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Batam Powerplant Service and Supply Australian-Indonesian-Business-Investment-Cooperation

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Batam Powerplant Service and Supply Australian-Indonesian-Business-Investment-Cooperation
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Horst Tettolowski [Penjualan]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Situs Web:
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Horst Tettolowski di Berlin
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Horst Tettolowski di Berlin
Berlin 12049, Berlin
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:6 Feb. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Enerji

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Penjelasan Ringkas

Metal Heat Treatment is a big issue and undeveloped market in
Indonesia in all sectore of Industry and Research.
Heat Treatment is a key technology for most any product and
applied in all sector of the Industry and Powerplant- Projects.
Services and Supply of Personell, Equipment, Accessories,
Tools for Resistance-, Induction- and Mobile Furnaces for Manufacturers, Refineries, Shipbuilding, Nuclear- and Power
plants and manufacturing all items for Gear and Automotiv products are offered by German and English Companies.
All Technical Assistance, Engineering and Training are given
by English and German Company.
Seeking cooperative Indonesian Company or Business Partner
in Indonesia Jakarta Bogor Region.
I myself German-English Mannesmann-Siemens NDT-Inspector and Heat Treatment Expert for many years in Indonesia will guide you as Consultant with the aim to develop a Batam Metal Treatment Training School in Indonesia. ( Not available in Indonesia) .
Your support as Financial Partner, Joint Venture Partner and
Business Partner can be the First in the Market in Indonesia
with unlimeted prosperity and muatual benefit for All.
Please contact me for further information:
Eamil : harry_tettow@

Produk / Jasa Utama
Ajak Kerjasama:
  • Australian-Indonesian-Business-Investment-Cooperation
    Your Participation counts
    Let your money be a Partner in our Cooperation in Business transfer and Projectdevelopment between
    Australia and Indonesia.
    Based on my present and previouse activities for German-British and Indonesian Companies, I became a Commercial Agent, as I have listed for your selection to become a Cooperationpartner and Investor.
    You are able to become a Cooperationpartner with an
    Investment of $AU 5.000.-
    for 10% out-off 10% from my Commission earnings I will get based on my Commercial Agreements with German-British Companies.
    This is 1% for your Cooperartion, 9% for my Acquisi
    tion and Project Consulting within the Group you have selected.
    The limit is 5 Investors, or if you care to invest
    $AU 25.000.- sharing 50% of my Commission.
    Here are samples of possibilities of your earnings.

    1. Steremat Inductionhardening Berlin sells 1 machine
    upto 4.000.000.-$AU.
    My commission as agreed will be 5% equals $AU 200.000.-. Your cooperation investment 10% will give you $AU 20.000.-.
    This appplies for each machine and services sold con
    2.Beaty Heat Treatment Services in Powerplants 400 MW stressreliving Services for the Project value $AU 15.000.000.-.
    My commission as agreed 10% will be 1.500.000.-.
    Your Part-Commission 10% out-off mine give you $AU 150.000.- income for each Project sales and services which will be obtained in Indonesia-Australia
    or worldwide.

    This applies for all other Groups as listed, with even higher eranings, such as TUV-Rheinland etc.
    This shows that earnings can be done continuesly within the range of my Agrreements with Companies
    as listed.
    With your Investment of 5.000.-$AU you are passiv
    Cooperationpartner, but will be informed of Marketing
    and Business opportunities inn the Indonesian-Austra
    You are able to become an activ Cooperationpartner
    for Joint Venture, Joint Cooperation and Technical Assistance in the IAPR and will be informed about
    Projects and Tenders.
    We assist you to find suitiable Joint Venture Partner and Investors for Project-Development-Investment from $AU 1.000.000.- to $AU 150.000.000.- and more in Jakarta, London, Berlin, Sydney based on your Exposes and Feasibility Study for further discussion and approval.
    This offer is limited to 5 Investors as Cooperation partner in each Group.
    Investors for Joint Ventures are pleased to apply for
    your Project as needed.

    We will serve you at the best for your success.
    Kind regards
    Harry Tettolowski

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