HYDRO BIOS SlimLine Array[6 Nov. 2011, 22:32:23]
SlimLine Array
Multi Water Sampler MWS Kombined Online/ Offline Version
SlimLine Array
6 bottles array with Quick Change Racks for simple mounting of watersamplers. The sturdy array fabricated of stainless steel has space for 6 Water Samplers with capacities 1.0 or 3, 5 litres to collect water samples in different depth steps during one operation. Light weighted version especially for use on smaller ships or boats.
Equipped with a motor-driven release device with an integrated Depth Meter ( measuring range according to customer ´ s requirements) - the water samplers are closed in the succession of their mounting to the array ( i.e. No. 1, 2, 3, ... 6 . Extenal battery pack to allow changing of batteries without opening the electronic housing
Online use
The water samplers are actuated via push-button control by the deck unit or a Personal Computer using OceanLab software requires a single conductor cable. Data sampling rate: One dataset per second.
Offline use
Without single conductor cable closing depth of the samplers will be preprogrammed directly - time/ depth depending - using a PC or Laptop via OceanLab 3 Software and stored in the underwaterunit. No additional Auto Fire Module AFM ( as required on a SeaBird Carousel) necessary. After deploying the rosette data will be read out together with sensor data ( if sensors are mounted) .
Sensors ( max. 4 mounted in the bottom) for temperature/ conductivity and other parameter could be integrated into the motor unit. The state-of-the-art electronics, optimized in power consuption, are designed for ambient temperatures from -4° C up to + 85° C.
Technical Data:
Diameter : 65 cm
Higth : 87 cm
Weight on Air : 30 kg ( without water)