L-Methionine for Biochemistry 105707.0025 25 g
    725 2-Methoxybenzaldehyde for Synthesis 820102.0100 100 g
    726 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for Synthesis 822314.0250 250 ml
    727 Methyl Acetate for Synthesis 809711.1000 1 L
    728 Methylamine for Synthesis 822091.1000 1 L
    729 4-( Methylamino) Phenol Sulfate Fotopur 107299.0250 250 g
    730 Methyl Blue for Microscopy & Microbiology 116316.0050 50 g
    731 Methylene Blue for Microscopy Certistain 115943.0025 25 g
    732 Methylene Blue for Microscopy Certistain 115943.0100 100 g
    733 N, N-Methylenediacrylamide for Electrophoresis 110897.0050 50 g
    734 N, N-Methylenediacrylamide for Electrophoresis 110897.0100 100 g
    735 Methyl Green for Microscopy 115944.0025 25 g
    736 3-Methyl-4-Nitrophenol for Synthesis 806855.0100 100 g
    737 Methyl Orange Indicator 101322.0025 25 g
    738 Methyl Orange Indicator 101322.0100 100 g
    739 Methyl Red Indicator 106076.0025 25 g
    740 Methyl Red Indicator 106076.0100 100 g
    741 Methyl Red Sodium Salt Soluble in Water Indicator 106078.0025 25 g
    742 Methyl Red Sodium Salt Soluble in Water Indicator 106078.0100 100 g
    743 Methylthymol Blue Sodium Salt Metal Indicator 106084.0005 5 g
    744 Methyl Violet for Microscopy Certistain 115945.0025 25 g
    745 Mixed Indicator 5 for Ammonia Titrations 106130.0250 250 ml
    746 Molybdatophosphoric Acid GR 100532.0025 25 g
    747 Molybdatophosphoric Acid GR 100532.0100 100 g
    748 Molybdenium ( VI) Oxide GR 100403.0100 100 g
    749 Molybdenium ( VI) Oxide Extra Pure 100401.0250 250 g
    750 Molybdenium Powder ( Lab) 112254.0100 100 g
    751 Molybdic Acid About 85 % Mo03 100400.1000 1 kg
    752 Morpholine for Synthesis 806127.0500 500 ml
    753 Murexide Metal ( pM) Indicator 106161.0005 5 g
    754 Murexide Metal ( pM) Indicator 106161.0025 25 g
    755 1-Naphthol GR 106223.0050 50 g
    756 1-Naphthol GR 106223.0250 250 g
    757 2-Naphthol GR 106234.0100 100 g
    758 2-Naphthol GR 106234.0500 500 g
    759 1-Naphtholbenzein Indicator 106202.0005 5 g
    760 1-Naphtholphthalein Indicator 106246.0001 1 g
    761 1, 2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulfonic Acid Sod. Salt GR 106531.0005 5 g
    762 1, 2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulfonic Acid Sod. Salt GR 106531.0025 25 g
    763 1-Naphthylacetic Acid for Synthesis 806862.0100 100 g
    764 2-Naphtyhylacetic Acid for Synthesis 818495.0010 10 g
    765 1-Naphthylamine 822291.0100 100 g
    766 1-Naphthylammonium Chloride for Synthesis 820866.0100 100 g
    767 N-( 1-Naphtyl) Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride GR 106237.0005 5 g
    768 N-( 1-Naphtyl) Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride GR 106237.0025 25 g
    769 Neisser' s Solution 1a Methylene Blue Solution 109238.0100 100 ml
    770 Neisser' s Solution 1b Crystal Violet Solution 109239.0100 100 ml
    771 Neocarmine MS " FESAGO" DYE Reagent 106731.1000 1 L
    772 Neocarmine W " FESAGO" DYE Reagent 106732.1000 1 L
    773 Neocuproine GR 102968.0005 5 g
    774 Nessler' s Reagent A) Pot. Tetraiodomercurate ( II) Sol 109011.0500 500 ml
    775 Nessler' s Reagent B) Sodium Hydroxide Solution 109012.0500 500 ml
    776 Neutral Red Indicator & for Microbiology 101369.0025 25 g
    777 Neutral Red Indicator & for Microbiology 101369.0100 100 g
    778 Neutral Red for Microscopy Certistain 101376.0025 25 g
