Prioritas IndotradeTahun ke-14
HargaPlease contact Mr. Ajat Sudrajat
Tersedia dalam berbagai spec dan size. Spec: A24R untuk Metal ST24 untuk Steel C24R untuk Masonry Gerinda poles biasanya dipakai untuk menghaluskan permukaan setelah....
HargaPlease contact Mr. Janer Purba
Segment are generally used on rotary table surface grinding machines and K-PRIX provides wide range of all purpose shapes, sizes and specifications or segments which are composed....
HargaPlease contact to Mr. Janer Purba
The selection of corret grinding wheel for tool sharpening is very important to successful job finishing of tools. K-PRIX tool room grinding wheels cover all tool room jobs such....
K-PRIX provider magnesia( MgO) & Epoxy( E) Bonded grinding wheels in various sizes, shapes, and spesifications for cool, fast, finishing grinding application at the factory for....
Mounted Point for deburring, sharpening and internal grinding
PERIPHERAL REVOLUTION SPEED : Reinforced Wheels for high speed at 3800mpm( 63m/ sec) Non Reinforced Wheels for low speed at 2880mpm( 48m/ sec)
For mass-production of straight cylindrical and tapered shapes to precise tolerance of size, shapes along with finish quickly and easy, K-PRIX centerless grinding wheels and....
K-PRIX vitrified bonded general purpose grinding wheels for use on bench floor stand and pedestal grinders are most economic and efficient in grinding at all steel. They are....
Tersedia dalam berbagai spec dan size, antara lain : Spec : A24R untuk Metal ST24 untuk Steel C24R untuk Masonry Size : 4" x 1( 1.2) ( 1.6) 4" x 2( 2.5) ( 3) 4.5" x 2 4.5" x 2.5( 3) 5" ....
In this type of grinding the work is revolved of itsaxis between centres.K-PRIX cylindrical grinding wheels work ro a very high degree of accurancy and finish. K-PRIX cylindrical....
Crankshaft grinding wheels are one of special class of K-PRIX production program. K-PRIX offers special thickness dimension ( 8500SFPM-43M/ SEC) ang higher speed machines to the....
I-PRIX and K-PRIX snagging wheels are manufactured for a wide use of heavy stock removal in foundries, welding shop, metal fabricators, steel mills, shipyards, etc., and offers a....