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MAAF HARGA BELUM KAMI PERBAHARUI KAMI MEMBANTU JIKA ANDA BENAR2 MEMBUTUHKAN STEAMCOAL DISEMUA KALORI, BAIK UNTUK MUAT KE BARGE ATAU MOTHER VESSEL, HARGA JANGAN KHAWATIR BISA NEGOSIASI DAN MAU TITIPAN JUGA BOLEH, SEGERA HUBUNGI KAMI mau payment CASH ~ LC AT SIGHT FROM PRIME BANK ATAU SBLC ATAU SKBDN KAMI SIAP MENERIMA ORDER STEAMCOAL PAYMENT BY LC CNF ATAU CIF LUAR NEGERI KHUSUS KE : adimuliacoal@ ( LOI ) atau info ke sms / call ke + 6281933773017 ~ + 6281254412414 KAMI TUNGGU KABAR BAIK ANDA SUMARDI Dengan hormat para rekan dan agent serta buyer yang kami cintai kami cv adi mulia banjarmasin adalah perusahaan trading khusus produk batubara semua kalori, , kami banyak mempunyai akses para penambang yang bonafide dengan harga bersaing dan cara pembayaran boleh dengan sistem apa saja baik Cash, skbdn, L/ C, terserah anda, segeralah kontak kami dengan via HP. + 62 819 3377 3017 , + 6281254412414 atau e-mail adimuliacoal@ jangan tunda lagi apabila anda telah membaca rubrik ini kami siap dengan : ini Harga yang baru dari kami, 4 Januari, 2009 00: 45 Dari: " sumardi adi " harga uptodate : ( tapi jika masih ada harga dari seller lain yang bisa murah silahkan tapi info dibawah ini sangat berharga tapi ini untuk pegangan dulu dan buat bapak : JANGAN LUPA HUBUNGI KAMI SEGERA : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = TM ( ar) 32, 3 % , IM ( adb) 15, 0 % , Ash ( adb) 5.59 % , VM ( adb) 37, 7 % , FC ( adb) 38, 0 % , TS ( adb) 0.22, GCV ( adb) 53-51 Kcal/ kg, HGI 44, Size 0-55 mm 80 % + 55 mm 20 % Pembayaran SKBDN/ LC, harga sewaktu-waktu berubah Negara Asal: Indonesia Harga: Cash Rp. 350.000 ( SKBDN/ LC$ 45 fob barge) Cara Pembayaran: L/ C Jumlah: 40.000 MT kalau mau ke Vessel + USD$ 7 + $ 45 = USD52 Kemas & Pengiriman: fob tongkang ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- TM ( ar) 32, 3 % , IM ( adb) 15, 0 % , Ash ( adb) 5.59 % , VM ( adb) 37, 7 % , FC ( adb) 38, 0 % , TS ( adb) 0.22, GCV ( adb) 55-53 Kcal/ kg, HGI 44, Size 0-55 mm 80 % + 55 mm 20 % , Pembayaran SKBDN, harga sewaktu-waktu berubah Negara Asal: Indonesia Harga: Cash Rp. 430.000.- ( tongkang) / Rp. 500.000.- ( Vessel LC $ 50) Cara Pembayaran: L/ C Jumlah: 30-40 Rb/ mt Kemas & Pengiriman: vessel/ tongkang ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- TM ( ar) 25, 7% , IM ( adb) 17, 0 % , Ash ( adb) 12, 2 % , VM ( adb) 42, 3 % , FC ( adb) 36, 6 % , TS ( adb) 0.51, GCV ( adb) 58-56 Kcal/ kg, HGI 43, Size 0-55 mm 80 % + 55 mm 20 % , Pembayaran SKBDN/ LC, harga sewaktu-waktu berubah Negara Asal: Indonesia Harga: Rp. 500.000.-( tongkang) / Rp.570.000 ( LC$ 58, vessel) Cara Pembayaran: L/ C Jumlah: 30-40 rb/ mt Kemas & Pengiriman: vessel/ Tongkang ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- TM ( ar) 13% , IM ( adb) 6, 0 % , Ash ( adb) 12, 9 % , VM ( adb) 41, 3 % , FC ( adb) 30 % , TS ( adb) 0.87, GCV ( adb) 63-61 Kcal/ kg, HGI 42, Size 0-55 mm 80 % + 55 mm 20 % Pembayaran SKBDN/ LC, harga sewaktu-waktu berubah Negara Asal: Indonesia Harga: Rp. 600.000( tongkang) / ( Vessel LC$ 78) Cara Pembayaran: L/ C Jumlah: 30-40 rb/ mt Kemas & Pengiriman: tongkang/ vessel = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = KAMI JUGA AKAN BANTU JIKA ANDA KESULITAN UNTUK MENCARI SEWA VESSEL BUAY BUYER ANDA UNTUK SEMUA JURUSAN DI DUNIA, BUAT ANGKUT SEGALA BAHAN TAMBANG APASAJA YANG PENTING BAHAN TAMBANG : INI VESSEL YANG READY BISA DIPAKAI, NAMUN BILA ANDA MAU CARI BUAT PESAN LAINNYA SILAHKAN HUBUNGI KAMI : SMS JUGA BOLEH : INFO MOTHER VESSEL : * * * Wishing you & your family verry happy, healthy and prosperous new year 2009 Good day, Please propose your firmly cargo for following vessels from our close owner: Mv. SELENDANG KASA --- OPEN CILACAP, INDONESIA ON 2nd/ JAN, 2009 SINGLEDECK LOGS FITTED/ BC BUILT 1997 / HUDONG MALAYSIA FLAG LR CLASS 29, 321 MT DWAT ON 10.35M SSW TPC: 39.47 LOA 174.80M BEAM 26.0M AHL/ ISM GRT/ NRT : 18, 507/ 10, 563 GR 37, 996.20 CBM / BA 37, 036.70 CBM 5 HH HYDRAULIC FOLDING TYPE STEEL NO ALTERNATIVE HOLD LOADING 4 x 30 TONS CRANES CO2 FITTED/ AWWF FITTED + + Mv. NOSCO VICTORY --- OPEN PROMPT SINGAPORE VIETNAM FLAG. SDBC. DWT: 45, 585 MT, ON 11.610 M DRAFT. 