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Battery Nikon BC-80, Hub Anna Irawan, 081369633000[14 Dec. 2011, 21:05:42]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox
Negara AsalJepang


Nikon BC-80 Handle Ni-MH Battery for DTM-500 series
Nikon BC-80 Handle Ni-MH Battery for DTM-500 series Total Stations

A single BC-80 battery provides approximatley 10.5 hours of continuous distance/ angle measurement, or 24 hours with one measurement every 30 seconds, which means an entire day' s work can be preformed without having to change the battery. The lower power consumption pattern of the DTM-500 series also minimizes memory effect on the battery.

Hub :
Anna Irawan
HP. ( 021) 9191 9010 / 0813 6963 3000
Email / YM : anna_bataviasurvey@
Pin BB : 23699671

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