RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE IDENTIFICATION TYPE SAM 940 Alat pendeteksi radiasi nuclear Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384
SAM 940 Overview ( RIID)
Our groundbreaking new Radiation Isotope Identifier ( called a RIID by Dept of Homeland Security) , offers a suite of features to address a growing range of applications. From the technical needs of a health physicist to a first responder in a HAZMAT suit, the SAM 940 Defender and Revealer will excite your field users.
The Berkeley Nucleonics SAM 940 Defender was developed to give users what they need â � � simple operation options, the ability react quickly, and automatically obtain reliable, accurate technical data. Several modes of operation give users a range of technical reports on isotope identification and dose rate characterization. The most simple is a basic Isotope IDâ � ¦ the most complex includes nuclide specific dose calculations, gps and historical data and an analysis of statistical confidence levels.
Upon power-up, the SAM 940 performs a quick self-test and immediately begins monitoring; even after a lengthy power-down, temperature stabilization and automatic calibration guarantees accurate identification results.
BNC' s innovative approach to Radionulcide Isotope Identifiers ( RIID)
We are no strangers to innovation and our history indicates this. We have provided the isotope identification market with order-of-magnitude speed improvements in identification of unknown and mixed isotopes. The BNC Model SAM 905, our first isotope identifier, is an area monitor capable of isotope identification in real time. The Model SAM 935 was the first isotope identifier that provided users the ability to search large areas without stopping to collect statistics at various geometries. The Model SAM 935 eliminated costly activities for many users, such as sending samples to a lab and waiting days or weeks for analysis. The Model SAM 940 is the first isotope identifier designed after the publication of ANSI 42.34 ( American National Standard Performance Criteria for Hand-held Instruments for the Detection and Identification of Radionuclides) . In conformance with ANSI 42.34, we have engineered a product that excels in performance and packaging. Along with an ergonomic enclosure, the Model SAM 940 offers exceptional ruggedization, internal reliability, a flexible user interface, extended battery life on COTS or rechargeable batteries, networkability and automatic calibration. Data is delivered in a variety of formats, including the ANSI 42.42 spectral report format requirement, Cambio, Peak Easy or other industry standards.
Software Packages
For the most sophisticated users, the latest version of our quantitative analysis package, Quantum NaI/ D, will allow users of the SAM 940 to perform a range of post-process analyses with unprecedented functionality. Logging complex data can be performed in real time, on a local PC, and over a network. Advanced features like peak deconvolution, geometry modeling, and multi-source comparisons are quickly addressed by the Quantum NaI/ D operator.
For the first responder, the SAM 940 Viewer is the ideal software utility. ANSI compliant spectral reports are easily generated and downloadable for Dept. of Defense ( USDOD) , Dept. of Energy ( USDOE) or Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) reachback support. The 940 Viewer software utility presents the spectral header along with the statistically valid identification report in an easy to read, graphical format. ( Contact the factory for an evaluation copy and sample data sets of most isotopes)
Data Storage and Memory
The SAM 940 includes a large removable memory source, Compact Flash card ( CF) , to enable a range of operator and management tasks. For storage and transfer of data, CF Cards may be used to load updated ANSI Compliant data files onto PCs or other peripherals. Firmware upgrades to the operating system may also be emailed from the factory and loaded locally onto your CF Card. Custom Libraries and User Profiles can all be easily addressed with the onboard CF Card Memory Slot.
GPS Options
For applications which require GPS spatial information along with a time and date stamp, a convenient GPS package is available for the SAM 940. This GPS package includes a commercially available, WAAS-enabled GPS device from the Garmin Geko series or similar. For more advanced GPS taskes, our latest OS upgrade, EAGLE-R, allows end users resolution down to 1 foot and data logging of GPS and radiographic data.
Applications for GPS related spectroscopic data range from topographical map developments and land reclamation to accident mitigation and perimeter monitoring. With the basic GPS package, the ANSI N42.42 compliant spectral reports will include GPS coordinate information, with a typical position accuracy of 3 meters. Other software features include a 2-dimensional map of collected measurements and position-based spectrum search results.
Independent Evaluation Reports
Berkeley Nucleonics is pleased to provide reports on the Model SAM 940 Defender and Revealer as required. Reports are typically conducted by independent test agencies on behalf of larger Federal customers. In a recent study on RIIDs in field test scenarios, the BNC SAM system ranked first in identification of isotopes in several catagories. The test included HPGe, LaBr, NaI and CsI materials.
