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    Hanna Two Channel, pH ORP ISE, EC TD NaCl Resistivity Benchtop Meter HI 3512 new

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    Two Channel, pH/ ORP/ ISE, EC/ TD/ NaCl/ Resistivity Benchtop Meter HI 3512 New
    Mfg : HANNA
    Descriptions :
    pH Calibration Check⢠and electrode condition
    Up to five point pH and ISE calibration
    Seven standard pH buffers for calibration
    pH calibration with up to two custom buffers
    EC calibration for up to two calibration points
    Seven memorized EC standards for calibration
    Messages on the graphic LCD for an easy and accurate calibration
    Contextual help at the touch of a button
    Multi-language support
    Automatic logging interval up to 600 records
    Log on demand up to 400 samples
    GLP features
    PC interface via USB

    Specifications :
    pH : Range : -2.0 to 20.0; -2.00 to 20.00; -2.000 to 20.000 pH
    Resolutions : 0.1 pH; 0.01 pH; 0.001 pH
    Accurancy : ± 0.01 pH; ± 0.002 pH
    mV : Range : ± 2000.0 mV
    Resolutions : 0.1 mV
    Accurancy : ± 0.2 mV
    ISE : Range : 1.00 E-7 to 9.99 E10 conc.
    Resolutions : 3 digits 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 conc.
    Accurancy : ± 0.5% of reading ( monovalent ions) ; ± 1% of reading ( divalent ions)
    Temperature Channel 1 : Range : â 20.0 to 120.0 º C ( 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
    Resolutions : 0.1 º C ( 0.1 º F)
    Accurancy : ± 0.2 º C ( ± 0.4 º F) ( excluding probe error)
    Rel. mV Offset Range : ± 2000 mV
    pH Calibration : up to five point calibration, seven standard buffers available ( 1.68, 4.01, 6.86,
    7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45) , and two custom buffers
    pH Calibration Check⢠: yes
    Slope Calibration   : from 80 to 110%
    pH Temp. Compensation : manual or automatic from â 20.0 to 120.0 º C
    ( â 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
    pH Electrode : HI 1131B glass body pH electrode with BNC connector and 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
    Temperature probe : HI 7662-T temperature probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
    ISE Calibration : up to five-point calibration points 6 standard solutions available ( 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ppm)
    EC : Range : 0.000 to 400 mS/ cm ( shows values up to 1000 mS/ cm) actual conductivity 1000
    mS/ cm; 0.001 to 9.999 µ S/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 µ S/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 µ S/ cm;
    1.000 to 9.999 mS/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 mS/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 mS/ cm; 1000 mS/ cm ( autoranging)
    Resolutions : 0.001 µ S/ cm; 0.01 µ S/ cm; 0.1 µ S/ cm; 0.001 mS/ cm; 0.01 mS/ cm; 0.1 mS/ cm; 1 mS/ cm
    Accurancy : ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.01 µ S/ cm or 1 digit whichever is greater) excluding probe error
    resistivity : Range : 01.0 to 199.9 ohms; 100 to 1.999 ohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Kohms; 10.0 to 199.9
    Kohms; 100 to 1.999 Kohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Mohms; 10.0 to 100.0 Mohms ( autoranging)
    Resolutions : 0.1 ohm; 1 ohm; 0.01 Kohms; 0.1 Kohms; 1 Kohms; 0.01 Mohms; 0.1 Mohms
    Accurancy : ± 1% of reading ( ± 10 ohms or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
    TDS : Range : 0.000 to 9.999 ppm; 10.00 to 99.99 ppm; 100.0 to 999.9 ppm; 1.000 to 9.999
    g/ L; 10.00 to 99.99 g/ L; 100.0 to 400.0 g/ L ( autoranging)
    resolutions : 0.001 ppm; 0.01 ppm; 0.1 ppm; 0.001 g/ L; 0.01 g/ L; 0.1 g/ L
    accurancy : ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.05 ppm or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
    Factor : 0.40 to 1.00
    Salinity : Range : % NaCl: 0.0 to 400.0 %
    Resolutions : 0.10%
    Accurancy : ± 1% of reading excluding probe error
    Temperature Channel 2 : Range : -20.0 to 120° C
    Resolutions : 0.1° C
    Accurancy : ± 0.2 ° C ( excluding probe error)
    EC Calibration : automatic up to two points with seven memorized standards ( 0.00 µ S/ cm, 84.0
    µ S/ cm, 1.413 mS/ cm, 5.00 mS/ cm, 12.88 mS/ cm, 80.0 mS/ cm, 111.8 mS/ cm)
    Constant Cell Setup   : 0.010 to 10.000
    NaCl Calibration : max. one point only ( with HI 7037 standard)
    EC Probe : HI 76310 platinum four ring conductivity/ TDS probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
    Temperature Source : automatic from sensor inside the probe; manual entry
    EC Temp. Compensation : NoTC, MTC, ATC
    Reference Temperature : 15, 20, 25 ° C
    Temperature Coefficient : 0.00 to 10.00 % / ° C
    Log On Demand : 400 samples
    Lot Logging : 5, 10, 30 seconds; 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 minutes ( max 600 samples)
    PC interface : opto-isolated USB
    Input Impedance   : 1012 Ohms
    Power Supply : 12 VDC adapter ( included)
    Environment / Dimensions / Weight : 0 to 50 ° C ( 32 - 122 ° F) RH max 55% non-condensing / 235 x 207 x 110 mm ( 9.2
    x 8.14 x 4.33â ) / 1.8 Kg ( 4.1 lbs.)