COD METER Hanna Instrument HI 83099 [ 22 Nov. 2011, 23:37:58 ]
COD and Multiparameter Bench Photometer
• Easy COD measurement
• Outstanding measurement quality
• Save space in your laboratory
• PC compatible
• 47 methods
HI 83099 is one of the most versatile photometers on the market. In addition to COD, this meter measures up to 47 of the most important water quality
parameters using liquid or powder reagents. The amount of reagent is precisely dosed to ensure maximum reproducibility.
HI 83099 bench photometer can be connected to a PC via a USB cable. The optional
HI 92000 Windows® Compatible Software helps users manage their data.
HI 83099 features a powerful interactive user support that assists the user during each step of the analysis process. A tutorial mode is also available in the Setup Menu.