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    Penpower Chinese Expert

    Penpower Chinese Expert

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    Penpower Chinese Expert http: / / sg/ 3_0product/ 3_8pro.html

    Penpower Chinese Expert
    Are you struggling to catch up with the Chinese learning trend sweeping the world? Tired of those boring dialogs, those mundane textbooks? Penpower Chinese Expert provides a comprehensive Chinese learning environment by immersing you in a Mandarin listening and speaking environment. Penpower Chinese Expert lets you learn Mandarin from any source such as Chinese web sites, books, newspapers or magazines, in either simplified or traditional Chinese, in addition to our expertly selected lessons. Unlike other Chinese

    learning CDs or DVDs which you will probably throw away after a few months, Penpower Chinese Expert uses revolutionary intelligent software built with Penpower' s latest award-winning technologies in phrase segmentation, speech recognition, text to speech, optical character recognition, handwriting and even machine translation. It' s software you will keep for years to come.

    There is no limit to how much you can learn when using this Penpower Chinese Expert. It trains your listening comprehension with clearly pronounced text; your speech ability with instant speech recognition correction feedback and oral exams; your reading comprehension with an onscreen phrase dictionary and online dictionary; your handwriting skills with handwriting recognition technology. Penpower Chinese Expert also encourages and facilitates a user community, where you can share with others your learning materials by packing your recording, your translation and any notes you take in a convenient file. Just download these fun and dynamic learning materials. You’ re guaranteed that learning Mandarin will be an enjoyable and rewarding journey. On top of that, we also guarantee your satisfaction by offering lifetime software upgrades free of charge; you will always have the latest and the greatest software. Penpower Chinese Expert is truly a lifetime learning companion!

    The latest version of PCE provides you:

    - The karaoke feature
    Show you which word is being played during text-to-speech process, so you can practice your pronunciation on your own with visual guide.

    - Export TTS/ recording to WMA file.
    Let you review real pronunciation at any time. Sync with your iTune/ mp3 player, your ears will be as discriminating as any native Mandarin speakers.
    - Show Traditional / Simplified Chinese character’ s meaning in pop-up translation window.
    Show both Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters in pop-up translation window, you can learn both in the same time.

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