Total Station Topcon GTS-235N[7 Feb. 2009, 19:30:33]
Media Survey Menjual ALat Survey Digital THeodolite Dan Total Stations. Total station Topcon gts-235n
- Ketelitian Sudut : 5�
- Ketelitian Jarak : ± -(2mm+2ppmxD)
- Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
- Ketelitian sudut : 1� /5�
- Internal Memory : 24.000 Points
- Display : 2 Muka
- Jarak ukur 1 Prisma : 3.000 M
- Jarak ukur 3 Prisma : 4.000 M
The TOPCON GTS-230N Series are the innovative successor to the best selling GTS-210/220 Series Total Stations.
The GTS-210 Series with "Waterproof" design brought revolution to the surveying industry with features and durability. Now the new GTS-230N Series have up-graded their basic functions for distance and angle measurement in addition to maintaining superb durability against the environment.
The GTS-230N Series has a large 24 key keyboard as standard. Superior Basic Function for measuring distance & angle The GTS-230N Series are provided with a distance measuring range of 3,000m (9,900ft) to a single prism which is superior in their class (GTS-239N: 2,000m (6,600ft)/1 prism), while maintaining high accuracy ±(2mm+ 2ppmxD) m.s.e.(GTS-239N: ±(3mm+3ppmxD) m.s.e.).
As for distance measuring time, data updates at a high rate speed of 1.2 seconds in the fine measurement mode. (0.7 seconds in the coarse mode, and 0.4 seconds in the tracking mode). This shorter distance measurement time will allow you to increase your efficiency and productivity in the field.
Media Survey : Distributor Instrument Surveying dan Garmin GPS, Digital Theodolite, Total Stations, Waterpass, Garmin GPS, GPS Trimble, Kompas Suunto, Leica Disto Meter, GPS Trimble, Sunlite E1 Tester, Ber Test E1.
Kami hadir untuk anda yang mungkin sangat memerlukan produk tersebut untuk membantu anda baik dalam pekerjaan ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari hari, Bagi anda yang berkerja dalam bidang surveyor ataupun pekerjaan yang mungkin membutuhkan ketelitian, kecepatan dan ke akuratan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan anda dan proyek anda, kami menawarkan sebuah solusi untuk pekerjaan/ proyek yang sedang anda kerjakan. Karena secara umumnya GPS dan alat survey bisa di artikan sebagai kecepatan, keakuratan, posisi dan waktu.