1996 BUILT. GRT: 26, 060 / NRT: 14, 872. CLASS NK-VIRES; LOA: 185.74M, LBP: 177.00M, BREADTH: 30.40M . HOLDS: 5 / HATCHES: 5. CAPACITY: GRAIN 57, 208 / BALE 55, 565. GEAR: CR: 4 X 30 T + 4 X GRABBS 10M3 ADA * Nosco Victory now open Singapore. Bunkering. Looking for coal or iron ore cargo to India or China. + + Mv. NOTORI DAKE SINGLEDECK ENGINES/ BRIDGE AFT BULKCARRIER PANAMA FLAG BUILT 1985 29, 105 MT TDW ON 10.121 M SSW GRAIN CUBICS: 246, 917.54/ 363, 386.76/ 364, 907.07/ 343, 260.74 TOTAL 1, 318, 472.11 CUBIC FEET LOA : 174.93 M BREADTH MOULDED 27.00 M 4 HOLDS/ HATCHES HATCH SIZES : 1 19.20 X 14.40 M 2/ 4 25.60 X 14.10 M CRANES : 4 X 25 MT SWL DETAILS ALL " ABOUT " ETS NAKHODKA 3 JANUARY ETA HCMC 11 JANUARY ETS HCMC 13 JANUARY ETA KOSICHANG 15 JANUARY ETS KOSICHANG 18 JANUARY ( Free) if ballast to Indonesia ETA 20/ 21 JANUARY 2009 AGW/ WP ... Lool forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. if you ( shippers) need please your shown LOI to my email.-Thank you.. Best regards, Sumardi Agus Pristianto .. Demikian penawaran ini waiting for yours only seriously thank' s Hotmay kami sumardi = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = dibawah ini adalah contoh draft contract mother vessel : CV. Adi Mulia General Trading RT.20 No.8A Cempaka XI Street Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Our ref : Date, Nov 18/ 023/ XI/ 08 to : Address : Subject : FCO/ memo Steam Coal From : Sumardi, Director CV. Adi Mulia, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia Dear Mr, We CV ADI MULIA, with full corforate authority confirmed that we are Seller, Please shown LOI Draft contract with full detail Bank of the Buyer, Copy of Active L/ C, who is ready, willing and able to offer the commodity as below mentioned on the terms and conditions into drat from here : INDONESIAN STEAM COAL SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT & CONTRACT Contract No: 23/ AM/ XI/ 2008 This contract is made and entered into this 18 November , 2008 by and between SELLER : CV ADI MULIA Address : Cempaka XI Street RT20.8A Banjarmasin south Kalimantan Telp. No. : + 6281933773017 Fax No. : + 625114363999 Email : adimuliacoal@ Represented by : SUMARDI And BUYER : Address : Tel No. : Fax No. : Email : Represented by : Each of the Buyer and the Seller shall be referred to herein individually as a " Party " and together as the " Parties " . The Seller herewith agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer and the Buyer herewith agrees to purchase and take delivery from the Seller subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. COMMODITY Indonesian Steam Coal ( non-coking) in bulk produced in South Kalimantan, Indonesia 2. QUANTITY 40, 000 metric tons + / - 10 % X 12 MONTHS or in Seller' s option. 3. DELIVERY PERIOD 30 45 ( thirty) days after L/ C issued and confirmed 4. QUALITY All on ASTM standards : TYPICAL REJECTION Total Moisture ( AR) : 16, 60 % MAX Inherent Moisture ( ADB) : 8, 21 % Approx Ash Content ( ADB) : 9, 40 % Max Volatile Matter ( ADB) : 40, 23 % Max Fixed Carbon ( ADB) : 41, 49% Max Total Sulphur ( ADB) : 0, 96 % Max Gross Caloric Value ( ADB) : 6.300 Kcal / Kg - 6.100 Kcal High Grove Index : 48 Size : 0 - 50 mm 5. UNIT PRICE The unit price for the Indonesian Steam Coal purchased hereunder is US$ ...00 ( United States Dollar ..........only per Metric Ton) FOB Mother Vessel built in with full gear ( Cranes and Grabs ) at one safe anchorage Muara Satui, Tg Pemancingan Vessel anchorage, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, basis Calorific Value 6, 300 Kcal/ kg ( ADB) . 