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    Global Water FP 111 Flow Probe

    [6 Jun. 2011, 5:02:00]
    Global Water FP 111 Flow Probe
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    Global Water FP111 Flow Probe

    The Global Water FP111 Flow Probe with 3 to 6 ft.
    handle is an accurate water velocity instrument
    for measuring flows in open channels and partially filled pipes.

    Used to measure flows in open channels & partially filled pipes
    Consists of a turbo propeller type sensor on an extendable handle
    Incorporates velocity averaging & is ideal for many environmental applications

    Range: 0.3-19.9 FPS ( 0.1-6.1 MPS)
    Accuracy: 0.1 FPS
    Averaging: True digital running average. Updated once per second.
    Display: LCD, Glare and UV Protected
    Control: 4 button
    Data Logger: 30 time and date stamped data sets
    Power: Internal Lithium Battery, Approx 5 year life, Non-Replaceable
    Operating Temperature: -4 to 158 F ( -20 to 70 C)
    Storage Temperature: -22 to 176 F ( -30 to 80 C)
    Carrying Case: The Flow Probe is shipped in a padded carrying case
    Approvals: CE