    779 Neutralit Indicator Strips non-Bleeding pH 5.0-10.0 109533.0001 1 pack
    780 Neutralit Indicator Paper, Rolls, pH 5.5-9.0 109564.0001 1 pack
    781 New Fuchsin for Microscopy 104041.0100 100 g
    782 Nickel ( II) Chloride GR 106717.0250 250 g
    783 Nickel ( II) Nitrate GR 106721.0250 250 g
    784 Nickel Powder ( Lab) 112277.0250 250 g
    785 Nickel ( II) Sulfate GR 106727.0250 250 g
    786 Nicotinic Acid for synthesis 818714.0100 100 g
    787 Nigrosine Water-Soluble for Microscopy Certistain 115924.0025 25 g
    788 Ninhydrin GR 106762.0010 10 g
    789 Ninhydrin GR 106762.0100 100 g 2
    790 Nitric Acid 65% ( Max. 0.0000005% Hg) GR 100452.2500 2, 5 L
    791 Nitric Acid 65 % Tested by the Dithizone Method GR 100456.1000 1 L
    792 Nitric Acid 65 % Tested by the Dithizone Method GR 100456.2500 2, 5 L
    793 Nitric Acid Fuming 100 % GR 100455.1000 1 L
    794 0.1N Nitric Acid 0.1 mol/ l Titrisol 109964.0001 1 pack
    795 1N Nitric Acid 1 mol/ l Titrisol 109966.0001 1 pack
    796 3-Nitroaniline for Synthesis 806209.0250 250 g
    797 4-Nitroaniline for Determination of Phenol 106760.0050 50 g
    798 Nitrobenzene for Synthesis 806770.1000 1 L
    799 Nitrobenzene for Synthesis 806770.2500 2, 5 L
    800 4-Nitrobenzoyl Chloride for Synthesis 806772.0250 250 g
    801 4-Nitrobenzyl Alcohol for Synthesis 820889.0025 25 g
    802 4-( 4-Nitrobenzyl) Pyridine for Synthesis 820890.0025 25 g
    803 Nitromethane for Synthesis 820894.0250 250 ml
    804 Nitromethane for Synthesis 820894.1000 1 L
    805 4-Nitrophenol Indicator 106798.0025 25 g
    806 4-Nitrophenol indicator 106798.0100 100 g
    807 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol GR 106803.0025 25 g
    808 Nuclear Fast Red for Microscopy Certistain 115939.0025 25 g
    809 N-Octane for Synthesis 806910.1000 1 L
    810 1-Octanol Extra Pure 100991.1000 1 L
    811 Oil Bath ( Lab) 106900.1000 1 L
    812 Oil of Cedar Wood for Microscopy 106965.0100 100 ml
    813 Oil Red O for Microscopy 105230.0025 25 g
    814 Oleic Acid Extra Pure 100471.1000 1 L
    815 L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride for Biochemistry 106906.0025 25 g
    816 L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride for Biochemistry 106906.0100 100 g
    817 Oxalic Acid 2-hydrate GR 100495.0500 500 g
    818 Oxalic Acid 2-hydrate GR 100495.1000 1 kg
    819 Oxalic Acid 2-hydrate Extra Pure Erg B 6 100492.1000 1 kg
    820 0.1 N Oxalic Acid Solution 0.05 mol/ l Titrisol 109965.0001 1 pack
    821 Palladium ( II) chloride anhydrous for Synthesis 807110.0001 1 g
    822 Palladium ( II) chloride anhydrous for Synthesis 807110.0005 5 g
    823 Palladium ( II) chloride anhydrous for Synthesis 807110.0010 10 g
    824 Palmitic acid for Synthesis 800508.1000 1 kg
    825 Pancreatin USP 107130.1000 1 kg
    826 Papanicolou' s Solution 1a) Harris' Hematoxylin Sol 109253.0500 500 ml
    827 Papanicolou' s Solution 2a) Orange G Solution 106888.0500 500 ml
    828 Papanicolou' s Solution 2b) Orange II Solution 106887.0500 500 ml
    829 Papanicolou' s Solution 3a) Polycromic Sol. EA 31 109271.0500 500 ml
    830 Papanicolou' s Solution 3b) Polycromic Sol. EA 50 109272.0500 500 ml
    831 Papanicolou' s Solution 3c) Polycromic Sol. EA 65 109270.0100 100 ml
    832 Papanicolou' s Solution 3d) Polycromic Sol. EA 65 109269.0100 100 ml
    833 Paraffin in Block Form S.P. 46-48 C 107151.1000 1 kg
