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Grain Moisture Meter[13 Apr. 2009, 2:35:34]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanPacking product
Negara AsalKorea Selatan


Alat untuk mengukur kadar air pada biji-bijian
Applikasi : beras, padi, beras merah, gandum, kacang merah, kacang, biji bunga matahari, dll

Product Description

With checking out the moisture content in grains while growing/ harvesting/ drying/ buying/ selling & consuming,
you can find out when to irrigate & harvest, how to dry & store, what to buy & sell.
As the result of it, our Grain Moisture Meter GMK-303 series enable not only to support your farmers to upgrade the quality of their grains,
but also to help your people to establish the objectivity & the transparency of trades by estimating the quality of grains.

Product Feature
- Moisture content measurement for grains.
- Easy to use, quick to read and compact.
- Microprocessor control.
- Automatic temperature compensation.
- Battery replacement sign appears
- Electrical resisitance method.

Rice, Brown Rice, Paddy, Barley, Naked Barley, Wheat, Soybean, Red bean, Mung Bean, Beans, Pea, Peanut, Maize(Corn), Sunflower, Sesame, Millet, Rapeseed, Linseed, Buckwheat, Oats, Rye and etc

1. Fill ‘Sample Tray’ with ‘a Sample’ by using ‘Spoon with Tweezers’.
2. Put ‘Sample Tray’ into the instrument.
3. After turning ‘Grinding Handle’ right to the end, choose the same ‘Grain Select button’ as ‘a Sample’.
4. Press ‘Measure’ button, and then number of times & the moisture content display on LCD.

Model: GMK-303
- Rice: 8.3% ~ 26.0%
- Brown Rice: 8.3% ~ 36.0%
- Paddy: 8.5% ~ 40.0%
- Barley: 8.3% ~ 35.0%
- Naked Barely: 8.5% ~ 35.0%
- Wheat: 8.5%% ~ 35.0%

- Rice: 8.3% ~ 26.0% - Paddy: 8.5% ~ 40.0% - Soybean: 8.5% ~ 21.5% - Red Bean: 12.5% ~ 19.7% - Barley: 8.3% ~ 35.0% - Wheat: 8.5% ~ 35.0% - Maize(Corn): 8.7% ~ 22.8%

- Back Pepper: 5.0% ~ 12.0% - Peanut: 4.5% ~ 14.7% - Sesame: 4.8% ~ 15.0% - Red Bean: 12.5% ~ 19.7% - Mung Bean: 10.5% ~ 20.9% - Buckwheat: 10.0% ~ 26.0% - Sunflower: 4.5% ~ 13.5%

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