Leaf Area Index, LAI, Destructive LAI, Non-Destructive LAI, Plant Canopy Analyzer LAI-2200 : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, www.alat-teknik.com
Leaf Area Index, LAI, Destructive LAI, Non-Destructive LAI, Plant Canopy Analyzer LAI-2200, :
Non-destructive measurements of Leaf Area Index
Calculates mean foliage. inclination angle and canopy gap fraction
Fast, cost effective measurements
On-site evaluation of LAI data
For use in a variety of canopy types
The technology of the LAI-2200 Plant Canopy Analyzer has become invaluable to a wide range of applications, including studies of canopy growth, canopy productivity, forest vigor, canopy fuel load, air pollution deposition modeling, insect defoliation studies and remote sensing.
LAI is also one of the fundamental measurements associated with carbon flux studies and global carbon cycle research. The technology of the LAI-2200 and its predecessor, the LAI-2000, is the most commonly used indirect LAI measurememt technology worldwide.
Contact :
e-mail k000333999@ yahoo.com, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Telp 021-70748483
Telp 0251-7543316.
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