    834 Paraffin Liquid for Spectroscopy Uvasol 107161.0100 100 ml
    835 Paraffin Liquid for Spectroscopy Uvasol 107161.0500 500 ml
    836 Paraffin Liquid 107162.1000 1 L
    837 Paraffin Liquid 107162.2500 2.5 L
    838 Paraffin pastilles for Histology 107164.2500 2.5 kg
    839 Parrafin Viscous DAB 8 107160.1000 1 L
    840 Parrafin Viscous DAB 9 107160.2500 2.5 L
    841 Paraffin Highly Liquid DAB 107174.1000 1 L
    842 Paraffin Highly Liquid DAB 107174.2500 2.5 L
    843 Paraformaldehyde Extra Pure 104005.1000 1 kg
    844 Paraformaldehyde Tablets 1 g 104004.0800 800 tab
    845 Pararosalinine for Microscopy Certistain 107509.0025 25 g
    846 Pentanal for Synthesis 808504.0500 500 ml
    847 n-Pentane About 99% GR 107177.1000 1 L
    848 n-Pentane About 99% GR 107177.2500 2, 5 L
    849 Pentanoic Acid for Synthesis 800821.1000 1 L
    850 Pepsin DAB 107197.5000 5 kg
    851 Pepsin ( From porcine Gastric Mucosa) 107185.0100 100 g
    852 Perchloric Acid 60 % GR 100518.1001 1 L
    853 Perchloric Acid 60 % GR 100518.2501 2, 5 L
    854 Perchloric Acid 70-72 % GR 100519.1001 1 L
    855 Perchloric Acid 70-72 % GR 100519.2501 2, 5 L
    856 0.1 N Perchloric Acid 0.1 mol/ l 109065.1000 1 L 2
    857 Perhydrol 30 % H2O2 GR 107209.1000 1 L
    858 Perhydrol 30 % H2O2 GR ( for Higher Storage Temp.) 107210.1000 1 L
    859 Periodic Acid GR 100524.0025 25 g
    860 Periodic Acid GR 100524.0100 100 g
    861 Petroleum Benzine Boiling Range 40-60o C Extra Pure 100909.1000 1 L 572, 000 LSS
    862 Petroleum Benzine GR Boiling Range 40-60o C 101775.1000 1 L
    863 Petroleum Benzine GR Boiling Range 40-60o C 101775.2500 2, 5 L
    864 Petroleum Benzine GR Boiling Range 40-60o C 101775.5000 5 L
    865 Petroleum Benzine 40-60oC for Organic Analysis of Traces SupraSolv 101772.2500 2, 5 L
    866 Petroleum Benzone Boiling Range 60-80o C GR 101774.1000 1 L
    867 Petroleum Benzone Boiling Range 60-80o C GR 101774.5000 5 L
    868 Petroleum Benzine Boiling Range 100-140o C EP 101770.1000 1 L
    869 pH Box Containing Acilit, Neutralit And Alkalit 109565.0001 1 pack
    870 Phenanthrene for Synthesis 822122.0100 100 g
    871 Phenanthrene for Synthesis 822122.0250 250 g
    872 1, 10-Phenanthroline GR and Redox Indicator 107225.0005 5 g
    873 1, 10-Phenanthroline GR and Redox Indicator 107225.0010 10 g
    874 1, 10-Phenanthroline GR and Redox Indicator 107225.0100 100 g
    875 1, 10-Phenanthroline Chloride GR and Redox Ind. 107223.0005 5 g
    876 1, 10-Phenanthroline Chloride GR and Redox Ind. 107223.0010 10 g
    877 Phenol Extra Pure Ph Eur, USP 100201.1000 1 kg
    878 Phenol GR 100206.0250 250 g
    879 Phenol GR 100206.1000 1 kg
    880 Phenolphthalein Indicator 107233.0025 25 g
    881 Phenolphthalein Indicator 107233.0100 100 g
    882 Phenolphthalein Paper 109521.0001 1 pack
    883 Phenolphthalein Solution 1% in ethanol indicator 107227.0250 250 ml
    884 Phenolphthalein Solution 1% in ethanol indicator 107227.1000 1 L
    885 Phenol red Indicator 107241.0005 5 g
    886 Phenol red Indicator 107241.0025 25 g
    887 Phenylacetic Acid for Synthesis 820993.0250 250 g
    888 Phenylacetic Acid for Synthesis 820993.1000 1 kg
    889 DL-Phenylalanine for Biochemistry 107257.0025 25 g
    890 DL-Phenylalanine for Biochemistry 107257.0100 100 g
    891 L-Phenylalanine for Biochemistry 107256.0025 25 g
    892 L-Phenylalanine for Biochemistry 107256.0100 100 g
