Telephone Satellite Thuraya SG-2520, Hub Anna Irawan, 081369633000[14 Dec. 2011, 20:52:02]
GSM Tri-band Thuraya SG-2520 is the only
satel l i te Tr i -band phone that provides connect ivi t y
in GSM mode across f ive cont inents. The Tr i -band
GSM feature al lows operat ion on 900/ 1800/ 1900
MHz GSM networks, of fer ing unparal leled f lexibi l i t y
across 140 count r ies in Asia, Af r ica, Aust ral ia,
Europe and Middle East.
GPS Navigation Services Find locat ions and
reach dest inat ions quickly and safely wi th super ior
GPS waypoint and route t racking capabi l i t ies.
Display A 262, 000-colour display ( 4.8cm) enables
easy viewing of your handset ’ s mul t imedia
appl icat ions. The inter face – resembl ing a desktop
computer – al lows user- f r iendly navigat ion of the
phone’ s functions and services.
Mobile Satellite Internet Thuraya SG-2520 i s
GmPRS-enabled, wi th an embedded micro browser
to faci l i tate convenient internet access. Download
and upload data at speeds of up to 60/ 15 kbps
using Thuraya’ s satel l i te network, anywhere wi thin
our coverage area.
Personal Touch Personalise the Thuraya SG-
2520 inter face to sui t your taste. Choose f rom
a wide var iety of colour schemes and r ingtones,
personal ise screensavers wi th your favour i te
images, and conf igure your menu navigat ion
Camera The phone’ s integrated 1.3-megapixel
camera wi th video capabi l i t ies al lows you to
capture special moments and share them with
your fami ly, f r iends and col leagues as an emai l
at tachment or via MMS. This can be done f rom
anywhere across the Thuraya network, in both
GSM and satellite mode.
Languages Thuraya SG-2520 supports 12 menulanguages,
including: Arabic, Engl ish, Farsi , French,
German, Hindi , I tal ian, Por tuguese, Russian,
Spanish, Turkish and Urdu.
Interactive Applications Thuraya SG-2520
suppor ts interact ive appl icat ions based on Java
( J2ME) .
Additional Features The bui l t-in organiser
wi th calendar and alarm funct ions enables you to
manage tasks and stay connected wherever you
are within Thuraya’ s coverage area.
Satellite, GSM Tri-band
( 900/ 1800/ 1900)
Weight 170g
Dimensions 138.5 x 53 x 19mm ( h x w x d)
Display 262, 000 colours
Internal – up to 128 MB
External – SD memory card
Camera Integrated 1.3 megapixel
GPS Enhanced waypoint navigation
Connectivity Bluetooth, USB, Infrared port
GmPRS Capabilities
Satellite mode
- Downstream: up to 60 kbps*
- Upstream: up to 15 kbps*
GSM mode
- Downstream: up to 85.6 kbps*
- Upstream: up to 42.8 kbps*
Fax and Data 9.6 kbps ( circuit switched)
Operating System WinCE 4.2
Internet Built-in micro browser
Languages Supports 12 languages
Hub :
Anna Irawan
HP. ( 021) 9191 9010 / 0813 6963 3000
Email / YM : anna_bataviasurvey@
Pin BB : 23699671