6. PREMIUM AND PENALTY 1. Calorific Value Should the actual calorific value of the coal as determined according with article 4 of this agreement be above 6, 300 Kcal/ KG ( ADB) or below 6, 300 Kcal/ Kg down to 6, 100 Kcal/ Kg, then the final invoice price of the coal shall be adjusted in accordance with the following formula: Adjusted Price = USD.. X Actual GCV 6.300 The weight applicable will be the weight adjusted for moisture. If actual calorific value at loading port is above 6, 300 Kcal/ kg ( Air Dried Basis) , premium payable only up to 6, 100 Kcal/ kg ( ADB) . 2. Total Moisture: If the total moisture of coal exceeds more than 14 % and up to rejection limit of 18 % on an as received basis, the weight for invoicing purposes shall be reduced by the percentage by which the percentage of Total Moisture exceeds 14 % up to the rejection limit of 18 % , fraction pro-rata. 3. Total Sulphur: If the actual total sulphur ( ADB) is above 0.9 % and up to the rejection limit of 1 % , then a penalty of US$ 0.10 / MT will be applied for every 0.1 % above 1 % up to the rejection limit of 1 % , on fraction pro-rata basis. Buyer has right to reject the cargo if the quality as determined as per article 9 for gross calorific value ( ADB) is below 6, 100 Kcal/ kg AND/ OR for total moisture ( AR) is above 18 % AND/ OR for total sulphur ( ADB) is above 1.2 % 7. TERMS OF DELIVERY FOBT Mother Vessel at one safe anchorage at Tanjung Pemancingan, or Taboneo anchorage South Kalimantan, Indonesia . 8. QUANTITY DETERMINATION The weight shall be final as determined at loading port by a survey of the vessel' s draft and utilising vessel' s immersion scale weight to the nearest tonne conducted by PT. SUCOFINDO at the loading port, and Certificate of Weight issued together with the certificate of sampling and analysis in relation to moisture adjustment, if any, shall be the basis for the Bill of Lading quantity. Draft survey shall be carried out in accordance with the Standard Code of Practice. The quantity loaded, as determined by PT. SUCOFINDO at the loading port, shall be final and binding on both parties and such weighing costs shall be to the Seller' s account. Buyer reserves the right, at its expense, to appoint an independent protective agent at load port to monitor loading / sampling / analysis of the vessel. Buyer shall inform the Seller to such appointment prior vessel arrival at load port. 9. QUALITY DETERMINATION The sampling and analysis will be performed at the loading port by PT. SUCOFINDO and the analysis carried out by this laboratory as per Clause 4 above shall be final and binding and form the basis for invoicing. Costs will be for Seller' s account. PT. SUCOFINDO will be also instructed to retain an umpire sample for a period of 2 months after sampling. Only if the analysis made appears to be manifestly wrong, either Party may request the umpire sample to be analyzed by another mutually acceptable laboratory. Such request must be made within the above 2 months' period on penalty of lapse of the right to challenge the analysis. The cost of such further analysis will be borne by the Party requesting the analysis. In case the umpire analysis proves that the initial analysis was manifestly wrong, the figures of the umpire analysis will replace the initial figures. In the alternative, the figures found by the first laboratory remain final and binding. Buyer reserves the right, at its expense, to appoint an independent protective agent at load port to monitor loading / sampling / analysis of the vessel. Buyer shall inform the Seller to such appointment prior vessel arrival at load port. 10. SHIPPING CONDITIONS The Buyer to nominate a self-loading ( geared) vessel suitable for carrying 100, 000 MT + / - 10% . The shipment shall be made only in vessels classified as per Lloyds 100A1 or equivalent up to / including 20 years of age. The vessel should have minimum four simultaneous workable holds and to be equipped with minimum 4 x 20 Tones Cranes and 4 x 7 CBM Grabs. The vessel has to provide power for simultaneous operation of 4 grabs. Seller agrees to provide sufficient experienced stevedores / shore labor for working / operating the grabs / cranes simultaneously. Any delay