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    BW-Multigas Detector
    Gas Detector for 4 Gases :
    - H2S - hydrogen sulfide : 0-100 ppm ( 1ppm)
    - O2 - oxygen : 0-30.0% ( 0.1% )
    - CO - carbon monoxide : 0-500 ppm ( 1ppm)
    - LEL combustibles : 0-100% LEL ( 1% )

    Four alarm levels :
    - Instant Low and High Alarm for all gases
    - TWA ( time weighted average) for H2S, CO;
    - STEL ( short term exposure limit) for H2S, CO; OL
    - CO; OL ( over limit alarm)

    Delivered ready for use with sensors, lithium polymer battey, stainless steel alligator belt clip, calibration hose/ cap and instructions

    - Size : 10.7x6x3.6 cm, Weight : ± 160 gram
    - Temperature operation : -20 to 58º C
    - Humidity : 0% to 95% RH ( Non Condensing)
    - Simple one-button operation
    - Durable, stainless steel alligator clip

    Integral concussion-proof boot for the most rugged environments
    Continuous LCD shows simultaneous gas concentrations
    Powered by a lithium polymer battery ( run-time typically 14 hours; recharge in less than 3 hours)
    Provides 95 dB alarm tone and bright wide-angled alarm bars
    Equipped with internal vibrating alarm for high noise areas
    Backlight: in alarm ( auto) and on demand reactivation
    Simple automatic calibration procedure
    Full function self-test of: sensor, battery, circuitry and audible/ visual/ vibration alarms