- Brunner & Lay Drilling Accessories
Brunner & Lay, established in 1882, manufactures an extensive range of quality tools for
use in the Rock Drilling, Quarrying, Mining, Tunneling, Construction, Civil Engineering, and
Demolition industries worldwide.
Brunner & Lay’s reputation for being “Built to Last” has been nurtured throughout the years
by continuous research, development, and testing of the Company’s wide range of product,
together with ongoing investment in modern technology and machinery.
This catalog features Brunner &Lay’s wide range of Drilling Accessories that have been
designed for today’s hard hitting rock drills. Customer requirements, other than the products
featured in this catalog, will be considered by special arrangement.
Material, drawings, and pictures in this catalog are the property of Brunner & Lay and are not
to be reproduced without written permission.
Brunner & Lay reserves the right to amend product specifications without prior notification.
The company’s liability in respect to any warranty claim is limited to replacement, and does
not extend to any other expenditure incurred or to any consequential damage. Warranty
claims are subject to immediate notification of any problems and return of the product in
question to Brunner & Lay under the Returned Goods Policy.
To insure safety, operators should select the correct tool for their machine and the job they
are performing.
No other warranty is expressed or implied.
- Techking Tyre for Heavy Duty Equipment
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