caused due to insufficient stevedore / shore labor despite Buyer providing sufficient power for simultaneous operation of all the holds / cranes / grabs, then all time lost to be on Seller' s account. Any time lost due to break down of cranes/ derricks and grabs not to be counted as lay-time even if vessel is already on demurrage. Time to count on pro-rata on number of cranes/ derricks and grabs working at time of breakdown occurrence. Ultimately 20 days before the first day of the laycan Buyer shall nominate a vessel or sub stating the following: a) Name, size and other particulars of vessel to be loaded. b) ETA of Nominated vessel c) Estimated intake d) Demurrage / Despatch Rate The Buyer will furnish the vessel details and documents as per clause 10.2 to the Seller for the Seller' s approval. The Seller shall accept the nominated vessel in writing ( by fax / email) within 24 hours SHEX after receipt of vessel details from the Buyer. With Seller' s acceptance, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, Buyer shall be entitled to substitute the nominated vessel with another vessel, provided Buyer gives written notice thereof to Seller not less than five ( 5) days before the latest accepted schedule date of arrival at loading port of the vessel originally nominated. The nomination of the substituted vessel shall be in accordance with 10.2 above. The schedule date of arrival of the substitute vessel and the quantity of coal to be loaded thereon shall not, without prior consent of Seller, differ from the latest accepted schedule date and quantity for the vessel originally nominated. Buyer or vessel owner or vessel agent shall notify Seller at loading port of the expected time of arrive 7 ( Seven) days, 5 ( Five) days, 4 ( Four) days, 48 ( Fourty Eight) hours and 24 ( Twenty Four) hours before arrival. After the vessel has arrived at loading port and is in all respect ready to load, buyer shall cause the Notice of Readiness ( N.O.R) of the vessel to receive the coal to be given t Seller at loading port. Notice of Readiness ( N.O.R) to be tendered by the Master and/ or Owners of the vessel, Monday through Sunday 09.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs ( LT) excluding Indonesian Major Holiday, provided vessel is in free pratique and is in all respect ready to load., whether in Port or Not, whether custom cleared or not. Laytime to commence06 hours after tendering of N.O.R. unless sooner commenced, if used actual time used to load is to count. The Seller guarantees the vessel loading rate of 6, 000-8, 000 MT PWWD of 24 consecutive hours SHINC. Full instruction regarding vessel, the make up and disposition of Bill of Lading and other documents and order for port( s) of discharge and to be sent to Seller at least 7 ( Seven) working days prior to loading. In case of anchorage loading: Barges to be placed alongside vessel at the Seller' s expense and the Seller will provide adequate fenders to Master' s satisfaction and barge to provide ropes / stevedores to provide rope boys - crew will assist WOG. Vessels' rate of Demurrage / Despatch will be as per Charter Party, which is to be advised at the time of vessel nomination. For settlement of demurrage / dispatch claim at loading port, both parties would finalize the laytime calculation sheet within 7 ( Seven) working days from the date of completion of loading based on the actual N.O.R and Statement of Facts duly signed by the master or vessel' s agent at loading port. 11. PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT CONDITIONS Within 7 ( seven) International Banking working days after received non-operative L/ C, Seller shall open the operative performance bond of 2% PB of the total L/ C value and L/ C will be automatically active by the bankers. Monies due under this Agreement ( the value of the coal loaded, adjusted for total moisture, calorific value, sulphur, and for the amount of demurrage or dispatch due) shall be settled by means of an