ALATSURVEY | Digital Theodolite,  Total Stations,  Laser Marker,  Waterpass,  Garmin GPS,  Disto Meter,  Altimeter,  GPS Trimble.
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GPS Garmin Colorado 300i
Hargautex :081905471152
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Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
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MEDIA SURVEY : Distributor Garmin GPS Indonesia, GPS Trimble, Digital Theodolite, Total Stations, Waterpass, Ber Test Sunlite E1 Tester.

Beberapa bulan yang lalu garmin mengeluarkan gps mapping handheld series terbaru yaitu garmin colorado series. gps ini sudah menampilkan display 3D, kontur/relief , lekuk tanah, dalamnya jurang, tingginya gunung, bergabung menyatu dengan peta jalan.

Tombol memakai design berbentuk scroll seperti ban/roda, bagian terluar merupakan scroll yang dipakai untuk memilih menu, bagian agak tengah merupakan navigasi atas-bawah-kiri-kanan, bagian paling tengah ada satu tombol untuk pilih OK/Enter.

Colorado mempunyai chipset procesor yang sensitif / peka terhadap sinyal satelit, barometric altimeter, electronic compass, serta terdapat slot utuk memori external, LCD 3inch, bisa share route, track, waypoint dan geochaches wireless antar pengguna Colorado.

Tampilan dan menu beberapa bagian mirip dengan GPS Nuvi (mudah dilihat dan grafik sangat halus). Bisa dimasukkan peta jalan, peta laut (bluechart atau G2 Vision) maupun, peta topo.

Explore More

Colorado 300 comes with a built-in worldwide basemap with shaded relief and accepts SD cards for all your outdoor activities on land or water. Just take your pick from Garmin’s preprogrammed SD cards including street maps, topographic maps, coastal charts or inland lake data. The card slot is located inside the waterproof battery compartment, so you don't have to worry about getting it wet.
Share Wirelessly

With Colorado 300 you can share your waypoints, tracks, routes and geocaches wirelessly with other Colorado users. Now you can send your favorite hike to your buddy to enjoy or the location of a cache to find. Sharing data is easy. Just select “send” to transfer your information to other Colorado units.
Rock on. Find Fun

Intuitive and fun, Colorado features a Rock ‘n Roller™ input wheel for easy one-handed operation and supports GPX files for downloading geocaches and detail straight to your unit. Customize Colorado's interface based on your favorite activity. Even show off photos of your excursions with its picture viewer. Slim, lightweight and waterproof, Colorado is the perfect companion for all your outdoor pursuits.
Keep Your Fix

With its high-sensitivity, WAAS-enabled GPS receiver, Colorado 300 locates your position quickly and precisely and maintains its GPS location even in heavy cover and deep canyons. The advantage is clear — whether you’re in deep woods or just near tall buildings and trees, you can count on Colorado to help you find your way when you need it the most.
Get Your Bearings

Colorado 300 has a built-in electronic compass that provides bearing information even while you're standing still, and its barometric altimeter tracks changes in pressure to pinpoint your precise altitude. You can even use the altimeter to plot barometric pressure over time, which can help you keep an eye on changing weather conditions.

Colorado 300: For adventure in any direction.

What's in the Box:

* Colorado 300
* Worldwide basemap with shaded relief
* Carabiner clip
* USB cable
* MapSource Trip & Waypoint Manager
* Owner's manual on disk
* Quick start guide

Media Survey Dealer Alat Survey -> GPS Trimble, Total Stations, Theodolite, KOmpas Suunto, Kompas Brunton, GPS Garmin, Waterpass, Alat Komunikasi, Alat Geologi, Alat Marien, dan alat survey Lainya.
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