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Aneka telepon satelite

Aneka telepon satelite
Jual beragam telepon satelite yaitu : Acces,Inmarsat,Thuraya dan Iridium.
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jual Telepon Satelit Ericsson R190 / for call 021-68800617
The Ericsson R190 is the world' s smallest and lightest satellite/ GSM dual mode phone specially designed to work with the ACeS regional geostationary satellite, deployed over the....
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BYRU Marine is an innovative semi-mobile telecommunications solution provided by PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara for marine transportation. Utilizing the ACeS ( ASIA....
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Untuk memberikan nilai tambah bagi para pengguna BYRU MARINE dan BYRU OTOSAT, kami menghadirkan perangkat aksesoris tambahan berupa perangkat tracking. Dengan penambahan sebuah....
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PASTI is a fixed application of satellite-based telecommunication service provided by PSN using ACeS system. Using Garuda-1 satellite it' s possible for you to enjoy....
jual telepon satelite isatPhonePro ( INMARSAT)
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Dimensions Length: 170mm ( 6.7" )
Width: 54mm ( 2.1" )
Depth: 39mm ( 1.5" )
Weight 279g ( 9.8oz) - including battery
Display High visibility colour screen
jual Thuraya SG-2520 " HARGA BAGUS"
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A smart 3-in-1 integrated handset with satellite, GSM tri-band and GPS functionality, the Thuraya SG-2520 provides seamless mobility beyond land-based telecommunication systems.....
jual Iridium 9555 satellite phone " HARGA BAGUS"
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The Iridium 9555 satellite phone is compact, light, and easy to use but with industrial-grade ruggednessâ € ” and itâ € ™ s connected to the only truly global mobile communications....
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