Keterangan :
Dealer / Supplier Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Automatic level dll.
Digital Theodolite South ET-05
- Ketelitian : 5"
- Pembacaan sudut : 1" / 10"
- Pembesaran lensa : 30x
- Display : 2 muka.
Paket termasuk :
- Tripod aluminium ( 1 pc )
- Rambu ukur 3 m ( 1 pc ) .
Telescope Image membatang gambar pembesaran 30x kecepatan rana yang efektif 45mm Resolving Power 3 " Field of view 130 Minimum 1.4m Stadia Ratio 100 Stadia Constant 0 Sight Distance Precision 0, 40% L Tube Length 157mm Angle Measurement Angle Measurement Mode Photoelectric detection by incremental decoder Dia lingkaran ( vertikal , horizontal) 79mm Mode detection Horizontal angle: dual; Vertical angle: ( single) Measurement unit 360o / 400gon/ 6400mil ( tersedia untuk memilih) penyamarataan botol Sensitivitas plat botol ( / 2mm) 30 " / 2mm Sensitivity of circular botol 8 ' / 2m Vertikal sbg kondensator Cair Sistem Kerja rentang ± 3 " Precision 1" Optical jatuh terjerambab membatang Image Image pembesaran 3x Fokus kisaran 0, 5 ~ ¼ Field of view 5o Display Type LCD, Double line, line segment Data input / output Data interface RS-232C On - dewan sumber daya baterai rechargeable Ni-H battery Voltage DC6V Operasi waktu 8h Bekerja Bekerja lingkungan suhu-20o ~ 45 o Instrument Dimension / Weight 160x150x330mm / 5.2kg