    893 N-Phenylanthranilic Acid for Synthesis 820979.0100 100 g
    894 Phenylhydrazine GR 107251.0100 100 ml
    895 Phenylhydrazinium chloride GR 107253.0100 100 g
    896 2-Phenylethanol for Synthesis 807006.0250 250 ml
    897 Phenylmercury acetate for synthesis 807588.0050 50 g
    898 Phenylmercury Nitrate ( Basic) for Synthesis 820878.0050 50 g
    899 ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% GR 100573.1000 1 L
    900 ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% GR 100573.2500 2, 5 L
    901 ortho-Phosphoric acid 99% Cryst GR 100565.0500 500 g
    902 meta-Phosphoric acid Pieces GR 100546.0100 100 g
    903 meta-Phosphoric acid Pieces GR 100546.0500 500 g
    904 Phloroglucinol GR 107069.0025 25 g
    905 Phloroglucinol GR 107069.0100 100 g
    906 Phloroglucinol for Synthesis 818887.0100 100 g
    907 Phosphorus Acid About 30% GR 100554.0250 250 ml
    908 Phosphorus Pentachloride for Synthesis 822340.0500 500 g
    909 di-Phosphorus Pentoxide GR 100570.0500 500 g
    910 di-Phosphorus Pentoxide Extra Pure 100540.1000 1 kg
    911 Phosphorus ( Red) for Synthesis 807270.0500 500 g
    912 Phthalic Anhydride for Synthesis 800592.1000 1 kg
    913 Piperidine GR 109724.0100 100 ml
    914 Piperidine GR 109724.0500 500 ml
    915 Platinum ( II) Chloride for Synthesis 824566.0500 500 mg
    916 Platinum ( IV) Chloride Anhydrous for Synthesis 807347.0001 1 g 1
    917 Ponceau S for Microscopy Certistain 115927.0025 25 g
    918 Polyethylene Glycol 400 for Synthesis 807485.1000 1 L
    919 Polyethylene Glycol 600 for Synthesis 807486.1000 1 L
    920 Polyethylene Glycol 1000 for Synthesis 807488.1000 1 kg
    921 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 for Synthesis 807490.1000 1 kg
    922 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 for Synthesis 807491.1000 1 kg
    923 Polyvinyl Alcohol 72000 for Synthesis 821038.1000 1 kg
    924 Polyvinylpyrrolidone ( Lab) 107443.0100 100 g
    925 Potassium for Synthesis 804815.0100 100 g
    926 Potassium for Synthesis 804815.0250 250 g
    927 Potassium acetate Extra Pure 104820.1000 1 kg 1, 226, 000 LSS
    928 Potassium antimony ( III) oxide tartrate Extra Pure 108092.0250 250 g
    929 Potassium bromate GR 104912.0100 100 g
    930 Potassium bromate GR 104912.0250 250 g
    931 Potassium bromide for Spectroscopy Uvasolv 104907.0100 100 g
    932 Potassium bromide GR 104905.0500 500 g
    933 Potassium carbonate GR 104928.0500 500 g
    934 Potassium carbonate GR 104928.1000 1 kg
    935 Potassium carbonate/ Sodium carbonate GR 106683.0500 500 g
    936 Potassium chlorate GR 104944.0500 500 g
    937 Potassium chloride ( Max. 0.005 % Br) GR 104933.0500 500 g
    938 Potassium chloride GR 104936.0250 250 g
    939 Potassium chloride GR 104936.0500 500 g
    940 Potassium chloride GR 104936.1000 1 kg
    941 Potassium chloride Extra Pure DAB 104935.5000 5 kg
    942 Potassium chloride sol. Saturated with silver chloride 104818.0100 100 ml
    943 Potassium chloride solution 3 mol/ L 104817.0250 250 ml
    944 Potassium chromate Extra Pure 104951.1000 1 kg
    945 Potassium chromate GR 104952.0250 250 g
    946 Potassium chromate GR 104952.1000 1 kg
    947 Potassium cyanide 104965.1000 1 kg
    948 Potasium cyanide GR 104967.0100 100 g
    949 Potasium cyanide GR 104967.0250 250 g
    950 Potasium cyanide GR 104967.1000 1 kg
    951 Potassium dichromate Cryst Extra Pure 104862.1000 1 kg
