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AnekaAlatSurvey( INDOGEOTECH GROUP ) : jual gps garmin, jual gps trimble, jual total station, jual digital theodolite, jual gps magellan, jual handy talkie, jual waterpass, jual telepon satelite dan masih banyak lagi HUB : 0856.930.20.847


SurveyingTools bergerak di bidang survey instrument atau alat ukur dan pengadaan alat - alat geologi serta alat-alat laboratorium, Kami disini sebagai supplier survey instrument/ alat survey tanah atau bangunan, alat survey telekomunikasi, alat survey geologi atau mining, coal, dan alat survey lainnya.

Anda perlu peralatan survey dan GPS dengan harga termurah ?. Dan barang diantar gratis. Pembayaran CoD (Cash)

Produk Survey Instrument dan alat geologi yang kami jual telah ditunjang dengan berbagai merk yang sudah terkenal dan telah diakui keberadaanya di dunia survey seperti : Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, South, Horizon, Bushnell, Brunton, Suunto, Leica, Estwing, Trimble, Magelan, Thales, dan Garmin
Kompas Suunto KB-14, Clinometer PM5, Suunto Altimeter E203, Kompas Suunto KB-20, Suunto Tandem , Palu Geologi Estwing (Pipih) , Palu Geologi Estwing (runcing) , Kompas brunton 5008 (Fiber) , Kompas geologi brunton 5006 (Besi) .
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menampilkan 49-96 dari 142
  • Harga : nego

    Binocular ini mempunyai kemampuan 100% waterproof dan fogproof dng O-ring seal dan nitrogen purged membuatan binocular ini mampu digunakan untuk segala medan yg ekstrim sekalipun, ....

  • Antena GA-25 BNC
  • Harga : nego

    Garmin GA25 BNC Lo Profile Vehicle Antenna

    This new and improved remote antenna runs on a lower voltage so battery drain is minimized. It is attached to your vehicle or boat....

  • Magellan Triton 400
  • Harga : nego

    Magellan has reinvented the handheld GPS with the Triton 400! The Triton 400 is great for lovers of the great outdoors. Itâ s easy to use and has everything you could ask for in....

  • Magellan Triton 500
  • Harga : nego

    The Magellan Triton 500 is the New Generation of Handheld GPS:
    The Magellan Triton reinvents handheld GPS. Amazingly easy to use, the Magellan Triton 500 is perfect for the first....

  • Magellan Triton 1500
  • Harga : nego

    The Magellan Triton 1500 is one of a new series of handheld GPS receivers from Magellan that can display USGS topo maps ( raster imagery) from National Geographic. I' ve had the....

  • Magellan Triton 2000
  • Harga : nego

    Triton 2000 will come with a touch color screen, water resistant, a multimedia player, SIRF Star III, an integrated 2 Megapixel camera, an electronic compasss, an embedded....

  • Magellan Triton 200 ....
  • Harga : nego

    The Magellan Triton 200 is the New Generation of Handheld GPS:
    The Magellan Triton 200 gives you a full color screen, a built-in map database and, the essential easy-to-use....

  • Palu Geologi Estwing....
  • Harga : (masih bisa ngeo)

    ual Palu Geologi Estwing E322P 22oz Rock Pick ( runcing) .

    Estwing hammers have the steel head and handle forged in one piece, making them unbreakable in normal use. With shock....

  • Palu Geologi Estwing....
  • Harga : (masih bisa nego)

    Jual Easwing E320PC 20oz Chisel Hammer ( pipih)

    All Estwing hammers have the steel head and handle forged in one piece, making them unbreakable in normal use. With shock....

  • Horizon Waterpass HZ....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Tingkatan otomatis ini dirancang untuk aplikasi bangunan umum melalui ke ketepatan pelevelan levelling untuk mensurvei dan proyek rancang-bangun.
    Sebuah gambar lurus yang terang....

  • Waterpass Topcon ATG....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    ( Gambar)
    Topcon Automatic Level ATG-1

    - Pembesaran Lensa : 32x
    - Ketelitian : 0.7 mm
    - Minimun Focus : 3.2 M

    Topcon Automatic Level ATG-3

    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Ketelitian ....

  • Nikon Automatic....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    AX-2S meliputi sebuah built-in compensator magnetis dampened yang otomatis mengukur baris dari penglihatan. Disain kedap udaranya buka peluang anda untuk digunakan bahkan di hujan....

