GPS AREA METER[12 Nov. 2009, 0:06:25]
Manufacture : KWF Sci-tech Development Co., Ltd
Can test farmland, green land, forest, water area, tidelands and so on regular & irregular area. When regular you can test the area by several points; When irregular you can walk follow the area border, then the instrument automatic count. Unit is square meter & Chinese acre. It also can test distance and perimeter. You can input price, you can count sum of money immediate. You can find the number of satellite, it show the precision to us. The number of satellite is more the result precision is higher.
Measuring range: 1-60000 Chinese acre; 500-9999999 square meter ( 1 Chinese arce = 666 square meter )
Measuring distance range : 0 – 999999.9m/ 1-10 Chinese acre
Precision : above 10 Chinese acre ± 1%
Test unit : meter, square meter & Chinese acre
Store datum : 2000 groups
Battery : 6 volt
GAM-2 add RS-232 link with computer, you can put the datum into computer. It can show the putline of the test area. You can store the area picture, copy, modify and count ( software is FREE )