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Tn. Burhan Saleh [Pemasaran]

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Sheen Coating Thickness Dry Film ( Alat Ukur Ketebalan Cat pada lapisan permukaan material kering)[29 Jul. 2011, 23:48:47]
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Sheen Coating Thickness Dry Film ( Alat Ukur Ketebalan Cat pada lapisan permukaan material kering)

Paint Inspection Gauge

Applications Direct measurement of the total coating thickness or individual coatings eg. a primer and top coat. Measurements on virtually any substrate are possible; aluminium, steel, plastic, wood, concrete or glass. Substrate condition, coating adhesion, microscopic cracking, brittleness, blistering and intercoat adhesion can also be measured.

Minitest – Stats

Minitest 1100/ 2100/ 3100/ 4100 A range of instruments for more advanced statistical information which take a wide range of probes for coating thickness readings up to 100MM. The 3100 and 4100 models have a large memory which can be split into batches for storage and later printout or download to PC. They also have limit settings giving a histogram


Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, including probe

A revolutionary gauge for measuring paint coatings on plastic and other non-metallic substrates. Using the ultrasonic principle, the gauge can measure up to three coatings individually or in total up to a maximum of 500 microns. Coatings must be non-metallic and the base can be plastic

Minitest FH 2100/ 4100

A portable instrument to measure the wall thickness of bottles and containers using the magnetic Hall effect. A target ball is placed inside the object to be measured and the probe is applied to the other side of the material. The thickness can be read up to a maximum of 8mm. Full batching and statistics are standard and results can be printed

Pentest/ Minipen

For an instant indication of the thickness of a paint coating on steel. Using the magnetic attraction principle the PENTEST has a device to hold the reading on the scale. Range 25 - 700 um. The MINIPEN is a simpler version without the hold device. Coloured bands on the scale can be used for a pass/ fail test. Conforms to ASTM - D


The traditional way of measuring coating thickness on steel. An automatic movement ensures excellent repeatability and no power supply is needed. An inexpensive way of measuring extra thick coatings up to 20mm and electroplated nickel on any metal substrate. Scale ranges are: 0-100um, 0-1000um, 200um-3mm, 500um-5mm, 2.5-10mm, 7.5-20mm, 0-50um


The latest in a line of small integrated and external probe instruments for quick simple inspection applications. All six models are fitted as standard with statistical evaluation and a large menu driven display ensures ease of use. Total memory capacity is 90 readings and high and low limits can be set. The range is 0-2mm.

MicroTest 7 Digital

The new Mikrotest 7 combines the proven measuring principle of magnetic attraction with digital technology. It offers both high resolution measurement and ease of use. The measurement principle is still based on the attraction force of a permanent magnet on steel as defined in all International Standards. The traditional type banana gauge offered

Ecotest Plus


This range of small, battery operated gauges will measure most surface coatings on steel ( except electroplated nickel) , and all non- conductive coatings on non- ferrous metals such as aluminium, stainless steel, brass etc. Three models are available- Ferrous up to 3mm

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