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Digital Acidity Meters ( alat ukur digital keasaman buah )
Alat ukur digital keasaman buah.

Digital Acidity Meters :
With checking out Acidity ( Sourness) of fruits accuately and quickliy,
- To decide the appropriate havest....
Digital Refractometers/ Sugar Meter ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Mengukur Kadar Gula Buah-Buahan )
Digital Refractometers/ Sugar Meter :

With checking out brix% / sweetness of fruits, vegetables, foods and etc accurately and quickly,
- To decide the appropriate....
PH Controller
Djual :
Model : PPH-2108
* 0 to 14 pH x 0.01 pH.
* ATC ( automatic temperature compensation) .
* pH control setting, Temp. control setting.
* pH....
Fruit Brix-Acidity & Fruits Acidity Meter ( Keasaman Buah & Alat Ukur Keasaman Buah )
Keasaman Buah & Alat Ukur Keasaman Buah.

Brix-Acidity Meter : GMK-706R
With checking out . BRIX( Sweetness) / Acidity( Sourness) of fruits accurately and quickly,
Multi Grain Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Banyak Jenis Biji )
* Alat Ukur Kelembaban Banyak Jenis Biji.
Multi-Grain Moisture Meters :
Uses: With checking out moisture content in grains accurately and quickly
- To decide the appropriate....
Upright metallurgical microscope L3030 Series
L3030 reflected and transmited microscope is suitable to observe surfaces of on- transparent object or trans object
it is equipped with, vertical illuminator, plan achromatic....
Red Pepper Powder Starch
Alat Ukur Kelembatan Tepung atau Merica atau Serbuk Merica atau Pati atau Vanili atau Tapioka..

With checking out the moisture content in Flour atau Red Pepper Power....
Digital Readout System DC- 3000
Sinowon produk digital readout DC300 ismature dirancang untuk pengukuran bidang 2D, adalah applicabe dengan alat pengukur optik, susc sebagai Projektor profil, sistem pengukuran....
Jual Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi )
Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu atau Teh atau Kopi
Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters : GMK-305T
With checking out the moisture content in honey, tea leaves or coffe beans....
Digital Urine S.G Refractometer ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Pengukuran S.G Urine )
Refractometer Digital Untuk Pengukuran S.G Urine.

With checking out specific gravity of urine accurately and quickly.
- To estimate malfunction of kidney & etc in....
Digital Thermometer/ Thermo Hygro Meter
Digital Thermometer atau Thermo Higro Meter.

To control the enviroment of working places, With checking out Temperature of the air, oil, soils, water & etc accurately....
Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital )
Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital.

With checking out the salt density of foods accurately and quickly,
- To control the salinity of foods to add salt, preserved in brine....
Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi )
Madu / Teh Coffee Moisture Meter / :

Dengan memeriksa kadar air dalam madu, teh daun atau biji kopi secara akurat dan cepat,
- Untuk menjaga kelembaban....
Coating thickness meter CM-8820
Model: CM8820
* Operating principle: magnetic induction ( F)
* Measuring range: 0-2000um
* Resolution; 0.1/ 1
* Accuracy:  ± 5% n or  ± 5um
* Min. measuring area: 6mm
* Min....
Seed Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Benih )
Alat Ukur Kelembaban Benih.

With checking out the moisture content in seeds accurately and quickly.
- To estimate germanitaion rate of seeds in advance..
- To....
Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )
Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu atau Tembakau atau Jerami.

With checking out the moisture contet in wood, tobacco or hay accurately and quickly,
- To keep the same contet....
Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )
Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters.

With checking out the moisture content in wood, tobacco or hay accurately and quickly.
- To keep the same content of moisture as....
Jual Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi )
Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi.

With checking out the moisture content in honey, tea leaves or coffe beans accurately and quickly,
- To keep the same content....
Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )
Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu atau Tembakau atau Jerami.
With checking out the moisture content in wood, tobacco or hay accurately and quickly,
à � To keep the same content....
Upright metallurgical microscope XJL-101 Series
XJL-101 series refled metallurgical microscopes are suitable to observe the microscopical surfaces of non-transparent object. They are equipped with large move range meachanical....
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