Daftar Permintaan - Propinsi West Bengal - Seluruh Dunia - Semua Hari - RSShttps://indotrade.id/https://indotrade.id/beli/West_Bengal/Mineral_&_Logam/all/0.rssIndotrade.id - Lokapasar Utama Perdagangan Indonesia - Ekspor Impor - Produk, Suplier, PermintaanidWed, 05 Mar 2025 02:13:33 +0700Indotrade.idBeli: need Green Petroleum Coke [CALCUTTA, West Bengal, India]We need green petroleum coke fuel grade ( preferably USA origin) for cement and power plant ( with indication of shot coke or sponge coke) having sulphur 6% max; ash 0.5% max. Yearly Requirement..../SWATIINTRENATIONAL/4554402/need-green-petroleum-coke.htmSWATI INTERNATIONAL20131022112354Beli: BUY COKING COAL [Kolkata, West Bengal, India]Dear Sir, We require regular supply of Hard Coking Coal from Australian Coal Mines to manufacture Low Ash Metallurgical( LAM) Coke in our own Coke Oven Plant in Eastern India.Sending the grade..../Progressive_minerals/2081295/buy-coking-coal.htmPROGRESSIVE MINERALS INC20100811130331Beli: USED/ SCRAP FORGED STEEL ROLLS [HOWRAH, West Bengal, India]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pdimage/16/1989316_rollspic2.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="https://indotrade.com/pdimage/16/1989316_rollspic2.jpg" border="1" alt="USED/ SCRAP FORGED STEEL ROLLS" id=""></a>RESPECTED SIR, we require forged steel rolls ( which are used in rolling or tube mills) that are either used before in a cold rolling mill, are discarded or are scrap. WE DONT REQUIRE NEW STEEL..../BALAJIROLLS/1989316/used-scrap-forged-steel-rolls.htmBALAJI ENGINEERING WORKS20100621112234Beli: Printing and Writing paper-Duplex Board-Copy Paper [Kolkata, West Bengal, India]We want to buy the following papers for our buyers of Bangladesh : 1. White Writing Paper and Printing paper/ Cream Wove white paper : 40 gsm to 60 gsm, size 22� � � � � � x35� � � � � � ( inch) , 23x36� � � , 20x30..../narpintl/711995/printing-and-writing-paper-duplex-board-copy-paper.htmNARP INTERNATIONAL ( An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified company)20080315172149Beli: Hessian Bag [kolkata, West Bengal, India]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Hessian Bag" id=""></a>Hessian bags 7ounce, 7.5 ounce, and 8.9 ounce in good condition , fresh and ready to deliver anywhere in India and asia and europe.Size as per client demand./KGTC/591885/hessian-bag.htmKHICHI GLOBAL TRADING CO.20071016083850Beli: Coal [kolkata, West Bengal, India]WE need huge coal of high calorific value for Steed and Power plant Please send details Imeediately/BLUECHIPConsulting/511437/coal.htmBLUECHIP Consulting20070706105734Beli: prime, near prime and off-specs synthetic rubber [Kolkata, West Bengal, India]We are a dynamic and reliable Indian owned group with several years experience in rubber trade located in West Bengal, Kolkata doing rubber trading business all over India and now focusing on direct..../indopolymer/479092/prime-near-prime-and-off-specs-synthetic-rubber.htmINDOPOLYMER ASSOCIATES20070524140544Beli: [kolkata, West Bengal, India]/BasundharaOverseas/395617/Basundhara Overseas20070122171718Beli: All types Of Prducts [KOLKATA, West Bengal, India]Dear Sir, We help the Buyers from all over the world to source any type of products from India. Please Contact : kmoy @ rediffmail.com/Linktech/295614/all-types-of-prducts.htmLinktech Engineers20060526114833Beli: semi extensible sack kraft paper [Calcutta, West Bengal, India]Can arrange buyers in India for 70/ 80/ 90 GSM Semi Extensible Sack Kraft paper. Also standard kraft paper of 40 GSM and below./DicoCarbon/200475/semi-extensible-sack-kraft-paper.htmAM Consultants20051019174409Beli: SOUTH INDIAN IDOL [KOLKATA, West Bengal, India]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pdimage/76/161776_a_003.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="https://indotrade.com/pdimage/76/161776_a_003.jpg" border="1" alt="SOUTH INDIAN IDOL" id=""></a>We have got assignment to supply several religious idols and dolls to be made of paper pulp or clay as described below. We hereby invite the priced quoatation from the prospective idol makers..../SHILPABHARATI/161776/south-indian-idol.htmSHILPA BHARATI GORA CHAND PAUL & SONS20050708090021Beli: HEAVY MELTING SCRAP/ USED RAILS [KOKATA, West Bengal, India]WE ARE BUYING AGENT SCRAP USERS HEAVY MELTING SCRAP/ USED RAILS AT PERSENT WE BUYING BEHALF OF OUR BUYER MONTHLY 150' 000MT. YEARLY 1' 800' 000MT WE WANT DIRECT GOOD SUPPLIER/ AGENT/ MANDATE SUPPLIER WITH..../krishnatradeoversese/151731/heavy-melting-scrapused-rails.htmKRISHNATRADEOVERSEASE20050609095758Beli: Sodium Nitrate [Kolkata, West Bengal, India]We require 30MT of Sodium per month.Kindly send your best offer with complete techno-commercial details.We look forward to a long term business association, since this is our regular requirement./EvrliteInternational/132188/sodium-nitrate.htmEVERLIGHT INTERNATIONAL20050408175902Beli: [KOLKATA, West Bengal, India]/centuryconsultants/112642/CENTURY CONSULTANTS20050201114836