We provide best quality canned pineapple whole slices in syrup and canned pineapple pieces / broken slices, chunks and titbits. Pineapple is safely canned in sweet syrup, water or....
SunImpex offers Canned Fruit cocktail which is prepared from diced fruit and syrup. The use of the word " cocktail" in the name does not mean that the dish contains alcohol, but....
SunImpex offers Pineapple Juice Concentrate which is extracted from pineapple juice of fresh and juicy tropical pineapples. Pineapple Juice Concentrate is ultimately obtained by....
Tomato puree is a processed food product and generally lacks the additives .Tomato puree is manufactured from sound, mature, selected tomatoes, free from damage, cuts and soil.....
SunImpex provides Pineapple Pulp of fresh tropical pineapples. Pineapples are cultivated in many tropical regions throughout the world for commercial use. Pineapple Pulp is....
SunImpex Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate is prepared from fresh tropical Passion fruit of highest quality. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate extraction undergoes rigorous quality....
Canned Pear is the product prepared from pears of proper maturity of commercial canning varieties conforming to the characteristics of the fruit of Pyrus communis or Pyrus....