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ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 2010[23 Jan. 2012, 1:33:26]
HargaRp. 26.000.000,-
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
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Harga : Rp. 26.000.000, -

For the most comprehensive encyclopedia look no further. The new 2010 Encyclopaedia Britannica combines today’ s current topics with over 240 years of expertise and delivers more depth, breadth, and information than other encyclopedias.

With Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010 readers can access quick facts or immerse them selves in detailed articles and almost any subject imaginable while enjoying the vivid and beautiful images of art, geography, science, sport, and much more. With over 1, 100 new and updated articles, over 4, 000 contributors, and 65, 000 articles, the 2010 Encyclopaedia Britannica is unsurpassed.

New Coverage
New and extensively revised articles cover the latest on school subjects, such as blog, global warming, the arctic, human genome project, conservation of species, chemical weapon, convention, artificial hearth and skateboarding, to name a few. Other notable revisions include Australia, Sidney, Australian external territories, Asian Peoples and Cultures, New Zealand, East Timor, Gaza Strip, And Ho Chi Minh City.

More than 23, 000 Fascinating Biographies
New biographies of major world leader include U.S. President Barrack Obama, Pope Benedict XVI, Prime Minister Kevin Rude, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Dalai Lama XIV, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Other new and revised biographies include Gary Ablett, Roger Federer, Jorn Utzon, Miles Davis, and many more.

Compelling Images
More than 24, 500 carefully researched and selected photos, maps, and illustrations hold the interest of readers and complement the in-depth articles.

Unmatched Accuracy
Written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors, and other notable experts, the Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010 is a trusted resource with a balanced and global perspective. Include bibliographic citations where users are pointed to additional information sources for further research.

Features of Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010:
• 32 volumes with over 44 million words
• Handsomely bound in our black heirloom binding
• Over 4, 000 contributors
• Over 65, 000 articles – 44% revision in the past three years
• Over 24, 000 photos, graphs, illustrations, maps, charts, and tables
• Includes the 2009 Britannica Book of the Years, with over 1, 100 new and updated articles

Product Detailed:
• Binding : Hardcover ( Heirloom Black)
• Volumes : 32 ( 290 x 220 x 1400 mm)
• Pages : 32, 640
• Word : 44 millions
• Articles : 65, 000 plus
• Illustrations : 24, 500
• ISBN : 978-1-59339-387-8
• Copyright : 2010
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