irrevocable, transferable ( non) Letter of Credit 100 % at sight, opened by a world prime bank acceptable to Seller, payable/ negotiable in full at the counters of Buyer' s bank. Letter of Credit to be issued within 7 bank' s working days after signing contract. Final commercial invoice in 1 original and 2 copies, for the quantity as per B/ L weight including any weight adjustment for moisture and/ or quality adjustments for Calorific Value on fraction pro-rata basis. A separate Invoice or Credit note for the value of dispatch or demurrage respectively agreed by both parties, along with copy of loading port Notice of Readiness, Statement of Facts and actual laytime agreed duly stamped and signed and both parties 1 original and 3 copies of Certificate of Sampling and Analysis issued by independent surveyor showing actual analysis result of the cargo at loading port as determined and certifying that the cargo is free of foreign materials. 1 Original and 3 copies of Certificate of Weight issued by independent surveyor. 1 Original and 3 copies of Draft Survey Report issued by independent surveyor. 3/ 3 Original and 3 non negotiable Bill of Lading. 1 Original and 2 copies of Cargo Manifest 1 beneficiary certificate confirming 1/ 3 original Bill of Lading, Certificate of Analysis of Quality and Weight Certificate on ASTM standards have been sent by courier stating the airway bill number to applicant' s office. 1 Original and 2 copies of Certificate of Origin issued by the relevant Indonesian governmental authority. Seller is requested to provide all DRAFT documents by fax prior issuance of the originals in order to minimize possible discrepancies in the same. Seller is to advise shipping details within 1 working day of B/ L date by email and or fax. Seller is to fax copies of all relevant documents as soon as available, however prior presentation of the same under the Letter of Credit. 12. FORCE MAJEURE In the event of force majeure the obligations of both Seller and Buyer will be suspended until after the end thereof. If the force majeure last longer than 60 ( Sixty) days, either Party shall be entitled to cancel, by means of a written declaration and without court intervention, whole or part of the Agreement. In case of force majeure Buyer and Seller shall not be liable for any losses suffered as a result thereof by the other Party or its business relations. Force majeure is deemed to exist if the performance of a contractual obligation ( other than the payment of monies due in relation to deliveries and/ or services already made) of either Seller or Buyer will be wholly or partly prevented or impeded by any cause beyond the control of that Party and in case of circumstances due to which that Party cannot be required to accomplish the performance of its contractual obligations. In any event Parties shall be able to claim force majeure in case of strikes, lock-outs, labor disputes, sabotage, storm, floods and other natural phenomena, explosion, accidents, fire, war or acts of war, international conflicts, civil commotion, riot, insurrection, piracy, terrorism, blockade, epidemic, quarantine, sickness of personnel, embargo, mobilization, shortage of suitable transportation-, loading- or unloading facilities, transport-, loading- or unloading hindrances or -delays, distraints of whichever kind, export- or import restrictions or -prohibitions, institutions of quota and/ or other measures or acts of any government, international organization or agency thereof. 13. WARRANTY Seller shall deliver the goods sold hereunder free and clear of any liens, encumbrances or other claims of third parties. 