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Katalog Produk

Brunton Compas 5010, Hub Weni 08567278810
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox
New features include an adjustable needle locking mechanism, a hinge inclinometer, two long-level bubbles, a cover hinge assembly designed for increased durability and ' Buck Horn' style sights for increased accuracy. Adjustable needle locking mechanism with two positions: Unlocked - releases the needle for azimuth readings. Locked - momentary release of the needle for strike measurements by pressing and holding the release mechanism, then lock the needle for reading by releasing the machanism.

• 0-360° Quads
• Leather case
• Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization
• Azimuth accuracy ± 1/ 2° with 1° graduations
• Vertical accuracy ± 1/ 2° with 1° graduations and 10 minute readability
• Vertical angle measurements to ± 90° or 100% grade
• A percent grade scale with increments of 5%
• Induction damped needle for quick, accurate readings
• Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
• Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination setting to 180°
• Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
• Precision aligned mirror with convenient " see through" sighting capability
• Composite body material is permanently impregnated with color
• O-rings make the Com-Pro waterproof for increased reliability
• One year warranty

• Dimensions: 3.625" x 2.813" x 1.313"
• Weight: 10.4 oz.

What' s in the Box:

* Brunton Compass 5010
* Manual book
* Cariying case

Hub :
HP. 0856 7278810 / 0878 80441205

Email / YM : WeniPooh_bataviasurvey@