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Resik Gemilang Cipta
Kontak Perusahaan | ||
Nama: | Tn. Gerry G Soeria S [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum] | |
E-mail: | Kirim Pesan | |
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Nomor Faks: | ||
Alamat: | Jl Sigma Kav 107 Bandung 40152, Jawa Barat Indonesia | |
email : garnafan.arsitek@ | ||
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 24 May. 2023 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 13 Jan. 2012 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Jasa dari kategori Layanan Bisnis | |
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Jasa Layanan Kami adalah : 1. Desain Arsitektur ( Rumah Tinggal, Perumahan, Pertokoan, Mall, Rumah Sakit, Kantor, Ruko, Resort, Hotel, Spa, Modular System, Master Plan, Planner, Landscape Arsitektur, Stadion, Warehouse, Pelabuhan, Airport dan Pom Bensin) 2. Jasa layanan Interior ( Toko, Restoran, Kapal Pesiar, Mobil Sistem, Rumah Tinggal, Hotel, Museum) 3. Jasa Layanan Manajemen Konstruksi 4. Jasa Layanan Pengawasan Bangunan 5. Jasa Layanan Architecture Services ( 3D presentation, estimator, drafting, civil estimator structure, surveyor and topograhy ( total station) , maket) 6. Jasa Layanan Kontraktor BASIC SERVICES: DESIGN 1. Architecture Design: - Design Feasibility Studies / Studi Kelayakan - Preliminary Design / Pra Rencana - Design Development / Pengembangan Desain - Construction Drawing / Gambar Konstruksi - Construction Document / Dokumen Konstruksi - Temporary Supervision / Pengawasan Berkala - Cost Estimation / Rencana Anggaran Biaya 2. Civil and Structural Design: - Building Structural Design/ Desain Struktur Bangunan - Transportation Design and Engineering/ Desain Rekayasa Transportasi - Infrastructure Design and Engineering / Desain Rekayasa Infrastruktur 3. Mechanical and Electrical Design 4. Interior Design 5. Furniture Design 6. Master Planning & Urban Design: - Master Planning / Visioning - Mixed Use Development - Urban Development - Waterfront Design - New Town/ Community Planning - Health Facilities Planning - Industrial Planning - Tourism / Resort Planning - Design Standards & Guidelines 7. Landscape Design: - Streetscape / Public Open Space - Institutional / Office - Residential Open Space - Playgrounds, Parks and Waterfront 8. Environmental Graphic Design - Street / Public Space Signage - Building and Interior Signage 9. VISUALIZATION 1. 3 D Rendering Visualization & Presentation 2. 3 D Animation 3. Multimedia Presentation 10. Surveyor and Topography | ||
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