14. LIQUIDATION CLAUSE Without limiting any other rights that may be available to the liquidating Party ( as hereinafter defined) , in the event that a Party hereto ( the " defaulting Party " ) is the subject of a bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding or fails to pay its debts generally as they become due, the other Party hereto ( the " liquidating Party " ) shall have the right, exercisable in its sole discretion and at any time, to liquidate this Agreement and any or all other Agreements then outstanding between the Parties ( whether the liquidating Party is the seller or buyer thereunder) by declaring any or all such Agreements terminated by means of a mere written statement ( whereupon they shall become automatically terminated, except for the payment obligation referred to below and any and all remaining payment obligations still existing under this Agreement) , calculating the difference, if any, between the price specified therein and the market price for the relevant commodity ( as determined by the liquidating Party in a commercially reasonable manner at the time or times reasonably determined by the liquidating Party) and aggregating or netting such market damages to a single liquidated settlement payment that will be due and payable upon first demand therefore. 15. TAXES All taxes, fees, duties and other similar charges ( however denominated) imposed on, or arising out of, the sale of the goods to the Buyer or on the goods themselves ( or value added thereto) subsequent to the passage of title to the Buyer, shall be for the account of and payable by the Buyer and all such items imposed prior to the passage of title to the Buyer shall be for the account of and payable by the Seller, according to the applicable law. Any income taxes arising out of or by virtue of this Agreement or its performance shall be for the sole account of the contracting Party on which they are legally imposed. 16. REMEDIES Remedies provided under this Agreement shall be cumulative and in addition to other remedies provided by law. 17. WAIVERS Failure of either Party to require strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, or such Party' s forbearance to exercise any right, shall not be deemed a waiver by such Party of its right to require strict performance or exercise such right in the future. 18. ASSIGNMENT Neither this Agreement nor the rights and obligations arising out of it may be assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred by either the Buyer or the Seller to any third party without the other Party' s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Despite the foregoing, either Party is allowed in principle to assign its rights and obligations to an affiliated company, provided the creditworthiness of the affiliated company is acceptable to the other party. 19. LANGUAGE All communications between the Buyer and the Seller with regard to this Agreement shall be in the English language. 20. CONFIDENTIALITY This Agreement is confidential and its contents will be kept strictly confidential by both the Buyer and the Seller. 21. INCOTERMS Except where provided otherwise herein, the provisions of INCOTERMS 2000 shall apply. 22. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore with explicit exclusion of the Contracts ( Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. 23. JURISDICTION Any dispute of whatever nature arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will in first instance be decided by the competent Board of Singapore National Arbitration, Singapore. 24. MISCELLANEOUS CLAUSES This Agreement contains the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all previous writings, understandings, negotiations, representations or agreements with respect thereto. This Agreement shall only come into force after being signed by both Buyer and Seller. Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in the form of an addendum to the Agreement and shall come into force only after both Parties will have signed the addendum, whereafter it will form an integral part of this Agreement. This Agreement is automatically terminated in the event that the Letter of Credit as aforesaid in the article 11 is not issued within 1 month after signed agreement In spite of the foregoing and notwithstanding the Seller' s obligation to return the Agreement duly signed, the Seller' s acceptance of a performing vessel shall signify binding acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, even if the Seller has not executed this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable to any extent, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired thereby. If the invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement or any other circumstance concerning the performance under this Agreement reveals a situation not provided for in this Agreement, Buyer and Seller shall jointly seek an arrangement having a valid legal and economic effect which will be as similar as possible to the ineffective provision and will cover the scope of any missing provision in a manner reasonably directed to the purpose of this Agreement. 25. BANK DETAILS Buyer' s Bank Details BANK : ADDRESS : ACCT NAME : ACCT # : Tel No. : Fax No. : Swift Code : Seller' s Bank Details BANK : BANK MANDIRI ADDRESS : Lambung Mangkurat Street 3 Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Indonesia ACCT NAME : CV ADI MULIA ACCT # : 031-00-0528439-6 Swift Code : BEIIDJA 26. DOMICILLIUM All communications and/ or notices under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given in terms of this Agreement should they be sent by mail, facsimile or telex transmission to either Party at their following address : THE BUYER : THE SELLER : Tel : Tel : + 6281933773017 Fax : Fax : + 625114364999 Email : Email : adimuliacoal@ or at such other addresses as either party may from time to time designate in writing. BUYER : SELLER : FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SUMARDI DIRECTOR + 6281254412414 ~ + 6281933773017 ------------------------------ THIS EXAMPLE ---------------------------- FULL CORPORATE OFFER Banjarmasin City, May 05, 2009 From : CV ADI MULIA, Cempaka XI Street RT.20/ 8A Banjarmasin City, Indonesia Email : adimuliacoal@, attn : Sumardi To. : THE BUYERS Dear Sir, Madam, Thank you for your attention, we looking seriously the buyer steamcoal origin Indonesia, contract system FOB Basis or CIF Port of Discharge its agree and I would like to inform you the following demand of steamcoal from Indonesia, the follows : 01. Commodity : Steamcoal Origin in Bulk from Indonesia 02. Quality : 1. GCV 5500 Rejected 5300 Kcal/ Kg ( ADB) 2. GCV 5800 Rejected 5600 Kcal.Kg ( ADB) 3. GCV 6300 Rejected 6100 Kcal/ Kg ( ADB) 03. Quantity : 1) . 30.000 ~ 60.000 MT / Month ( Â ± 10% ) 2) . 40.000 ~ 80.000 MT / Month ( Â ± 10% ) 3) . 40.000 ~ 60.000 MT / Month ( Â ± 10% ) 04. Period of Contract : 12 Month / yearly 05. Port Capacity : 300/ 320 Feet ( 8000MT) 06. Loading Rates : Min. 8000 MT/ day PWWS SHIC 07. Anchorage Vessel : TABONEO ANCHORAGE SOUTH KALIMANTAN E > 03Â ° 41' 300 " S > 114Â ° 28' 010 " 08. Price : 1) . $ 45, 00/ MT. 2) . $ 58, 00/ MT. 3) .$ 68, 00/ MT 09. Payment System : 1. FOB Mother Vessel Taboneo Anchorage Point, Indonesia 10. Payment : 100% Irrevocable Transferable Confirmation L/ C at Sight 11. Performance Bond : 1) . 2% from Prime Bank International ( FOB Basis ) 2) . If Non PB ( for CIF Port Of Diascharge ) 12. Steamcoal Specification : From Seller at Attachament 13. Determinations of Qty : The International Independent Surveyor appointed is SUCOFINDO or GEOSERVICE 14. Delivery : Within 45 days after receiving of the L/ C 15. Falidity Offer : Max 7 days Please you send and shown the Full LOI and BCL data etc Should you further question with regard to our offer, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, I am waiting for your favorable reply by email, in the maintime we remain with the kind of regards. Best Regards, Thank you very much and best regards. SUMARDI Director + 6281254412414 ( sms only) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = EXAMPLE YOUR LOI : LETTER HEAD AND FULL ADDRESS Country , Date: ........................................... To : CV.ADI MULIA GROUP Attn. Director SUMARDI in Indonesia Email: adimuliacoal@ Dear Sirs, We, ( buyer s company