  • Harga : nego

    Binocular ini diproduksi/ dibuat oleh perusahaan yang mempunyai reputasi dunia di bidang optics, dengan kemampuan pembesaran 4 pilihan mulai dari 8X, 12X, 16X, 24X didukung obj. lens.....

  • Harga : nego

    Binocular ini dibuat oleh perusahaan optics yg mempunyai reputasi dunia di bidangnya, dengan bentuk yang rigkas dan ringan serta body lapis karet dan multi coated lens yang....

  • Harga : nego

    Binocular ini dibuat oleh perusahaan yg mempunyai reputasi dunia dibidang optics, binocular seri action ini mempunyai pembesaran hingga 7-15X zoom, dengan body lapis karet untuk....

  • Harga : nego

    Binocular ini merupakan seri tertinggi spesifikasinya dari binocular zoom Action family, dengan kemampuan pembesaran hingga 10-22X ! ! ! dan oby.lens 50mm, melihat obyek yang jauh....

  • HT MOTOROLA GP 308 / ....
  • Harga : nego

    JUAL/ BELI GPS ( Global positioning system) And Instruments Surveying/ JUAL Alat Survey/ Alat Komunikasi

    A Marketplace of GeoSolution !

    Global Positioning System ( GPS) , Instrument....

  • HT MOTOROLA GP 328 / ....
  • Harga : nego

    JUAL/ BELI GPS ( Global positioning system) And Instruments Surveying/ JUAL Alat Survey/ Alat Komunikasi

    A Marketplace of GeoSolution !

    Global Positioning System ( GPS) , Instrument....

  • Magellan Triton 300 ....
  • Harga : nego

    The Magellan ® Triton 300 handheld GPS system is designed to bring you ease of use, precise navigation, and a compact design. The rugged and waterproof construction features a....

  • Harga : nego

    Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts on a budget, eTrex H comes with a high-sensitivity GPS receiver that locks onto satellite signals quickly and maintains accuracy even in the....

  • Handlebar Mount 76 ....
  • Harga : nego

    This is the basic design of most of the RAM mount systems. ( shown here on a bicycle handlebar) . A tough plastic ' cradle' ( shaped specific to each GPS) bolts to the top two holes.

  • CD Bluechart ( peta....
  • Harga : nego

    Whether you' re exploring new coastline or cruising your favorite bay, BlueChart Pacific contains the most detailed marine cartography around. These electronic nautical maps give....

  • Data Card Bluechart....
  • Harga : nego

    BlueChartà ¯  ¿  ½ g2 Vision - MicroSD Card
    Contains detailed coverage for Singapore and Malaysia. Includes detailed maps containing highways, interstates, residential roads and....

  • Memory City....
  • Harga : nego

    MicroSD/ SD memory card, City Navigator Singapore/ Malaysia NT. Contains detailed coverage for Singapore and Malaysia. Includes detailed maps containing highways, interstates, ....

  • USB cable / for call....
  • Harga : nego

    This cable allows you to make a powerful connection between your GPS and your PC. Create routes and waypoints on your PC and transfer them to your GPS. Also allows you to download....

  • Portable Friction....
  • Harga : nego

    Secure nà ¯  ¿  ½ vi in your car with this portable bean bag friction mount. No installation is requiredà ¯  ¿  ½ just set it down, click nà ¯  ¿  ½ vi in, swivel to see and youà ¯  ¿  ½ re on....

  • Kabel Data RS-232....
  • Harga : nego

    Garmin PC Interface Cable ( RS232 serial port connector)

    This cable allows you to connect your GPS to your PC so that you can create routes and waypoints on you PC and transfer....

  • Kabel Data RS-232....
  • Harga : nego

    This cable allows you to make a powerful connection between your GPS and your PC. Create routes and waypoints on you PC and transfer them on to your GPS.

  • kabel power 76 / 60
  • Harga : nego

    PC Interface Cable ( DB9) to Garmin 4 & 5 Pin GPS 12, GPS II, III+ , V, 60, 76, StreetPilot ColorMap, III GPS Receivers ( RPC)

    GPS receivers, with 4 / 5 pin round connector, for....

  • kabel data + ....
  • Harga : nego



  • kabel data + ....
  • Harga : nego

    Garmin compatible PC Interface Cable with Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter for eTrex Mariner Legend Vista Legend Venture, eMap, Geko GPS ( Vista, Legend, etc.)