    952 Potassium dichromate GR 104864.0500 500 g
    953 Potassium dichromate GR 104864.1000 1 kg
    954 Potassium dichromate Tablets 104858.0001 1 pack
    955 Potassium dichromate Volumetric Standard 102403.0080 80 g
    956 0.1 N Potassium dichromate Sol. 1/ 60 mo/ l Titrisol 109928.0001 1 pack
    957 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydr. Suprapur 105108.0500 500 g
    958 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate ISO 104877.1000 1 kg 1, 446, 000 AR
    959 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Cryst EP, DAB 104871.5000 5 kg
    960 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR 104873.0250 250 g
    961 Potassium/ kalium dihydrogen phosphate GR 104873.1000 1 kg
    962 Potassium/ kalium disulfate GR 105107.1000 1 kg
    963 Potassium/ kalium disulfite GR 105057.0500 500 g
    Kalium-hexacyanoferrat( III) 4973 1kg
    964 Potassium disulfite GR 105057.1000 1 kg
    965 Potassium/ kalium fluoride GR 104994.0250 250 g
    966 Potassium/ kalium fluoride GR 104994.1000 1 kg
    967 Potassium/ kalium hexachloroplatinate ( IV) Lab 119238.0001 1 g 1
    968 Potassium/ kalium hexacyanoferrate ( II) 3-hydrate EP 104982.1000 1 kg
    969 Potassium/ kalium hexacyanoferrate ( II) 3-hydrateGR 104984.0500 500 g
    970 Potassium/ kalium hexacyanoferrate ( III) GR 104973.0250 250 g
    971 Potassium/ kalium hexacyanoferrate ( III) GR 104973.1000 1 kg
    972 Potassium/ kalium hexahydroxoantimonate Cryst GR 105110.0100 100 g
    973 Potassium/ kalium hydrogen carbonate GR 104854.0500 500 g
    974 Potassium/ kalium hydrogen diiodate GR 104867.0050 50 g
    975 di-Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous Suprapur 105109.0100 100 g
    976 di-Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous EP 105101.1000 1
    977 di-Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous GR 105104.1000 1 kg
    978 di-Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phosphate 3-Hydrate GR 105099.0250 250 g
    979 di-Potassium/ kalium hydrogen Phosphate 3-Hydrate GR 105099.1000 1 kg
    980 Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phthalate GR 104874.0250 250 g
    981 Potassium/ kalium hydrogen phthalate Volumetric Standard 102400.0080 80 g
    982 Potassium/ kalium hydrogen sulfate GR 104885.0500 500 g
    983 Potassium/ kalium hydroxide pellets ( Max.0.002 % Na) GR 105021. 1 kg
    984 Potassium/ kalium hydroxide pellets GR 105033.0500 500 g
    985 Potassium/ kalium hydroxide pellets GR 105033
    986 Potassium/ kalium Iodide GR
    0.2.N.Iodine Solution

    tetrachyclen pentamin

    N.N. Dimethyl 1, 4

    Amonium hexamolipdat

    phenyl hidrazinum chlorid

    phenyl hirazin


    lithium carbonat

    sodium carbonat

    barium nitrat

    barium acetat

    Quarzan gewaschen u gegluht/
    Quartz fine granular

    potasium sodium tartrat

    Amonium Isen( III) sulfat

    Amonium Oxalat/ diamonium oxalat

    kalium ferrycyana purum

    Zink asetat

    NAtrium phyrophospat

    Dc Fertigplatten kieselgel 60 silanisiert

    Mercury II Oxide


    Azure II

    Kalium Oxalat

    Dikalium hydrogen sulfat

    kalium oxalat/ dipotasium oxalat

    natrium phyrophospat

    sodalime with indicator

    N.N. Dimethylformamid

    phenolpthalen losung

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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