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    RIGAKU NEX QC - Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer New low cost benchtop EDXRF for rapid qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis untuk analisis unsur kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang cepat

    RIGAKU NEX QC - Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer New low cost benchtop EDXRF for rapid qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis untuk analisis unsur kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang cepat

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    Rigaku NEX QC delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types:

    Analyze 11Na to 92U non-destructively
    Solids, liquids, alloys, powders and thin films
    50kV X-ray tube for wide elemental coverage
    Semiconductor detector for superior data quality
    Modern smartphone style " icon driven" user interface
    Multiple automated tube filters for enhanced sensitivity
    Convienient built in thermal printer
    Low cost with unmatched performance-to-price ratio
    Optional fundamental parameters for standardless analysis
    Superior capabilities with ease-of-use
    As a premium low cost benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence ( EDXRF) spectrometer, the Rigaku NEX QC delivers wide elemental coverage with an easy-to-learn software interface in a robust package designed for industrial at-line quality control elemental analysis applications.

    Rigaku QC Nex memberikan penentuan kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang cepat dari elemen atom besar dan kecil dalam berbagai jenis sampel:

    Menganalisis 11Na untuk 92U non-destruktif
    Padatan, cairan, paduan, bubuk dan film tipis
    50kV X-ray tube untuk cakupan elemen luas
    Semikonduktor detektor untuk kualitas data unggul
    Gaya modern " ikon didorong" smartphone antarmuka pengguna
    Beberapa tabung filter otomatis untuk peningkatan sensitivitas
    Nyaman dibangun pada printer termal
    Biaya rendah dengan kinerja tak tertandingi-ke-rasio harga
    Opsional parameter mendasar untuk analisis standardless
    Kemampuan superior dengan kemudahan penggunaan
    Sebagai Energi dispersif benchtop biaya premi yang rendah X-ray Fluorescence ( EDXRF) spektrometer, yang QC Rigaku NEX memberikan cakupan unsur luas dengan antarmuka perangkat lunak yang mudah-untuk-belajar dalam paket yang kuat dirancang untuk industri di garis kontrol kualitas aplikasi analisis unsur.

    NEX XT Specifications

    Sulfur Analysis Range
    0.02 - 6%
    Process Conditions
    Stream pressures to 100 bar ( 1480 psig)
    Stream temperatures to 200º C ( 392º F)
    Flow rates up to 200 l/ m ( 53 gal/ m)
    Ambient Conditions
    0 - 43º C ( 32 - 110º F)
    Sulfur results: 4 - 20 mA output
    Density results: 4 - 20 mA output
    General warning: dry contact
    General alarm: dry contact
    Required Inputs
    4 - 20 mA raw density
    precision of ± 0.0001 or better
    Optional Inputs
    4 - 20 mA process temperature
    for density corrected to 15º C / 59º F
    4 - 20 mA water concentration
    if water correction is desired
    4 - 20 mA flow
    for loss of flow warning
    4 - 20 mA remote calibration selection
    Process Connection
    Two 1 inch 600 # ANSI flanges
    Area Classifications
    Class 1 Div 1
    Class 1 Div 2
    ATEX zone 1 ( pending)
    ATEX zone 2
    Air Supply
    4.1 - 8.3 bar ( 60 - 120 psig) air pressure
    115 - 225 l/ m ( 4 - 8 scfm) rapid exchange
    Leakage compensation ( application specific)
    710 - 990 l/ m ( 25 - 35 scfm) dry oil free air
    6.9 - 8.3 bar ( 100 - 120 psig) air pressure
    Power Requirements
    115/ 230 Volts 2.8/ 1.4 Amps 47 - 63 Hz
    Dedicated supply

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