Tanggal Bergabung: 24 May. 2023 - Terakhir Diperbarui: 1 Jul. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha : Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Enerji
Penjelasan Ringkas
We have done research and has received the results of Coal Stove fuel and water, where the composition of coal 25% and 75% water. This stove has been tested and works for a replacement community LPG Gas stove, or kerosene stoves. This stove is more economical compared with other stoves.
We are looking for partners to produce this stove entrepreneurs on a large scale and sold to the public.
These stoves have registered and have Intellectual Patent Rights from the office of IPR
Please contact us if the company you are interested to become a partner or investor.
Contact Gim Ginting Hp: 0813866248769, or email: gimginting@ yahoo.com
Produk / Jasa Utama
Ajak Kerjasama :
- Kompor Bahan Bakar Air + Batubara
Penemuan Baru Kompor dengan bahan bakar batubara + Air
Pertama dan satu2nya di INdonesia dan Dunia
Kompor ini lebih aman tidak bisa meledak dan lebih ekonomis
karena lebih murah dari kompor lain spt Kompor Gas, Kompor Minyak tanah dan lainnya
Tidak mengeluarkan asap sehingga ramah lingkungan, sangat istimewa dan praktis, Murah dan Aman