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  • Canon Powershot....
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 12.1MP Resolution
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 4x Optical Zoom Lens 28-112mm Equivalent
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 4x Optical Zoom + 4x Digital Zoom= 16x
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ Viewfinder and 2.7" TFT....

  • Canon Powershot....
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 14.1MP Resolution
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 4x Optical Zoom Lens 28-112mm Equiv
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 4x Digital Zoom= 16x Combined Zoom
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 2.7" TFT LCD Monitor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ ....

  • Canon Powershot....
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 16MP Resolution
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 5x Optical Zoom Lens 28-140mm Equiv
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ Optical Image Stabilizer
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 3.0" TFT LCD Monitor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 720p HD Video

  • Canon Powershot....
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 12.1MP Sensor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 12x Zoom Lens ( 28-336 mm Equivalent)
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ Large 3" Wide LCD Display
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 720p HD Video
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 22 Shooting Modes ( ....

  • Canon Powershot....
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 12.1MP CMOS Sensor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 14x 28-392mm Super Telephoto Zoom Lens
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ Useful 28mm Wide Angle
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ Built-In GPS for Geo-Tagging
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ ....

  • Canon Powershot G12
  • Harga : call me

    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 10MP CCD Image Sensor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ DIGIC 4 Image Processor
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 1280 x 720p HD Video Capture
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ 2.8" Vari-Angled LCD
    Ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ Â ¢ JPEG and RAW....

  • Nikon COOLPIX P500
  • Harga : call me

    â € ¢ 12.1MP CMOS Sensor
    â € ¢ 36x Wide-Angle 22.5-810mm Lens
    â € ¢ Full 1920x1080 HD Video W/ Stereo Sound
    â € ¢ 5fps at Full 12.1MP Resolution
    â € ¢ 3" Vari-Angle Hi Res....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Nego/ murah

    Sokkia' s Digital Theodolites ensure maximum job efficiency at unmatched performance levels. Sokkia' s new theodolites feature superior optics, advanced absolute encoder systems, ....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Nego/ murah

    Sokkia' s Digital Theodolites ensure maximum job efficiency at unmatched performance levels. Sokkia' s new theodolites feature superior optics, advanced absolute encoder systems, ....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Nego/ murah

    Telescope Magnification: 30X
    Display Resolution ( selectable) H & V: 1" / 5" , 0.2/ 1mg, 0.005/ 0.02mil
    Accuracy ( ISO 12857-2 1997) : 5"
    Display: LCD, 8....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : nego

    Sokkia DT240 2" Electronic Digital Theodolite Dual Display

    Telescope Magnification: 30X
    Display Resolution ( selectable) H & V: 1" / 5" , 0.2/ 1mg, 0.005/ 0....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Nego/ murah

    Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-520
    Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-520
    - Pembacaan : 1 " / 5 "
    - Ketelitian : 5 "
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Display : 2 Muka

    Paket Termasuk : ....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Nego

    Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-220
    Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-220
    - Pembacaan : 1 "
    - Ketelitian : 2 "
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Display : 2 Muka

    Complete With :

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    ni model baru dan memajukan uji palu beton digital mikroprosesor dioperasikan terdiri dari unit standar mirip dengan model N / 58-C0181 namun dilengkapi dengan transduser....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    Beton Test Hammer / Hammer Test, cocok untuk Pengawasan mutu beton Cepat bekerja Artikel Baru dibangun PADA timing penunjuk dan Grafik. Concrete Hammer Test Alat Untuk mengukur....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    Spring energi impak 0, 225 MKG. ( 2, 207 joule) . Cocok untuk menyelesaikan struktur beton dan bangunan dengan ketahanan kekuatan 10-70 / N. Tes beton palu, seluruhnya....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    Schmidt Hammer Digi-Schmidt dikembangkan untuk pengukuran non destruktif kuat tekan beton dan mengendalikan mutu beton seragam.

    Selain menunjukkan pengaturan dasar pada unit....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    Schmidt Hammer Digi-Schmidt dikembangkan untuk pengukuran non destruktif kuat tekan beton dan mengendalikan mutu beton seragam.

    Selain menunjukkan pengaturan dasar pada unit....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    Kualitas beton terutama dinilai oleh kekuatan tekan secara langsung mempengaruhi kapasitas beban-beban dan durabilitas struktur beton. Proceq menemukan Schmidt Original, tes....