  • Auto Mount eTrex
  • Harga : nego

    This mounting bracket for eTrex has all the qualities you' re looking for: lightweight, portable, adjustable. Bracket is jointed, allowing you to position your eTrex out of the sun....

  • Automount 76 / 60....
  • Harga : nego

    Here' s the mount for the 76 series designed around you moving from vehicle to vehicle and even to boat. Able to be unclipped from its base, the upper part of the mount can be....

  • City Navigator....
  • Harga : nego

    Jawa dan Bali adalah pulau yang terpadat saat ini. Pembangunan sarana dan prasarana yang cepat akan menjadikan jalur-jalur peta semakin komplek dan cepat berubah.
    Peta Jawa-Bali....

  • jual gps garmin....
  • Harga : call for order

    navigasi nirkabel ke laptop Bluetooth Anda diaktifkan, smartphone, Pocket PC atau PDA dengan Garmin Mobile â ¢ 10 - a GPS dan Bluetooth  ® paket nirkabel yang termasuk penerima....

  • jual Total station....
  • Harga : call for the best price

    Total station Nikon npl 820 Prismless

    Key Features for NPL 820 Prismless Total Station
    Coaxial focusing system reflectorless EDM
    Nikon unique focus beam technology

  • jual Kompas Suunto....
  • Harga : (masih bisa nego)

    Kompas KB-14 adalah suatu alat sempurna untuk para surveyor, geolog dan orang yang bekerja sebagai surveying instrument. Suunto dirancang untuk berkombinasi dengan ketelitian....

  • jual Clinometer PM5 ....
  • Harga : (masih bisA nego)

    SUUNTO PM-5 digunakan untuk mengukur suatu ketinggian, Suunto Meter Tingginya adalah instrumen untuk mengukur seperti mengukur tingginya pohon, dengan ketelitian besar dan cepat.....

  • jual Kompas Suunto....
  • Harga : (masih bisa nego)

    SUUNTO KB-20 merupakan kompas dengan ukuran sangat ringan hanya 40 g. [ Itu] sangat ideal untuk angkatan laut, profesional dan penggunaan di luar. SUUNTO KB-20 mempunyai suatu....

  • jual GPS Garmin 585i....
  • Harga : nego

    GPSMAP 585 is a full-function chartplotter that features an ultra-bright 5â WQVGA color display along with an improved high-speed digital design for increased map drawing and....

  • jual gps garmin 76....
  • Harga : call for order

    Jual Garmin gpsmap 76 Csxi / Versi Indonesia

    Telah hadir GARMIN 76 CSXi yang telah disempurnakan ( software dan hardware) , dengan fitur utama Bahasa Indonesia, memudahkan....

  • gps geodetik south....
  • Harga : Call for Order

    Technical specifictation
    Channel: independent 24 channels
    Tracking signal: L1/ L2
    Static Horzontal accuracy: 5mm+ 1ppm
    Static Vertiacal accuracy: 10mm+ 2ppm
    Static operatin range


  • jual gps geodetik....
  • Harga : negosiasi

    ( Gambar)
    Delivering maximum productivity
    The EPOCH 10 system integrates a survey-grade receiver with the Spectra Precision Recon data collectorâ a proven, ultra-rugged field....

  • gps trimble juno st ....
  • Harga : nego

    The Junoâ ¢ ST handheld is a highly productive yet affordable, non-rugged GPS receiver for field data collection and mobile GIS. The Juno ST handheld is Trimble' s most compact, ....

  • jual GPS Trimble....
  • Harga : Nego / Murah

    The GeoXTâ ¢ handheld from the Trimble ® GeoExplorer ® 2005 series is the essential tool for maintaining your GIS. A high performance, submeter GPS receiver combined with a rugged....

  • Digital Theodolite....
  • Harga : Call for Order

    Digital Theodolite Horizon et-1002

    - Pembacaan : 1 "
    - Ketelitian : 2 "
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Display : 2 Muka

    Horizon ET 1000â s series incorporate the best of East and....

  • jual Digital....
  • Harga : Call for Order

    ( Gambar)
    Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt-210

    - Pembacaan : 1 "
    - Ketelitian : 2 "
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Display : 2 Muka

    The DT210, DT510, DT510A and DT610 are the most....

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