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Jual Nylex 1000 Rain Gauge/Curah Hujan call 021-68800617
Hargacall for order
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & Pengirimanbox
Nylex 1000 Rain Gauge/Curah Hujan

Cylindrical rain gauge measures up to 250mm rainfall.
Internal cylinder marked in 1 mm graduations. Mount on a post where it is unobstructed by high trees or fences, on level ground, not on a slope or terrace. Mount in a true vertical position as near to ground level as possible, or at the lowest safe height.

Harga: Call for Order
Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Jumlah: unit
Kemas & Pengiriman: box
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