In a second recent study, the Model SAM 940 Defender was rated against the Canberra Inspector and the Thermo/ Target/ ICx Identifinder. Each instrument was evaluated and rated with regard to published specifications, actual radioisotope identification capabilities and actual first responder use/ feedback. The evaluation was performed with a user group that included technical spectroscopists and field users on all 3 instruments at the same time. The Model SAM 940 was fastest at finding and identifying radioisotopes. Responders preferred the Model SAM 940 due to the speed, ease of use and the color screen capabilities.
Contact BNC for a copy of the full evaluation report Click here
Operating System Upgrade
The SAM Defender and SAM Revealer are one-hand portable radiation detectors and isotope identifiers loaded with features. The product is well suited for radiological detection requirements ranging from interdiction and first responders to field analytical sampling and environmental clean up. The field-programmable system gives expert users a host of control options ranging from library modifications and alarm thresholds to automated reachback options for US Dept of Energy or US Dept of Homeland Security support
EAGLE, the first of two operating system upgrades, addresses a growing need for the first responder' s ease of use. Useful Graphic User Interface changes, such as customized audible alarms and a ë Move Closer / Move Backà indicator, assist the first time user during initial survey or first responder data collection. Automated transfer of N42.42 compliant data gives the management team visibility to the radiological signatures in real time from a remote location. Library modifications are also included, enabling a broader range of medical and industrial isotope identification.
EAGLE-L, the second operating system upgrade, adds features that integrate with multiple 3rd party devices. High performance GPS ( 1 foot special resolution) , law enforcement radio communication interoperability, unmanned data logging and user-defined ROI logging are some of the handy features in the EAGLE-L upgrade.
With our ongoing library editing and GUI changes, we are expanding the applications well suited for the SAM systemsî , comments Jim McQuaid, Chief Nuclear Engineer. Our training classes are expanding to address participants from a growing list of fields. New students are participating from diverse fields such as nuclear medicine, law enforcement and waste cleanup.
The SAM Isotope Identifiers are available from stock, and are priced between $ 10, 000 and $ 20, 000, depending on detector and software options. The SAM family of instruments are compliant with ANSI N42 standards for RIIDs, and qualify for CST, UASI, or MMRS funding requests. New detector options address difficult SNM characterization, neutron detection, and fast identification of moving materials or pedestrians. Visit the company website at or call 800-234-7858 to discuss your program requirements. Berkeley Nucleonics offers consulting services with Certified Health Physicists and personnel with multiple clearances as required.
� Industry Leading Spectral Resolution
� No Warm Up or Waiting Period
� One Hand / One Glove Operation
� Network Ready with ANSI N42.42 Data Transmission
� Search and Confirm with One Instrument
� COTS Batteries for Rapid Deployment
� Highest Sensitivity and Response in Real Time
� Operates Accurately in High Background
� Auto Calibration and Stabilization with NORM
� Cambio or Peak Easy Compatible
� Ships with ANSI-Viewer Software
� DOE Reachback Ready, JAC Ready
� Emergency Response
� Law Enforcement
� Homeland Security
� Undercover Surveillance
� Industrial
� Medical
� Radiation Safety
� Passenger and Freight Monitoring
� Non-proliferation Enforcement
� Health Physics
� Environmental Waste Monitoring
� Unattended/ Remote Monitoring
� Industry Leading Spectral Resolution
� No Warm Up or Waiting Period
� One Hand / One Glove Operation
� Network Ready with ANSI N42.42 Data Transmission
� Search and Confirm with One Instrument
� COTS Batteries for Rapid Deployment
� Highest Sensitivity and Response in Real Time
� Operates Accurately in High Background
� Auto Calibration and Stabilization with NORM
� Cambio or Peak Easy Compatible
� Ships with ANSI-Viewer Software
� DOE Reachback Ready, JAC Ready
� Emergency Response
� Law Enforcement
� Homeland Security
� Undercover Surveillance
� Industrial
� Medical
� Radiation Safety
� Passenger and Freight Monitoring
� Non-proliferation Enforcement
� Health Physics
� Environmental Waste Monitoring
� Unattended/ Remote Monitoring