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    Hanna Portable pH pH-mV ORP and Temperature Meter HI 991003

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    Portable pH/ pH-mV/ ORP and Temperature Meter HI 991003
    Mfg : HANNA
    Description :
    pH Sensor Check⢠; Allows users to check electrode status at any time
    Multi-level LCD display; Display the current measurement simultaneously with the current temperature.
    On-screen tutorial messages
    Automatic Temperature Compensation
    Automatic one or two point calibration
    HI 1297 pH/ ORP/ Temperature  and HI 1296 pH/ Temperature probe in titanium enclosure
    BEPS; ( Battery Error Prevention System) alerts the user in the event that low battery power could adversely affect readings
    Battery % displayed on startup.
    Compact, heavy-duty, and waterproof

    Specifications :
    Range : pH : -2.00 to 16.00 pH
    pH-mV : ± 825 mV ( pH-mV)
    ORP : ± 1999 mV
    Temperature : -5.0 to 105.0° C; 23.0 to 221.0° F
    Resolutions : pH : 0.01 pH
    pH-mV : 1 mV
    ORP : 1 mV
    Temperature : 0.1° C/ 0.1° F
    Accuracy @ 20° C : pH : ± 0.02 pH
    pH-mV : ± 1 mV
    ORP : ± 2 mV
    Temperature : ± 0.5° C up to 60° C; ± 1.0° C ( outside) ; ± 1.0° F up to 140° F; ± 2.0° F ( outside)
    pH calibration : automatic one or two point calibration with two sets of memorized buffers ( standard
    4.01, 7.01, 10.01 or NIST 4.01, 6.86, 9.18)
    Temperature : automatic, -5.0 to 105.0° C ( 23.0 to 221.0° F)
    Electrode : HI 1297D pre-amplified pH/ ORP probe with internal temperature sensor, DIN connector
    and 1 m ( 3.3â ) cable ( included)
    Battery Type / Life : 1.5V ( 3) AAA / approximately 1200 hours of continuous use. auto-off after eight minutes
    of non-use
    Environment : 0 to 50° C ( 32 to 122° F) ; RH max. 100%
    Dimensions : 152 x 58 x 30 mm ( 6.0 x 2.3 x 1.2â )
    Weight : 205 g ( 7.2 oz.)