  • jual ALAT UJI BETON ....
  • Harga : call for order

    ST SilverSchmidt / PC uji palu beton pertama yang terintegrasi yang menampilkan nilai rebound benar dan pengulangan yang tak tertandingi.
    Dua faktor berkontribusi terhadap....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Central focusing system; waterproof ( up to 1m/ 3.3 ft. for 5 minutes) and fog-free with O-ring seals and nitrogen gas
    Built-in compass with illuminator and scale ( 7x50CF WP....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Central focusing system; waterproof ( up to 1m/ 3.3 ft. for 5 minutes) and fog-free with O-ring seals and nitrogen gas
    Built-in compass with illuminator and scale ( 7x50CF WP....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Aspherical lenses* minimise distortion and provide sharp images up to the periphery
    Multilayer-coated lenses for bright images
    Special rubber armour for shock resistance and a....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : Nego / Murah

    Aspherical lenses* minimise distortion and provide sharp images up to the periphery
    Multilayer-coated lenses for bright images
    Special rubber armour for shock resistance and a....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Aspherical lenses* minimise distortion and provide sharp images up to the periphery
    Multilayer-coated lenses for bright images
    Special rubber armour for shock resistance and a....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : Nego / Murah

    Aspherical lenses* minimise distortion and provide sharp images up to the periphery
    Multilayer-coated lenses for bright images
    Special rubber armour for shock resistance and a....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Aspherical lenses* minimise distortion and provide sharp images up to the periphery
    Multilayer-coated lenses for bright images
    Special rubber armour for shock resistance and a....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : Nego / Murah

    Compact and lightweight
    Multilayer-coated lenses for a bright image
    Close focusing distance of 3m
    Stylish design and body colour
    Rubber coating for comfortable grip ( metallic....

  • jual binocular nikon....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Extra-low dispersion ( ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
    Sharp, clear images to the lens periphery, thanks to Nikon' s field flattener....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Extra-low dispersion ( ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
    Sharp, clear images to the lens periphery, thanks to Nikon' s field flattener....

  • jual binocular nikon....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Extra-low dispersion ( ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
    Sharp, clear images to the lens periphery, thanks to Nikon' s field flattener....

  • jual binocular nikon....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Extra-low dispersion ( ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
    Sharp, clear images to the lens periphery, thanks to Nikon' s field flattener....

  • jual binocular nikon....
  • Harga : Nego/ murah

    jual binocular nikon EDGE 8x32

    Extra-low dispersion ( ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
    Sharp, clear images to the lens periphery, ....

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    jual binocular nikon action 10x40CF

    Aspherical eyepiece lens eliminates image distortion
    Multilayer-coated lenses and large objective diameter for optimal clarity of image

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Jual binocullar nikon action 7x35CF

    Aspherical eyepiece lens eliminates image distortion
    Multilayer-coated lenses and large objective diameter for optimal clarity of image

  • jual binocullar....
  • Harga : murah/nego

    Jual binocullar nikon action 16x50CF

    Aspherical eyepiece lens eliminates image distortion
    Multilayer-coated lenses and large objective diameter for optimal clarity of image

  • jual Total Station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Sokkia Set-610 Total Station

    The Series 10 models incorporate absolute encoders to eliminate the need for zero indexing allowing streamlined operation.
    To further enhance the....

  • jual Total Station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Sokkia Set-510 Total Stations

    The Series 10 total stations come loaded with Sokkia' s original absolute encoders. A wireless keyboard* is also available for faster, easier....

  • jual Total Station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total Station Nikon DTM-352 memberikan kemudahan dalam survey terutama dengan keyboard dan softwarenya. Anda dapat memasukkan kode baik berupa angka maupun huruf. Layar yang lebar....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Sokkia Set-210 Total Station

    The Series 10 models incorporate absolute encoders to eliminate the need for zero indexing allowing streamlined operation.
    To further enhance the....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Horizon hts-352

    The HORIZONÂ ® HTS-300 series total stations are designed with the needs of the surveyor in mind.

    The HTS-300 series total stations are fully....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for order

    Total station Topcon gts 235 N

    The TOPCON GTS-230N Series are the innovative successor to the best selling GTS-210/ 220 Series Total Stations.

    The GTS-210 Series with " ....

  • jual Total Station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Sokkia Set-310 Total Station

    The Series 10 models incorporate absolute encoders to eliminate the need for zero indexing allowing streamlined operation.
    To further enhance the....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price


    DTM 652 Series, merupakan model terbaik di kelasnya. Penggunaan baterai yang lama dan mampu menyimpan 10.000 titik. Mampu membaca jarak sampai dengan 2700 m dengan....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Nikon npl 820 Prismless

    Key Features for NPL 820 Prismless Total Station
    Coaxial focusing system reflectorless EDM
    Nikon unique focus beam technology

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Topcon gts-233n

    The TOPCON GTS-230N Series are the innovative successor to the best selling GTS-210/ 220 Series Total Stations.

    The GTS-210 Series with " ....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Topcon gts-236n

    The TOPCON GTS-230N Series are the innovative successor to the best selling GTS-210/ 220 Series Total Stations.
    The GTS-210 Series with " ....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Topcon gts-239n

    The TOPCON GTS-230N Series are the innovative successor to the best selling GTS-210/ 220 Series Total Stations.
    The GTS-210 Series with " ....

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