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    Media Teknologi : : Bertest Veex TX-50E.

    20 Jan. 2012, 21:19:29

    Media Teknologi : : Bertest Veex TX-50E.
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    Handheld 2Mbps Test Set
    This E1 tester packs all the necessary features for checking E1 ( 2.048Mbps) transmission links. BERT and performance monitoring according to ITU recommendations at full or sub-rates verify link performance while voice channel talk & listen capabilities validate the service level. Pulse mask analysis identifies impedance problems which can impair signal levels or cause dispersion leading to bit errors. The TX50E features the industryâ s first Oscilloscope feature that captures and displays both positive and negative pulses of the E1 coded signal, thereby providing valuable visual data to help finding unbalanced terminations or degraded cables. The Jitter option checks the itter tolerance and jitter transfer functions of network equipment thus isolating jitter performance issues.

    * Platform HightlightsHigh resolution, 3.5â color LCD with intuitive menu structure
    * Tri-color LEDâ s for real-time monitoring of circuit status
    * Compact and robust design optimized for field applications
    * Durable membrane keypad for reliable operation in all weather conditions
    * Dual receiver enabling bi-directional protocol analysis via PC
    * High capacity rechargeable battery allowing 6 hours continu ous operation
    * USB to PC interface for remote control, report generation and Printing
    * Voice channel monitoring and access via external headset and microphone

    * Key FeaturesIn-Service and Out of Service measurements
    * 2 Mbps and N x 64Kbps support
    * Auto configuration
    * Frequency and Level measurements
    * Line rate offset
    * Round Trip Delay
    * Error and alarm insertion/ measurements
    * PRBS, fixed and user defined test patterns
    * Analysis per G.821, G.826 and M.2100
    * Timeslot contents and activity monitor
    * Pulse shape analysis per G.703 mask and limits
    * Oscilloscope function to view 2 Mbps signal
    * Jitter measurement and generation to ITU 0.171
    * Maximum Jitter Tolerance ( MTJ)
    * Jitter Transfer Function ( JTF) analysis
    * Voice frequency generation and analysis.

    Kenalkan ke teman Anda Masukan ke Produk Rekanan
    Kontak Perusahaan
    Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan [Karyawan]
    Jl. Raya Ciledug, Taman Shangrilla Unit 1 No. 94 Petukangan Selatan
    Jakarta - Selatan 12270, Jakarta
    Alamat Tervalidasi
    Situs Web:
    Nomor Telpon:
    Nomor telpon Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Nomor Ponsel:
    Nomor ponsel Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Nomor Faks:
    Nomor faks Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Y!: reikhansyah_gps99 

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