name) and or her nominee a registered company based in ( country) hereby declare that we are ready, willing and able to purchase the following commodity as specified below and certify that we have full funding available for the purchase. Name of the Product : Steam coal GCV & & .. kCal rejection & & .. kCal/ Kg. Name of the Product : Steam coal GCV & & & kCal rejection & & .. kCal/ Kg. Quantity : 40, 000-45, 000 MT/ month X 12 Months ( filled) . Quantity : 50.000~ 80.000 MT/ month x 24 Months ( filed) Contract period : 12 Months, with possible rollovers and Extensions. Terms of Delivery : FOB MV ~ CIF, EAST / SOUTH Kalimantan Coal specification : ( Needed or as your purchase) Price FOB basis : USD & & / MT Price FOB basis : USD & & / MT Price CIF : USD & ../ MT Port of Discharge & & & Port & ...... Country& & Price CIF : USD& & / MT Port of Discharge & & & & & & Port & & & . Country& & & & . Price Revision every Shipment. Price revision acceptable for reasonable reasons such as increase in Global market price and other reasonable reasons. Terms of Payment : Irrevocable, Confirmed, Transferrable LC 100% payable at sight from prime bank Performance Bond : 2% of the LC value to activate the payment instrument ( FOB MV ) Performance Bond : NON PB FOR CIF PORT DISCHARGE Buyer s Banking Details ( filled) Full Name of the LC issuing Bank : ___________________Full address of the LC issuing Bank : ___________________Bank officer in charge : ___________________Bank officer s contact no : ___________________Bank Telephone no : ___________________Bank Fax no : ___________________Bank Account Name : ___________________Bank Account no : ___________________Bank SWIFT code : ___________________Name of the confirming Bank : ___________________( PRIME BANK International) Bank Telephone no : ___________________( applicable if the buyer s bank is not a prime bank) Bank Officer in charge : ___________________Bank officer s contact no : ___________________Full name of Signatory : ___________________Designation of the Signatory : For ( Buyer s company name) _________________________( signature of buyer) ( affix company seal here) Buyer s Company Letter Head ( including address and contact details) You may click the " Company Info " , " Trade Offers " and " Contact Us " to browse and see other informations of CV ADI MULIA' s website. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK TOKEK PENAWARAN TOKEK Dengan ini kami sampaikan lampiran photo terakhir 15 Februari 2010, kami tak mengambil photo lagi cukup dengan hasil itu, silahkan pembeli kalau memang benar serius dapat melihat dengan ketentuan bahwa barang kami legal dengan - berat limit 6, 5 ons dan 6 ons ( 2 Ekor ) dengan harga pas 60M kalau bapak berani harga lebih tinggi sesuai iklan bapak di Indonetwork - biaya notaris, biaya perizinan membawa dan lain lain tanggung jawab pembeli - pemilik barang hanya mengeluarkan komisi kepada mediator yang terdaftar sebesar 2, 5% dari harga deal di transaksi - terakhir ditimbang : a. panjang 84, 6 cm berat 7, 38 onslebar 16 cm jarak antara mata kanan kiri dan dari mata kanan ke rahang 2cm dan ke mata kiri ke rahang 2cm , jadi lebar + / -20cm b. panjang 72, 3 cm berat 6, 62 ons lebar 14 cm jarak antara mata kanan kiri dan dari mata kanan ke rahang 2cm dan ke mata kiri ke rahang 2cm , jadi lebar + / -18cm - jadi sebagai pegangan transaksi adalah kami menjamin di berat limit saja, karena siapa saja tidak tau kapan dia akan ganti kulit, akan terjadi penurunan berat, jadi yang dipegang berat limit, ketentuan keseriusan buyer Rp.250juta akan dibayar jika barang tidak ada, sebaliknya jika barang ada sesuai ukuran limit, maka buyer wajib menyediakan uang di depan barang dan bayar Rp.250 juta diluar harga transaksi setelah melihat barang yg dimaksud ditempat lokasi barang. harap pembeli langsung yang membuat surat minat jika berminat, kami siap menjawab demikian pemberitahuan terima kasih sumardi + 6281254412414 | ||
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